Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello out there

I have been very busy this winter with unemployment business.
I want to send shouts out to Mary, Big Beaver and all the other liers out ther in the world. Thanks for everything. My personal struggles are very satisfyinga nd thought provoking. Hey big beaver, why don't you tell al the Millelacs children how much you and some of your cronies drink alcohol and sing.
Mary, why don't you investigate the people around you. You have a big ass bug, ripping the children off and you just look the other way.
Anyhow, thanks for the leave. You have done alot for my soul.

Now, i can fish, hunt work on personal business and not worry about a 9 to five. Cool.

I am nowhere close to finished with my personal writings. I could fill a couple of books. For now, i will stay in cognito and continue my Spiritual journey.

To all of you people who do not care for me.. I will write about you some day. For the true-down to earth people-I love you and always will.

Me and my family are very well and enjoying life. Besides, my wife hates liers...............