Monday, July 6, 2020

Death-But not really

I just found out that my elder cousin passed away. The funny thing is I never knew that Larry was my mother's cousin until 2004. I remember talking with my mother Louisa, and one day she said to me, "make sure you say hello to my cousin down that way. I said who is that. She replied on Larry Wade." I then told her that me and Larry always hung out and that I attended sweats with him. I guess you could say, that's when I became closer to my "cuz." 
The family believes that he had sar-covid-2. I say that because that is what the hospital related to the family. With the hysteria of the covid thing going rampant, why wouldn't the family believe the "health experts?"
Anyway, Larry Wade was an elder and tireless crusader of A.A.,  ideas, projects, and acts -  that contributed to someone's sobriety and peoples well being. My cousin was not a professional counselor but knew more than the average counselor when it came to our people. Plus he was a man that lived and breathed our Native Spirituality. Being an elder, my cousin was a strong man, both physically and spiritually. I guess you can say that he was more than protected when it comes to sickness. In Anishinabeg society, if you practice what you preach, you will be taken care of by the Manidoog. When I first got into the counseling field, my cousin Larry was very ecstatic and happy for me. I got my first job with the state of Minnesota. It was a program called 4-winds, it was an all Native client program. Uncle Larry would always be there for our weekly feasts and sweat lodges. He was very inspirational and motivated towards clients well being. 
When I landed the job with the state he was pretty excited. He started to tell me the Native people who were responsible for the development of the program. He then went on to relate some Native statistics about how many times a person went to treatment and all that stuff. 
Having the Corona is a double-edged sword. On one hand, family members were told that he had acquired the virus and at the same time, he's an American Indian. What many people and especially Native people don't remember, is that Indians are public enemy number 1. Uncle Larry knew this. We would always talk about his tribe, the Mille Lacs band, and how it is ineffective with its people in many ways, including health and medical care. What is believed by all of my uncle's relatives is that he had the virus and that's dangerous within itself. I saw one young man post his death and say that Larry had the sars-covid-2(professional name). What people are failing to see is that when and if there is a death, many hospitals are reporting the deaths as "covid" related. Whether or not the deceased person died of covid, Indians across the board are being suspicious of who really has covid and who doesn't. Its like owning a treatment center and saying a person needs treatment and they really don't qualify for treatment. What many people are failing to see is that if a medical facility reports a death by covid, than they receive a higher rate of pay across the board, including death discharges. If someone dies of a heart attack, the medical facilities are instructed to tell the media, that the person who died from the heart attack was due to the corona virus. This pandemic has run its course and many Indian people are listening to the Whiteman and his lies again, in regards to the virus. Indian people have lost their ability to think, act, and see for themselves. You see me and Larry always talked about seeing and reporting the truth. We both agreed that Tribal Governments were necessary but not trusted or very beneficial to the average Indian, Including this pandemic. Most Indians, especially tribal governments cannot act like our ancestors, with regards to Honor, compassion, and bravery. Its like one elder told me "give an Indan a dollar bill and he will see the devil that comes with it." That my friends is what has stripped the Indian from his Spirituality. Uncle Larry helped everyone that he could. I remember one of the last times that I stayed with him, he had a guy by the name of Nerbert staying with him. I guess he knew Nerbert from back in his drinking days and they were old friends. Larry happen to run to Minneapolis and run into Nerbert. Nerbert must have told Larry that he was homeless and on the streets. With no hesitation, Larry invited him to stay at his house. Larry always had his Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren at his house. He had custody of a few of his Grandchildren. It was always a pleasure to witness the life that Larry had with his Grandchildren. It reminded me of my life at home with my Grandchildren as well. Being at uncle Larry's was a treat within itself. He and his wife Nadine were a cool, different type of couple. Nadine laid down the law and together, they practiced their traditional way of life. 
Uncle Larry loved to sing, we sang more than a few times together. We attended many sweats at his house or in the community. 
But the covid? Yeah, maybe he had pneumonia or something related to it but not the virus. I don't say that because I didn't want him to have the infliction, I say that because he was an Indian. You see the Military-medical- pharma industry is the gangsters of America. Indian people are public enemy number one. I say this because if there are no Indians in America, then there is no reminder of the Holocaust that was manufactured against our peoples of North and South America. Uncle Larry also knew that Indians needed more lawyers and needed to get their shit together. Having an Indan with the Sars-covid-2 is the equivalent of having all the gold in the world, with regards to D.N.A and Biology. What most Indians believe is that we are susceptible to the sars-covid2 virus. Maybe or maybe not, but most Indians should know that bio-warfare was relinquished on us many years ago. What Indians have forgotten, is that Bio-warfare has still been relinquished on our homelands, we just chose to forget about it. Many of our Indian relatives have been systematically "duped" by many tribal programs, free money, and a vast fisaud of new age teachings. The divide and conquer syndrome is being worked by tribal politicians, tribal programs and the Minnesota Chippewa tribe, to say a few. The brainwashing of local tribal people runs deep within families and the tribal workers who run the day to day operations of any tribe. In many tribes, there is this type of rasicm that exists, which says if you arent an enrolled member of the local tribe, you are a much lesser being and "go back to your own tribe." Most of the tribal members of my uncle's tribe would qualify as hang around the fort and fort Indians themselves due to the adoption of many western ideals and practices, but don't tell them I told you. So, when it comes to accepting the current pandemic norms and procedures, most band members of the tribe - follow their tribal government's directives and policies. These same band members excitingly and proudly follow their tribe's statutes, local laws, and local trumped-up Indian traditions. These Indians are the majority of the tribe and continue to inoculate their families and local band members with the federal poisons of what qualifies a tribe to be recognized. In essence, the Federal government dictates through a one-way glass - if you would - what should be accepted and what should be normal business practices due to the current pandemic.

Now that Bio-warfare has been unleashed to the global public, Indians are scared and acting scared. Being scared has had no place in our communities, but because many Indians have adopted so many western ideas, value, and way of living, seeing scared white people-scares some of the Indians. 
Where is the sovereign immunity for my cousin? If he did have the sars-covid-2 virus, what Tribal directives of the Mille Lacs band and the Minnesota Chippewa tribe were imposed or initiated on the behalf of my cousin, with regards to testing procedures, medical treatment and deceased arrangements, due to the virus?
You see my cousin was not one of the favorite flavors of the tribe. He was not a big-drum caretaker, he was not a business politician, therefor Melony and her cronies, will not give him special treatment or customs, because he was not religiously or politically important. 

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