Friday, July 30, 2010

Not in my back yard

Not in my back yard. We have all heard that expression.

When i hear that phrase a lot of things come to mind.

"I'm going to rape her"

This is what a young man had said one time at our ceremonies. The young kid(obviously) did not know the ramifications or magnitude of what he really said AND Meant for that matter.

This young man and his family had attended our ceremonies as participants, believers and healers.

From this point on, when the young man had said what he said, the powers that be(supposedly) ostracized him and his family. The family was publicly humiliated in some grand-small way. The young man was targeted and lab led as "troubled." First of all, what he said was purely wrong, but, that didn't matter to the powers that be and contiue to be. He was marked and labled(oh my gosh does'nt this happend in the school system?". His father was told that " he had to watch his kid at the ceremonies."

In our Midewiwin faith, the real believers and humans are versatile and very thick skinned. We have lived amongst the Anishinabeg people and "natives" all of our lives. We understand the common man and his thinking. We TRULY know the power of forgiving.


The leader and his brother were the victims here. Even though no apparent action was ever taken by the young man(perpetrator). When the leader and his brother were threatened in their limited tribal worlds, of course they reacted. They reacted to what they know best and what they have been trained to do from the elite social groups and universities. THEY SIMPLY TOLD THE FAMILY TO CONFORM TO THE FICTITIOUS-MAN MADE WAYS OR LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK.

And that's precisely what this family did, they left the ceremonies a few years ago and NEVER came back. Thanks, Foxy and white foxy, you really are true Anishinabeg people.

This is one problem wrong with tribal communities and worlds. We allow the dominating western-trained tribal people in to our worlds and we allow them to think and manipulate and dictate their "social orders" unto our communities. So, when a young man as myself address the problems of balance and human nature, i am treated as the "stupid kid in the center of the classroom." I am labeled as a "quack", "unauthentic", a traitor and all the crap that goes with western training, bureaucracy and thought process's.

I am not perfect and have never given the vibe of perfection. I am not arrogant nor boastful. I do know what is happening to our Spiritual teachings and way of life. That is why I write. If my writing is nor perfect or legible, um what do we say in our language when it comes to mistakes........the Spiritual beings of the Earth know what is in my heart and mind, so they (Spiritual forces) will correct and fix what i have ill-communicated..

Back to the rapist story.......

Neither once did Foxy or white foxy ever apologize to the family. Why would they have to humble themselves, they are true blood brothers. They do now allow themselves to be a real family with the rest of the Spiritual people. They have shown by their own selfish acts, that they are their own family and that they do not need to care or hear anyone elses oppinions. But, most people who watch these two(plus their cronies) individuals can pinpoint that, these two individuals are much more the perpetrators than the young man. Yes, the young man said some disturbing things, but he is one of many Aboriginal youth who have been scarred for life. Why, because my community of Mide people allowed it to happened.

When i was in high school i was labeled. I was labeled many things. One of the things I was labeled by my teachers was a "big-mouth." Why? Because I had a voice and i knew how to use it. Granted I needed some real positive guiding with my words and actions, i was still very vocal. I witness social problems happen many times in tribal life.Problems that have unmasked for the past few centuries. I see Aboriginals who allow their voices to be heard, be shunned and made examples of. That is of course, if they sound very negative and anti-social.


The place of white earth. Recently, I have heard first hand accounts of the "Camp-Justice" partaking on the White Earth Indian Reservation. One of the accounts was related by my mother who lives on the White Earth Indian rez. She had related to me first hand a few of the events that has been going on in regards to "camp justice."

Where their is common hood there exists fear, fear, and more fear. For the readers out there, White Earth reservation is trying to replenish and refocus the bureaucracy of the tribal governing body. Anywhere their exists a private source of power, there tends to loom dictatorship and "hitlerism."

As the case in White Earth and every where in bureaucratic systems. Having a social order allows the bureaucratic machine to thrive and replenish. Beings or humans who conform to the machine be it a doctorate degree, a license of some sort are the machines disciples and practitioners. Because if you allow yourself to have some type of "label" than you are the energies in which i write about and slay. As in the White earth justice camp. People want change and are tired of the ways that have continued to govern Aboriginal peoples.

But camp Justice is compromised of troubled individuals

Yes, we all have some type of problem unfolding in front of our eyes. The problem with tribal agencies is unique and complicated. That is why we were allowed to have tribal governments, tribal governments can conform to the western ideals much more easily than the individuals who make up the tribe.

I am just warming up..........................................................

Right now, i have to go and sip my star bucks and get into a fist fight with some cronies of some sort. Maybe I will head to White Earth and truly fight the powers that be. But, wait. I have deadlines and appointments. So, I don't think i really want to get involved in real grass roots movements. I risk my name and credentials. If I get involved I will not get that grant I applied for from the humanities council. Shit. Damn. I better behave and be a good citizen. I do not want to be la bled as a trouble maker and a quack.........................................................

Want a free tazer session?

This is what is going on in White Earth. People are being tazed. More than once-if you would. There exists true fear. Fear from the tribal council, the reservation cops, the county cops and the state patrol. These are just a few of the public officials who are trying to "sweep" up the trouble makers at White earth. My friend who was at camp justice, also has related to me that Federal agents arrived in White Earth. Good for White Earth. Count me in. But wait, i have to finish this article and get the word out.........................................................

Foxy and cronies, you better check yourself and count your p's and q's................................................................................................................

Real movements are on the verge.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Midewiwin coming to a whiteman near you

How many times do i have to say and spell out WHITEMAN.

Lets be real and straight to the point. White people have infiltrated the sacredness of our midewiwin society. It is one thing or more to be mixed with a European bloodline. But, there are many issues from a humanities level that need to be addressed and acknowledged. One of many issues that need to be discussed and addressed is the fact that, there is no real decision making going on in the ceremony. One person dictates and that is what is followed by the rest of the people. So, when someone like me comes around(who thinks of all people-whether they are poor or not) people tend to get nervous and shaky.

For example:
Two years ago I had borrowed my mother-in laws van for use to travel to the midewiwin ceremony. However, within a few days of arriving, my mother's van had lost the function of the alternator. For most of you people who are not mechanically driven, the alternator is what keeps your battery charged and your car on the road. Anyhow, at the same time, the bank I was banking with had messed up my account information and my finances were in flux. That is okay, money, wealth and prestige does not define my Spiritual being. But, if you come to the midewiwn ceremony, you will notice that the ones that make all the decisions at the ceremony are money and greed orientated. Back to my story. So, eventually what happened, is that late one night after the ceremony, the alternator in the van had expired. Guess what, do you think any of the "midewijig" had stopped on the road and assisted me. Hello-no! This included the so called "leader" of the lodge, his brother, the so called head helper( OShkabewis) and their clicks. Myself and my wife had already known the fact that most of the Mide people would not stop and assist, what was sad, was the fact that, our kids were with us and not one so called "mide" person had the decency or courage to ask us if we were all alright. Most people who are in the decision making of the Midewiwin ceremony are heartless-spineless individuals. They fear the government and real leaders. That is why, they do not press real issues facing the Aboriginal peoples. Who did come to our rescue was a "real" community member. Might I say, a non-midewiwin person.
From there another community member had asked to work on our car. His name was Richie Merrill, a now deceased individual. Upon working on our vehicle, he decided to make sure that our battery was good(that way it could hold a charge). What he did do that i did not know at the time, was that he "borrowed" another battery from a car that was parked in my fathers driveway. Okay, in all good faith, he had the greatest of intentions and needed a few bucks.
From this point, as you can read in one of the older posts-someone had commented on me stealing form an"elder." This "elder" was the person in which Richie had borrowed the battery. So, when i was confronted by this middle aged man(elder-not really) about taking his battery, i had said no. Than when i had found out that the battery in my vehicle was his, i had promptly returned it along with a Spiritual gift.
The sad thing about the whole thing is that most people at the midewin ceremony are fakes and false believers. Don't get me wrong, not all midewiwin people in my community are that way, just, some of the ones who have European blood and do not live on a "reservation.' Because that is beneath them and their lifestyles.
Being midewiwin is a gift. It is a hard way of life. To be Midewin is to treat ALL of creation and it's inhabitants as equal. I can attest that this is not the way most people who are "mide" act in my community. Most who are in charge of the ceremony are Sunday midewiwin people. That means, they are like most Christians out there in the world. They are only true to the lord on Sunday, the rest of the time they don't have to care for shit or the world. Because on Sunday, the Lord will show his mercy upon them. This is sad, but, travel to my community, and you will witness first hand the true-Spiritual people. The Spiritual people who would give you their last five dollars or hell, in my case one of their cars to use. But, be warned be weary of the individulas who smile in your face and drive silver cars. They are the ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello again

Hello again to my family, friends and associates. Hello out there to all the youth in america. Hello to all the elderly of america. Hello to all the politicians out there in the world. Without politicians, our world, in some sense would be such a better place to live. Hello out there to the disenfranchised and sick of the world. Without you disenfranchised people, Spiritual people of the world would only have their own boxes to learn from. Hello out there to all the evil-no-do-gooders of the world. Without you, the world would be so imbalanced. Hello to all the good people of the world, do I need to say anymore?

I recently have had the chance to help a young Anishinabeg person with some Spiritual teachings. This young man is on his journey to becoming a very vocal leader and Spiritual person. For most of us who recognize our journeys as Spiritual and not physical, we can only pray that this young man stays positive and pure on his life long journey. One of the cool things about this young man, is that he graduated from high school-a huge milestone in Aboriginal communities. So, as I have reconnected with this youth, i could not help but notice his demeanor and energies towards certain events. Tonight after talking with him, he had related to me that he wants to pray for his Native peoples and youth. Insisting that his heart and actions are non-selfish, i decided to give a few pointers and teachings, as to what "praying" for people really means. Praying or having the higher intuition for praying for people is a gift given to all peoples of the world. However, not many people are lead to understand this important event and feeling. Western diets, Western culture and Western norms., are always inhibiting peoples minds and souls, to make them think, that praying is less important and viewed as some type of "perfect-don't make an error phenomena." This young man, had the higher intuition to "pray" or offer some type of higher knowledge to his cabin crew he is in charge of. He asked me, what can I do? I replied, get a 50 cent album and let the young people he works with listen to it. No! Just teasing. I than had to share with him, that praying for people is a very great honer and responsibility. "Praying" is what has kept the Aboriginal Peoples of this world alive and surviving, I responded. I asked him to first share his knowledge with an elder if that was possible. Without elders in our lives to guide us and keep an eye on us as "people who pray" our communities would be perish and loose existence with old knowledge and thoughts. To be continued................