Monday, December 14, 2009

Hello out there

I have been very busy this winter with unemployment business.
I want to send shouts out to Mary, Big Beaver and all the other liers out ther in the world. Thanks for everything. My personal struggles are very satisfyinga nd thought provoking. Hey big beaver, why don't you tell al the Millelacs children how much you and some of your cronies drink alcohol and sing.
Mary, why don't you investigate the people around you. You have a big ass bug, ripping the children off and you just look the other way.
Anyhow, thanks for the leave. You have done alot for my soul.

Now, i can fish, hunt work on personal business and not worry about a 9 to five. Cool.

I am nowhere close to finished with my personal writings. I could fill a couple of books. For now, i will stay in cognito and continue my Spiritual journey.

To all of you people who do not care for me.. I will write about you some day. For the true-down to earth people-I love you and always will.

Me and my family are very well and enjoying life. Besides, my wife hates liers...............

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Let's all face the hypocrisy that is plaguing the Native lands across Turtle Island.
First of all, if you speak the truth, and there is mass amounts of truth telling to be told and related in that matter, you will find out the hard way, that, you-will be put in your place.
I have, but I can not and will not be a puppet to anyone who does not hold true legitimate wisdom, knowledge and balance.
I am now free. Free from an environment that lies, lies, LIES to our young Native Aboriginal children. Native peoples across the continent have governments that basically do what they want to their citizens. There is not enough Natives out in the world that have the bravery and wisdom to keep battling the rest of the savages. What i mean, is that both, whites and Aboriginals will do what they need to, to keep the people who speak the truth, out of their way. And if you hold some type of Aboriginal knowledge that threatens the existence of the Machines( Governments-education-Health-Military) than, you will find that you are very alone. Most Aboriginal people have laid down and allow them selves to be oppressed. When they feel a conflict arise, they will talk the talk of what they feel is oppressing them and that will be it. Take my medicine for example:

I could have just shut my mouth at my last job and did what i was told. If i allowed my self to just be quiet and do my task the white system needed me to do, I would than find myself a good little soldier, killing some Iraqis. This would than make me a veteran. Time has yet to reveal the truths that are to come out in this fascist world that we live in. Now, let me think of my grand kids, the elders who have given me my train of thought and let me continue to have the strength to expose the systems people of this world. For now, i will lick my wounds and continue on forward. Kinda like my buddy who is riding across the United states. Now this is freedom. Unfortunately, he wants to get back in to the military. Good for him, that is what he chooses.
Getting back to the case. I have offended many people in many different areas of culture, language and been lead to expose the functioning of the systems society. I do not do this to make myself think that I am better or that my way is the right way of thinking. I do it because the system that we live in contaminates our children and their children. In my little world we have ceremonial drums, the Midewiwin, and our Native languages. But the hard truths about these things is that they have been so contaminated by greed, power and fascist thinking-that-many so called "Spiritual" people in these positions are really disrupting the natural balance of our turtle Island.
I am a traditional thinker, i cannot say that i am a 100% traditional person, because Aboriginal peoples live in a time that does not allow full functioning of traditional beliefs, attitudes and healthy lifestyles. There is WAY to much poison and "devils" out there, to get somewhere positive with all of these great, Spirit numbing entities.
We have many false prophets out there in the world. I am a person who has no choice to expose these peoples and their foolish ways. A principal, an administrator of any type of system, an alcoholic or pill head that attends a ceremony are all false prophets. The principal or admin. will balance the sheets or lie through their teeth to get the results that they have been geared to attain. This means myself, if I do not think like their system or if I allow my unconscious mind to bring up the hidden truths of their systems, than I am ridiculed and "set as an example." Fine. Fine. I have been down this path many times in my 35 years of existence on this earth. I have been labeled and called everything demeaning on this earth. I have caused people, who thought they were real people, even close friends, to turn on me. When I share the real hidden truths of what real Spiritual knowledge must attain from a person, than I am once again called "crazy and uneducated."I have always fought for, I guess, the people who have never had a voice and who are trained to not have a voice. I mean, come on.Let's face the real truth, there is no freedom of speech in the school systems, tribal or not.
What we need is a new start. We need a new way of doing business and handling the in formations systems that rule the tribal worlds. The ideas and principals that have governed this country from the beginning need to be thrown off Turtle Island. Look at President Obama, he cannot get his health care form passed into existence. Why? The President does not want to think as one, with the system that has been in place. So, he finds himself in a tug-o-war battle with the class system in place. I know his frustrations and his desire to lead America to a new frontier. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Be careful what you say.....

I have just recently been attacked and undermined by Amik and Mary. They(together) have somewhat ousted me and my position of employment.
Let's look at some surprising things that refelct what i have been saying all along these past two years. First of all, Amik does not have the technological knowhow to run a milliion dollar program. His language program and past productions have been nothing but a joke. I guess he was trying to have some kind of money making production, in regards to the Anishinabe language. All I have to say is this, Gladys Bearhart, along with a few other St. Croix elders warned,along with prophesized to me, what would happen to people who would sell the Anishinabe language. HMMM. Can't wait to see what happens there.
Mary-Well this individual is on a spending spree. Both, Amik and Mary live in past times, past times that want the past to cover the present and future spending. Both individuals only know how to spend money. They will out spend what money is in their budgets and then turn to other accounts to cover their assess.
Getting rid of me was a blessing. The ship is sinking and the only ones holding the bill is the tribe and the BIE.
Certain grants that govern entities MUST always be carefully followed. Thier can be no leaning to the right or left. Also, October 1st was the new fiscal year for federal programs. This means new spending on faxes, art machines and teacher pet orientated toys. So, to let me go, is great. I will enjoy my time, but i will be FREE. FREE from the BIE and it's relation to my past job. Come to think of it...what would the BIE think of it's cyber training mandate and how it is not strictly enforced????????
You better be careful what you say.................................................................................................................................................................................................Ogabaak

Friday, October 23, 2009

Simon and beaverfunkel

It is so funny how politics come and bite you in the ass. Anishinabeg and white people co-exist as evil doers. Wait, let me rephrase that. Some Anishinabeg and some white people co-exist together in a professional relationship that manifest itself around certain federal monies and politics.
Now Obama is a black man. I am a Anishinabeg. You would think that some of the struggles that Native peoples have endured over the last 600 + years would be addressed, Nope! The system of government that Obama represents- thinks white, acts blank and is designed to destroy the good in ALL Native communities. Is this Obama's fault. Nope!
It is the fault of the ignorant, selfish, fascist Native peoples. We have let the system of white destroy are communities, children's minds, and some elders belief system. The elders, is a term thrown around in white/Native America when times call for false support of a fisaudulated cause. Than, the elders are paid off and told one point of the story. We have allowed are elders to be ran over by the white dictators, who have always had their own agenda, no matter how nice they were to our faces. Be it a school setting, a payroll department or what not, the white system does not allow people of color to do their job, because the white system does not allow competency to people of color.

Now take the Native people in the white system that retain some type of false power. Most Native people in these positions become the products of the system themselves. They might seem to start out positive and sincere, but than over time, they Lie, cheat, steal and hide behind their false front they call a "positive decision making council" or something to that manner. What begins to happened is the transition from a positive-good-doing person to a money-materialistic loving creature. In all retrospect, the Native people, sometimes with the guide of the white people-become the true-unique-dominating-spit-in-your-face-oppressors. The Native oppressors than-turn in towards the naturally positive charged people and elders. The oppressors cannot stab or slice at the white system , because they are the predecessors of their new- whitely-adopted control mechanisms. The Native oppressors do not want to be looked upon as a piece of the white system by the Native community so than, they become politicians within the system. This system that exists today in all of it's complex functions is one of many that are designed by the federal legislation of the Indian Reorganization Act.
I have fought for elders and the youth. I have witnessed many atrocities withinn the tribal-federal-state-county mechanism.

TO Be Continued........................................

Friday, October 2, 2009


A greeting of " what Indian is about"

I just recently heard a linguistic person say that " having an Indian car does not really define what Indian really means. There is nothing wrong with having nice and new things such as a car, house and personal items."

Excuse me?! So, I guess we are suppose to take this persons opinion as a word of bond. Does any one not realize that America and Native America have defined to the rest of the world what greed personifies. So, what this individual critic wants me to do is pay more for societal consumer products. First of all, American schools systems, along with Native American school systems are vital organs in the same monster, which teach children to be dependent-good-little--behaving-consumers. I attended the National Congress of American Indians a few years ago and I was freakin appalled. Not once did I hear an elder or a Native get up and address the principals of modern day education and how these guiding principals are destroying are children belief system. Nor, did I hear anyone express the real issues facing Native Americas; poverty that is a bi-product of mass schooling, ect. Has all Native people forgotten how to say no to the white system? True, we as Native Peolples have no choice but to live within the white system, but we don't have to be dependent on the system from the standpoint of what the greedy politicians and "higher" ranked Native peoples think that we want.In my own opinion, dominant-brainwashed-educated-Materialistic Native people need to blueprint a Utopian society to live in, where they have no dust, garbage or non-greedy foundations. That way, they can have their own made up interpretations of Native languages, procedures and customs.
So, getting back to this linguistics comment about having MORE NICE THINGS.. ...
I really think you need to sit and immerse yourself in nothingness.Nothingness in todays television frame of minds is worthless and non-important. That is why people like your kind think that i am nothing, because i do not share the same ideas and beliefs as your society. People like you, who have only one way of viewing materialistic wealth are really shallow people. If you ever want to get down, humble and Spiritual, I will be the first one to share with you, what your Jesus wants for you.
Until the next time, you stay in that Mcmansion on your horse ranch and sip your starbucks coffee. I am going to work on my car and attend to some nice physical activities that allows me to immerse with my own kids-without a nanny and take my kids to the REz-to see their people............

Thursday, October 1, 2009

All types of business

It is been a great end of summer and beginning of the autumn. I continue to follow my path as a Anishinabeg and continue to see the onslaught of commercialism in everything and everybody.
I must admit, I really have trouble with Anishinabeg peoples and their true motives, when it comes to the language, the culture and how Anishinabeg peoples teach their children to always have the easy way out in life.
I once was drug and alcohol free, my mind was pure and undiluted. I will never be pure in the sense of chemical free but I am pure in my thoughts, mind and soul. Money has not motivated me to go and learn the Anishinabeg language and have a huge house. Money has not contaminated my soul and Spirit receiving being. Money is motivating the Anishinabeg language teachers-period.
What does school teach us to be? For the most part, we are to be docile-time orientated0well disciplined individuals. Doesn't this sound like the old BIA mentality. Civilize or die!
It really shames my soul. Do I work in a factory, in which you call a school? Unfortunately-yes! Am I a hypo crate, yes and no.
Now, TODAY AT THIS TIME I BRING YOU A NEW GEAR TO WRENCH ON..................................................................................................


SLAP. PUNCH. FLIP. The crowd cheers for Ahneen, the black Ivory coast warrior, who might just be related to Barack O bama. "OUCH" Your hurting me, the Michigan kid yelps. As white as a ghost, although the Michigan kid is not ill, his white skin is due to all of the Indian Blood being pounded out of him by the Ivory coast warrior. But than, just at the right moment the Michigan kid goes into a vision state-he starts to hear his heart beat, than his opponents heart beat- as he gains his consciousness he lastly starts to hear the the tune of Rocky Balboa " The eye of the tiger."
Part 1/10

Friday, September 4, 2009

The return of ishkode Bikwak

Man, It has been like forever, since i have written on this blog. I hope there is still some fellow readers out there. I am contemplating and throwing the ideas around, whether i should expand this page to face book and my space. But, for now, I am okay with this blog and whatever..
For now, i want to express the healing ability and elaborate on the return of a dear friend: FIRE ARROW OR ISHKODEBIKWAK.
Since my last post I have had the opportunities to reconnect with some old enemies, foes and friends. I had to "come clean" on many avenues. Most of the avenues, i really had to do some personal inventory, to allow me to grow, dominate and be the ultimate Spiritual Guru that i am. Just teasing.
But, I can say that I have really grown on many levels and that I am proud to say and admit that I am a human Anishinabeg and I have many flaws as a human Anishinabeg.
Over the past month and a half, i had to attend a Spiritual ceremony. There are many windows, avenues and responsibilities that lead you up to this ceremony and than there is the follow up to the ceremony as a human Anishinabeg. In the events that lead me up to this "religious" function, I can say that everything and everyone that i encountered and learned from were Spiritually following me into this ceremony. Whether it was alcoholics that chose to drink every day to animals that came to visit me, I did not forget one person or thing in my ceremony. I had to do a tremendous amount of praying for both, animate and inanimate objects and beings.
One of the people that came to my help and aid was FIRE ARROW, a close relative, friend and companion. Both, him and his family were great assets to the ceremony. Fire arrow is a man. He is man that has witnessed demise, conflict, misunderstanding and compassion many times in the past ten years. Has he given up on his faith? Not once! Has he made many mistakes and ill decisions? Yes!
Is he someone that i keep close to my heart and soul? Yes!
Ishkode Bikwak is a leader in many ways to Human Anishinabeg. He is a gifted healer and human Anishinabeg. He has cleared the way for people like me who are in their infancy, when it comes to healing the Human Anishinabeg in many avenues. But, now Ishkode Bikwak is a PIMP, he walks with a slight limp and fl yer than any big city simp............................
Can you imagine taking another persons sickness from them. Can you imagine yourself believing in your own faith, to the point, that if you take a personal vow to help people who are sick in many ways; spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally, that, you will personify a great leader, like John Wayne. JK. If you are like most American people, you probably opt out, when it comes to "really" helping your fellow man. When your fellow man is down on his knees, you probably either walk right by or you don't even notice when your fellow man is down on his faith. Is this your fault? Yes, you have not studied the American dynamics of education, federal and state laws to see exactly how it washes your own Spirit and physical being to the point that you are a conditioned rat, who is caged in by your own desires,wants and needs. You would have been a great military veteran, you should have been enrolled in one of the armed forces because you choose to follow the chain of command to a "T." Most people do not want to be labeled, this is human nature. But, when you are living amongst people who are "trained" to abide and further the agenda of the military frame of mind in the sense of desensitization, than you choose the path of walking away from your fellow Anishinabeg, while they are sitting, waiting for a hand or gesture of good will. This is where most Americans and First Nations peoples mind sets take refuge.
So, now you have to ask yourself; are you a people person or are you a selfish-ego orientated person?
When it comes to Ishkode Bikwak, he is motivated by the sickness in many individuals. Motivation, that wants to help destroy the principals that started an individuals ailment. We need more Human anishinabeg like Ishkode Bikwak. That is why I am expressing my concern for this matter, it touches on many base principals that we have been taught by our families and the greater masses.
I have personally witnessed and have been the man down on his faith. Not so much my own personal faith, but the faith of the human race. By witnessing Spiritually debunked human anishinabeg, I have been able to finally crack the code of real-authentic-genuine human beings. Imagine yourself in a 10' by 10' room. Now, image that same room filled with both people you know and do not know. Now, close your eyes and listen to the discussion around you. What do you choose to hear? What do you hear? Have you mastered your own faith to the point where you can "hear" the real people in this room? Maybe you do not know what i mean, do you hear the discussion of work, cell phones, Internet relations? Or do you tend to hear the people in the room who least likely brag, boast or talk about themselves? Do you you hear conditioned rats talking away like they are a computer program?Do you hear discussion of events that you cannot fathom, and you ask yourself why are those people talking so "uneventful?"
Kinda like this article.....................................................................this can be uneventful.........................................................................

PS the pic at the top was taken in July of 2009, it is of I Keith Secola.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh Keith, where is thou????

Me and Keith Secola are going to win a Grammy together! Na, but you never know, what is in your path.

Looking back on me and Keith's conversation and discussion pieces, I consider myself very opportunistic and blessed. I had a chance to record our conversation, but I still have not been able to upload it on this site. I will have to add a link, which is great by me.

Opera, rap, punk and heavy metal are just a few things that Keith has in the works. When we discussing ideas and concerns, we both decided to help each other out. He is going to school me in the music and arts. I, will just be me and preach the words of pimps and hoes. Because I am a pimp and pimps do not commit suicide. Just kidding.

My family was very over whelmed, to know that I know Keith on a personal level. Me, too. However, getting back to our discussions, I want to make clear, that one of these soon days, I will either start performing a one man theatre show and at the same time, I will pass on the knowledge and insight that Keith has given me. Here is my first lyrics:

Music on any level can be very intoxicating. It can make your human mind relax, get really pissed off or cry. I am a singer. I love people and I have much to share and offer people in general. I was raised in the ghetto, my first taste of violence came in the form of smashing Midewiwin pelts.

Na, just really kidding. But, I think Keith will sign me on his label. I am a PROFIT.

Keith knows what that means.................................PROFIT.

Music and writing are a great thing. I love to write.

I have many people to sing and educate about. Many problems face our communities and very few people take the time to address the problems in our comm unites. If you rock the boat, you will be put in your place. If you are an elected official of a high caliber job, than you are to blame for not speaking up. If you think you are too above the people to answer them, than you will be shown that you are an outsider and you are not one of the people.

In retro, if you do not care for me,fine. If you do not agree with me, great. And, if you are in my religion, i will expose you! Plain and simple.

If you are in my community, that you say I have no blood ties too, than you are the fool. You are the fool, who hides behind your pen name. If you are the one calling me a crab in the bucket, than I will sing about you. Call me a crab, I will call you a scab, because that is what you are-and i will pick you off of me just as fast as you appeared on me.

WHAT DO YOU THINK.................................................................

ARE YOU WORRIED....................................................................

WATCH OUT......................................................................

YOU ARE GETTING NO LOVE FROM ME..................................................................


DECEPTIONS ARE LIES...............................................................


Spiritual Advising, veterans and more compliancy


Today is another day; a day that brings many surprises, hopes and appreciations. I am currently on the Mille Lacs reservation and I have visited a few close friends.
In the past month or so, i have been very busy with many projects and life lessons. A few days before the fourth of July, i was phoned by an elderly lady in her early 80's. She had asked me if I could help her out. I had asked her, how she wanted to help me her out. She had related to me that her husband had just passed away and she needed a Spiritual person to conduct her husbands funeral. She had asked if i was " Spiritual" and I said "yes-very much so."
" Good- than you will help me out?" "Yes- I will help you and your husband out."
From this point on, something very Spiritual and moving takes place. Energy in the form of Spirituality, honesty, humility and many other forms, tend to manifest themselves in many different ways which aids the path of the conductor and the deceased loved one, to be very smooth and unforgettable.
As the motion is set in place, I still have to remember that I am a human being first. Being perfect is never an option. Having flaws; both, as spirit and human is normal and okay. When attaining perfection is at the forefront of human rational, the balance of life is upset and thrown into a calasmitic type of upheaval. Thus, the path in which joins the Spiritual and human worlds is tainted by human errors and irresponsibility's.
When human beings die, they all follow different, specific paths to the house of "GOD" or the Great Spirit. Understanding these paths is vital and essential, when it is time for one's own walk into the house.
Human beings are flawed and do not like to be with out anything. It is in our nature to be greedy, deceitful and non-caring.
Now, do i take all of this into context when it is time for me to talk to a persons soul? Hell yes! Does it scare me to talk to a dead person, no actually not. To me. they are not dead, but have taken a different physical identity. They are physical no more, but Spirit.
Spiritual advising is hard, to say the least. You have to be able to walk the talk and talk the walk. Many Spiritual ad visors or modern day (wanna-be) medicine men are full of bullshit and education. They have not lived the life of hard times and getting by on one owns faith. Many of these individuals are the false profits of the earth. They tend to fool the majority of the populations, no matter what faiths they preach. Just like the pilgrims and early settlers of North America who left the old world to join a new world, control and manipulation of the human Spirit has reached new heights and magnitudes. The evil of the Earth has become much more sophisticated and genuine. I, myself, can see this and have studied life lessons, to know when a false profit is looking at me.
So, don't you look at me...................................................................................JK.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

100,000 miles and biking Part Niizh(2)

100,000 miles and biking.

Hmm. Sometimes it feels as if writing is a job, a western job-that is unfilling and distraught. I have heard some cool interviews lately and National and Minnesota public radio. One of those interviews was in references to writers, and the problems associated with being a writer to support one's own self and family. Maybe one day i will write about it-but for now let's just say that i got a lot of satisfaction and tons of Hey, just now Keith secola stopped by and told me he would meet me in the coffe shop. So, that's cool. Me and Keith met about ten years ago in the casino back home-in St. croix, the reservation. At that time he played in the Don Saros room, and yes-Don was a late relative, my Dads uncle to be exact.

Will write and have a pic or two of me and Keith.


Okay, I am back and Keith is back on the road. We had a blast the few hours that I got to spend with him. I am trying to upload some of our conversation sharing of experiences, but, i am struggling with this blog sight.

Back to a few things; 100,000 miles and biking is well, what can i say, i will let the pic show for itself. However, when me and Keith sat down to first, have coffee. The room was extra charged and I really don't think his coffee nor mine needed caffeine, our energy was as pure and nontoxic as energy can get. Plain and simple.

I first met Keith around ten years ago at our casino( I am repeating myself) but, he remembered the place and he remembered my sister who was also with me as well.

This game of catch up and intimate exchanging of wisdom, that me and Keith omitted from one another, was moving, stunning and very humbling. We, or i should say that the Creator has brought en us together to re-unite and what should i say..........learn more avenues that the Tricksters, false medicine men( he terms them as P.M.M or something to that effect)

I will try and post my next blog with mine and Keiths discussions........I have so much to share..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Jay

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A very warm comment

I was just given a great compliment. I must say I thought the comment was going to be more capital punishment. But, to my surprise no. I was just sent this and I wanted to share with all the readers, fans, idols, Na. As if I am that known. But seriously, the haters can hate on this..........

My name is Karen DeJesus. I am the Family Housing Support Specialist here at MIWRC. Our Director Suzanne shared your email with all of us. I read your WHOLE blog! You paint a very vivid picture with your words. I could envision the places, feel the cold or warmth you described, hear the background noises of the wood and the elders homes, taste the CAKE (ayee!) I could even smell the wild rice you would have cooked. Thank you for being you, don't ever stop writing and telling these stories. Your expression is like the cumulative thoughts of many who feel the anguish and appalling disgust when we witness the suffering of our own people on a daily basis. Especially the single suffering of our elders and children who deserve more from us all.I often ask myself, when, how will it all ever change??? I question my purpose here and whether or not it makes a difference. It gets real tough some days.But then I am reminded of the goodness in us all when I hear words like yours, when I see someone succeed from a little assistance, when I witness a total change in a persons perspective because of something one of us said or did and when I get to see people grow and change for the better it keeps me going and it redeems my hope and energy. Mucho-Miigwech for the Shout-out! You are like an American Indian Tu-pac telling us to keep our MF’g heads up (Ayee!) and today... I'll keep bobbing mine and keep smiling all through the work day because it’s even greater knowing that just the spirit of this agency has infected others and that effect fuels greater efforts and greater outcomes!I share your goal to see indigenous people WHOLE and I humbly ask the Creator to continue to bless you and guide your influence on your journey. Ah-ho

100,000 miles and biking

Yes, it has been a long winter (did i say long) and I have not had the opportunity to write for some time. Spring has come into full bloom and i have had many opportunities to further my Spiritual development and gain physical, mental and emotional maturity-nothing a Doctorate or Masters degree can ever touch or limit.

In the past few months, I have witnessed many deaths, a brush with death myself and countless adventures that would make the average man buckle, crack and perish in their professional careers. I am not implying that I possess god like powers, but I can say that I know what Faith is- in it's dynamic form and what it can do to modern day problems and people who in general, are our problems. Modern day science always tells us about " opposites attract." However, this is true on may levels even in faiths all over the world. I have witnessed bad Carma, medicine, and bad vibes-all because I choose to have positive energy-people and lessons in my life. I guess i understand a little more about negative people-who tend to be evil in their thoughts and actions. It seems as if the world moves and takes care of these negative people. Well, i use to think that, but now, as i write, i am seeking my answer. Believe me, i would love to be negative and continue to live the lifestyle as "crab in the bucket." But, it is not my path and neither is negative behavior and mentality. Do I acknowledge the negative energies in my life-YES! If there is negative people-energies- and we cross paths, best believe I will acknowledge and fight you IF i have to.

Now, moving on to the positive regard and contentment in my life. My family, my children, grand-children-Yes- I said that. They are with me.

This PIC i am posting is a new friend of the family and to all First nations peoples. The PIC is of myself and Brian. Brian is from Massachusetts. He has been riding his bike for two weeks straight and is continuing his journey to Seattle than on to CALI FOR N-I-A!!!!!!!

In all actuality, I was running a small errand for Ni-nitaw wis Reggie Garbow. Reggis is both me and my wife's relative. But, me and my wife are not related- not yet!!!!JK, Native humor there. Anyhow, rather than just run to the Grand market, where all grocier items are outrageously priced( Have to feed that corporation of the Mille Lacs Band). I decided to head to the Mille LAcs marathon convenience store. I than could pick and price line the items that Reggie needed and I could pick up a white mans/black mans fishing fishing license. I say a black mans license because the white house is not ran by just white people anymore. Now it includes a black man. My Great Black father----------DARTH VADER----------------------------------

No, just kidding. As I entered the store, I could not help notice this peculiar looking dude. I could tell he was biking. He appeared not quite professional, but yet I noticed he had heart and showed that he was a truly free man. His Spirit was un-tainted by the restraints of modern day education and everything the education/Wiindigo Spirit touched. From the shoes that we ware, to the toothpaste that we shove in our mouths to the languages that we speak, modern day education has tainted and continues to dominate our lives. This dude that I was meeting for the first time, was just like me and was a white version of myself!!!!! Nerdy-homely and god-damn smelly!!!!! Just teasing. But, when i approached him, I was like "man where you from?" From Massachusetts- he replied. " Okay- where are you going?" " The pacific- Brian replied. So, now at this point in time, i was thinking-----PACIFIC- PACIFIC WHAT? ISLANDS- FIGI- GUAM-OCEAN---WHAT??????????

To BE CONTINUED............................................................................................

Monday, February 9, 2009

Where are all the First Nation elders??

I have had many occasions to help many different people in my life. One particular event comes to mind.

In the summer of 1998 I was driving back from Thunder bay, Ontario. I had been on the road for about on hour and I needed to releave my bladder. So, I stopped by a wayside rest. Unfortunately, there was no rest room facilities. Upon exiting my 1986 Chevrolet Camaro, I had noticed an elderly couple exiting there vehicle. So, the young and energetic man I was, I decided to walk up to the elderly couple and ask them if they needed assistance. They both said "no" and that they would be okay. So, I decided to visit with them. Upon many questions and answers, they had asked me if I was Ojibwa, I than excitingly said "yeah."

They than decided to inform me that they were just coming back form Canada. The elderly White man had stated that he went to go and visit a healer in some remote reservation north of Thunder bay. He had told me that he drove all the way from Illinois. I was amazed to know at this point, that, there were non-First Nation peoples who sought out elderly teachings and wisdom. I was really excited. What I than noticed was that this elderly man was limping, favoring one of his legs. I had asked him what had happened and he said he didn't know. He had woke up one day and his leg wouldn't work right anymore. Upon talking with him and his wife for about twenty minutes, I really told them that I needed to go and take a "walk." So, the two wished me well and told me that they would pray to Jesus to keep guiding me. I told them that I was thankful for being able to meet them and that I wouldn't forget them.

I than walked up a hill and continued up and around a walkway. This is where I decided it would be far enough away from people to releave my bladder. As I turned to continue my walk, I ran into the elderly white man. He was tired and somewhat out of breath. So, I decided to ask him if he was okay, he eagerly said "yes-and that he would be alright." I than, at that point, decided to tell him a secret....a secret of Gichigaming! I told him how I once was told by an elder named Bill Sutton about his experience with Gichigaming......Lake Superior.

I had related to this elderly man, how one time Bill had to help an old woman of his tribe. I had said that Bill had decided to take some water out of Lake Superior and bring it back to his reservation, Lac Courte Orreiles or LCO. I than had said, that, Bill had taken that water and wiped it all over the old womens entire body. To both Bill and the old Lady's surprise, the old women had gotten better and her pain had eventually disappeared.

The elderly man was very thankful and baffled. I than had said, " If you need to use some of that water form our sacred lake, you are more than welcome, just put some tobacco in the water and explain what you are going to use it for." Afterwards, we decided to part paths and go back to our cars. I walked down the path and he went his own way. As I was on my way back to my car, I had stopped a few times and immersed myself in the overwhelming beauty and greatness of the landscape. As I arrived to my car, I happened to look over at the elderly couples car. I than walked over to their car to investigate. To my surprise and my bewilderment, I had noticed the elderly white man had looked way different. His eyes and demeanor had changed. He was sitting in the passenger side of the vehicle and looked at me. He than said" you know-young man, I don't know what you did to me up there on the hill, but when I came down that hill, I wanted to run and sprint. All the pain in my legs is gone."

I than, at that point realized how powerful sharing information was. "Whatever you have, whatever you did to me is a blessing-don't ever let anyone take that from you" said the man.

I than, told him that he was welcome and that I had hoped that their trip home back to Illinois was safe and smooth.

His wife had said, " God bless you child-you really are an angel and our prayers are always with you."

I just wonder where they are now.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I have recently visited CANADA and it was another great experience. I know I stated some time ago that I wasn't going to "allow" the border patrol to see my birth certificate. Boy, was I in the wrong. I guess I told a white lie. For that, i apologize and come clean.
I was asked to help my adopted relative conduct some training to his new staff. 99.99 % in attendance were all Canadian citizens, except me of course. So, if I count as a mere .1%, I will take that in positive stride and health. It has been like ten years since I have been to the "other" side. I am not referring to heaven or the Spirit world, but Canada. Canada has not changed much, except the fact, that, I was returning there to do some work. I was very overwhelmed and ecstatic.
When I was on my way to Canada, I could not help but think of what the word "Canada" meant to Anishinabeg peoples in the states, both in the past and the present.
For the most part, most Anishinabeg who have been raised on the state side see Canada as a haven of Spiritual knowledge and a starting point for spirituality. I must admit, about ten years ago, I thought something magical was going to happen to me when living and visiting Canada. But, to my disappointment and amazement, I had witnessed first hand, the devestating and sophisticated effects of western principals and how these attitudes disrupted the whole network of Aboriginal peoples around the area. This included, the newborns and how they were being raised to the elders and how they were divided into their own reserves.. I had this image, that Canada was a Spiritual place to live and that I was going to be a "better" and "wiser" person, because I was going to live in Canada. Yes, I became wiser, wiser in the sense that I lived through a phi sod of stereotypes and demeanor's. I guess, at the time I didn't fully comprehend the big deal of transporting gifts, goods and my personal belongings into another country. Yes, I have travelled to other countries, but getting into a bordering country is one thing. Coming back and entering is another experience and horror.
FEAR. That is what is instilled in the US-Canada border. Both, Canadian and US Authorities blanket you with numerous trick questions, when entering and exiting either country. There job is to keep the borders safe from illegal elements.
Upon me and Mikes(my adpoted relative) arrival to the Canadian border, I could not help but feel insecure, slightly nervous, excited and scared. Feeling your own feelings is a great experience. However, feeling and picking up on vibes that most peoples of the worlds do not always understand and comprehend is TOTALLY NONSENSE AND DEMEANING. What I mean is that, the feelings of being scared, nervous and all that is related to those feelings, was the magical vibes that Authorities make their livings on. Authorities count on these "vibes" to keep you on your toes, guessing and these feelings keep you out of thier country, if they suspect, that, you are a hostile or a rogue.
And, this is one of many feelings that I had re-visited. I had this overwhelming feeling that I was guilty. Guilty of who I was travelling with, guilty for being dressed the way that I was and guilty for being myself and for telling the truth.

TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The 500 Mile Trip

I, and half of my family, just recently returned from a winter Drum ceremony. For those of you reading or dare to read, it is a ceremony where people come to dance, replenish their sacred energies and YES, play video games. Most of these people who played the games and continually had to text were adolescents, know it all adults and elders who do not have the courage to lead the people. While seated at the drum, I had noticed that half of the attendees were engaged in something artificial and unintelligent. After visiting with my wife, she had made the clear point..." that people, today, do not know how to just be."

With that fuel and wisdom, I have a more defined outlook on my Aboriginal peoples who attend ceremonies. This quote goes beyond the educational/academia persona that defines these peoples lives. It is there culture away form the true-Aboriginal culture. Do I blame these people for the way they are? Hell-Yes. They are all wrong and I am 100% right. Not because I have attended college or that I have a full time job. It is right because true healing and leadership consists of 100% participation and dedication. A person cannot expect healing from a ceremony and to be relieved of the stresses of life, if they are playing a video game, texting or engaging in discussion that pertains to wants and desires in life. So- with this in mind, I say to those few out there: I have had visions of some of you Anishinabeg who are now sell outs ,over a decade ago. I have seen some of your paths. I did not ask to see any of your paths or lives, I was just chosen to. I seen sacred energies in the form of great Eagles come to you with feathers from their bodies. But-again, some of you chose not to except the energy gifts from the Eagles or other sacred animal energies that exist. At the time, I was wondering what I was being shown. I did not understand. I wanted much to- act as if i did not see anything. But, now- 10 to thirteen years later, I UNDERSTAND SOME OF WHY SOME OF YOU ANISHINABEG CAN NOT JUST BE-YOU HAVE TO BE CONNECTED TO SOMETHING GREATER THAN YOURSELVES. IF YOU DO NOT FEEL CONTENT AT A CEREMONY, YOU WILL NEVER FEEL 100% CONTENT. YOU MAY THINK THAT YOU ARE CONTENT, BUT TIME HAS TOLD ON YOU AND THE SPIRITUAL ENERGIES THAT HAVE BEEN ON OUR EARTH FOR MILLENNIA-HAVE TOLD ON YOU!!!!

But, who am I? I am but another crab in the bucket. I am the crab that is going to push your ass over the edge to Spiritual freedom, while I sit and listen to all the other Crabs. I, on the other hand will continue to be content with all the other crabs, while some of you who I have helped and given my life for-will crawl away from the bucket, hoping to get a better life in the white world. But, Are you really getting it better or are you just getting more material THANGS out of life?????


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have recently been exposed to many trials in life the past few months. Some of these include; no heat, teenagers in the Judaical system, self acclaimed medicine men, Elders who are in the very needy process and numerous other life enhancing experiences.

Elders of any society have gone un-noticed, not considered equal and driven to the point of feeling hopelessness and dis pair. Dis pair, to the fact , that, these elders, who ever they are, should be heard and taken care of much more than they really are. For instance, I know of three elderly Ojibwa men who in all, are experiencing first hand, the devastation of the economy and their life's savings. All three men, directly benefit from their casino's -the Grand casino Millelacs and the Grand casino Hinckley. These men all receive "per-ca pita" payments from the casinos, but this in turn, is pennies to the dollar. They need more. They need more human support and people who will listen to their struggles and stories. One of these men, is a chronic alcoholic. One of them is a retired military personal and the other elderly man has lost the use of both of his legs. However, he gets around better than some able bodied two leggeds.

I , recently had the opportunity to bring him(the one in the wheelchair) home, a home that had no heat, due to the ill discrepancies in his tribal referral system. Upon arriving at his home, I had to fetch his wheel chair out from the back of my SUV. For of those people who do not live in the northern central part of the united states, the weather was a cool minus 23 degrees below zero. When I finally got him into his house, both of us were relieved. I was glad to have been part of the process. In Anishinabeg customs, we are taught to take care of our old people, even if that means, having to put ones personal stuff to the side. I have always lived by this teaching, because one day, I hope to be old and the teaching will come full circle and benefit me when I am old. However, when I entered his house, I could not believe the fact that none of his grown children had anything prepared for their relative to eat. So, what did this elder decide to do? He grabbed a handful of potato chips and ate them as they were a full course meal. He than asked me if i wanted some cake. Because I cannot refuse an elder, I decided to have a piece of his cake. It was a chocolate mousse cake, sprinkled with chocolate candies. Now, as a person who is designed to care, I asked this elder if he had any Wild Rice. Because, most wild rice is natural and does not contain any preservatives, I tried to get this elder to think of what he was eating. He finally told me that he had wild rice and that is as far as the conversation went. But I could not help to imagine how long it would be-before his eating habits would catch up to his health. It was a thought that was unbearable. So, I hinted to him that I could cook some wild rice and he declined my offer and ate his chocolate mousse. At this time, I decided to visit with his great-grand child and his daughter, who also, was the babies grandmother. I asked how old the baby was and the grandmother said " just over a year." As I turned to leave, I confirmed in the Anishinabeg language that I would see him again. I than, left for my aunts house. What I could not believe is the fact, that, their is a million dollar casino right next door to this elders home and he is without propane for his furnace.

As I entered my aunts house, I told her son and niece my experience with the particular elder. They, the niece and son, decided to call the higher ups in the tribe to see what could be done for this elder. Upon a few phone calls, they were left with more questions and concerns about ALL of the elders of the tribe.

Earlier in the day, I had given my cousin(the niece-to my aunt) a ride to her house to drop off a few things. What she had related to me first hand-was pathetic and pitiful. She had begun to tell me of this elder she was living with and taking care of. She had said that this elder could not use the health services called Circle of Life. Circle of life is a health care program for the band members of any particular tribe in the United States. She had said, that this elder had to pay for a nurse out of his own pocket. Mind you, that this elderly man is a retired from the military and gets a pension every month. She had also said, that the Circle of Life funds were all tapped out and that was one of the reasons this elder had to foot his own costs. Plus, he used up his last Circle of life funds to purchase a hearing aid, in which the local clinic had lost.

What I wonder is this; How long will it be before this elder passes on because he is sick and tired of living on this earth? There is much more to his story, like the fact that he has a college graduate living with him that is so worried about his own career, that he can not even fathom the thought of taking care of an elder.

The third elder is in dire straights and in need of some serious health care and services. He has a relative that lives with him who is known to use Meth and a few other drugs. This elder has been intoxicated on alcohol for the past few weeks. He has a brand new elder home-a home that is showing signs of unhealthiness, poor living arrangements and a party house. My aunt had told me, that this elder does not know if he is coming or going.

To Be Continued.....


Friday, January 9, 2009

A time for a shout out.

I want to take this time to give a shout out to the Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Centre in Minneapolis.


On a quick note, when i was finishing my Alcohol and drug training, our classes had the opportunity to attend and visit the resource centre. Talk about amazement and excitement and DETERMINATION. This place makes you feel as if you never want to leave. I wanted to become immersed and absorbed into the workforce.

For those of you that might know me, Minneapolis is where I lived for the first 19 years of my life. I know the city life and what it can bring to Aboriginal peoples. It can be very warm and it can be very violent. Luckily for me, I did not stay to involved with the violent part of my life. Aboriginal people are funny and always want to relate with something, even if that means, that they sell there self's out for a day or two. At lest they can say they related to a certain experience or something. What I mean is that, when our class had the chance to visit the centre, i noticed all the Aboriginals that were raised on the RES. tried to become URBAN in their being. It was embarrassing to witness, but I just bit my tongue and acted as if I didn't see a thing.

For the sake of time, I will write more on this subject later. But, for now, the resource centre moved and educated me in a way that drive me to be a better person. It was hard to here some of the tragedy's that face our Urban populations. So, my Native Sisters busting there asses down in the hood; Keep the faith strong and keep the haters running a long..................................................


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Always a time for change, Part One

Happy new year to all.

With the delight of a new African President and change, I sit and ponder the fact of how many people in the world have the self discipline to bring Spiritual change.

For insistence, over my X-mas break I had to make a stand-for the betterment of my immediate family and to show my opposition to people who behave very unhealthy. The last article I posted, I entitled it " to hell with them and maybe you." I have been noted as being another crab in the bucket, trying to keep people down. I say to the people of the world and micro communities; to know me is to love me and to know me is to understand me. People, for the most part in the world are under lock and key and can not think outside their cell phones, I-pods and computers, not to forget the vast arsenal of video games and entertainment complexities. I work for a tribal school in Central Minnesota. One of the key things I stress to adults and youth is the fact that WE are all addicted to some type of technology. This is sad and we as a people have been in a sad state of affairs for quite some time. When I relate information to the seriousness of our addiction as communities, very few youth and adults are quick to take offense and say I am crazy and jealous. They say this because I CHOOSE not to allow technology to destroy my natural being, mentality and god given outlook of the world especially my First Nation Peoples of the world. I choose to not carry a cell phone, except to the point, where it might be needed in a serious life predicament. I drive a a few cars that are known as "INDIAN" rides. They are both over ten years of age and are looked upon by most peoples as "shitty" "embarrassing and ugly."

A great thing about driving an older car is the fact that, they are very easy to repair and I can maintain most of the parts and gadgets under the hood. If you ask any mechanic in the world they will gladly tell you that the older cars of America are much easier to work on and do not have (brains) computers, that control every part of the car.

Do I allow people of the greater populations to have me intuitively absorb and dictate what car I choose to drive, what I choose to wear and how I physically appear to them? No!

Now, what happens when I am driving down the road and my car decides it needs to take a break and foul out. Do I say " you fucking piece of shit car-you suck." Once again I say no. I am not an angry person who can turn on my own self judgement in a matter of a few seconds, just because my car broke down. But than, I allow my Spiritual self to become more keen and my higher intuition and authentic tribal voice follow next, all as one entity and I than tell myself and others( if they are with me) not to worry, things will be great and grand. ( This is where my human side tells me- you should be driving a new car )

Look at all the people around you. People of the world have become machines and can not live with out their daily amount of texts and cell phone calls. It really bothers me to see an Aboriginal adult or youth to be mezmerized by the cell phone industry, to the point that they cannot even begin to socialize who they are in the world. To admit their addiction to this technology is befuttal and laughed off. And yet, I still am looked upon as a crab in the bucket, because I choose to be smart and not allow my human-addictive behaviors get the best of me. Now, tell me, who are the crabs in the bucket??

Now, when it comes to the world of Spiritual knowledge and behaviors-It takes a rare person to be dedicated to their culture and have compassion for their people, who in essence, have chosen to become the machines---waiting for their next upload of disinformation, programming and subliminal voice. Like a computer program that has taken the machines by storm, there will exist a few individuals who choose not to go under transformation and uploading from the evils that be. The people that have chosen to be free and remain authentic in their natural ways, will be the individuals who will prevail when the economy spirals downward into the abyss. When this happens, the machines will be wondering what the hell is going on with their programming. They will be so devastated and isolated from the machine functions and controls, that they will soon decide to self implode, take their own lives and become the killer crabs of the world; bringing down everything in their sight. They will want answers and vindication. They will stop at nothing to get answers and the next fix of information. Information and functions have been their whole center of the universe.
So, do I say that I am a jealous, crab in the bucket type of person. No!
To be continued.......