Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To hell with them and maybe you!


So, yeah. I just recently had a close family member visit the town jail they live in. They had to stay for more than they bargained for. The funny thing bout it, is I can feel their pain and relate with them to feeling sorry for Native peoples. What I mean is that, when my relative was down, none of the so called family wanted anything to do with my relative. When my relative asked for some basic help, everyone turned their back or hung up their phones on him. Granted, my family member has issues and problems and some of these things had pissed the family off, who cares.

People who claim that they are Spiritual and healthy are liars. You cannot have both. Spirituality is a path. It is what gets you by when are sick, having problems and trying to find yourself. An authentic-spiritual being has less in life. A true Spiritual Anishinabeg does not have many possessions, they are who they are, they do not allow people to judge them by what they have or what they want people to think what they have. True Anishinabeg do not have their parents their to fiance their losses of equity, bonds and cash when they are in the red. A True Anishinabeg does not have "per-cap" to get them by. This is a sellout. Don' get me wrong, I would love some extra cash, but my limit with material and cash is for the betterment of my Spiritual-Genetical makeup. Many Anishinabeg forget the teachings concerned with the vast array of Chiefs. A chief was not a chief because of all of the physical items he hoarded and kept to himself.No! He was a chief because of everything he gave a way. Honer and respect was a huge milestone in life, not everyone had it, and if you did, it was viewed as intimidating and god-like.
Now, moving up to speed within the 21st century. Things like the internet, wii's, mp3's and the vast amounts of technological gadgets that hit the market have replaced the old teachings and philosophies of life. The origianl teachings still exist but with only rare, few people in all cultures.
I said once before that elders were the police of the communitys. Now, what happend to these old people when it comes to vast communitys, such as citys and suburbs. Most likely, the old people were left, unattended and looked upon as if they were an old rug. If the community was much more micro, than the elders had a chance to survive and prosper. They had a purpose and they knew this. People would listen to them, but even than, the old elders would pass on CERTAIN knowledge, not all knowledge. Some life knowledge does not mean wisdom, it could mean foolishness, mischief and evil. Old elders who lived next to the Earth knew this. That is why they would safegaurd thier unique-Spiritual knowledge.
Even these type of elders were desecrated and taked advantage of some self acclaimed guru, who wanted to be a shaman or Midewiwin priest.
Now getting back to my relative and looking back at all the whack ass Midewe people. These people I am referring to need compliance and need to be told by White FOXY AND foxy ON A DAILY BASIS WHAT OR HOW THEY NEED TO LIVE THEIR LIVES. These people are my so called family, but at this point in life, I do not give a damn. They need Spiritual knowledge and wisdom before I take them back as family members. They can continue to follow the College-Midewiwin teachings of Foxy,Whitefoxy, the Brooklyn Dodger and the Balsam lake Duo. Midewin is a faith, it is not a Faith that can be decided at will, when you will help your Mide relative. It has never in it's history taught you to shit on your mide relative or turn your cheek the other way and act as if you don't see anything. True Midewe people are always their for one another, true thick and thin. You, all of you have continued to show your true colors. You can have your Midewiwin and it's teachings, because you all have continued to disappoint me.
But, on a more positive note, I can't change anyone or anything. Outside, their is a foot, if not more of snow. The snow, just like our mother Earth, forgives and forgives, everyday of the year. Do I Forgive at this moment, NO!
Am I angry, NOPE! Very disappointed and motivated to kick some ass in a positive type of way. If I see you and you are a compliant person the Economy has Frankensteined, you will hear my oppinions and my take on your Spiritual being. If I do not know you, i say Welcome to Anishinabe wa'King. Welcome to this place they call America------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABORIGINALFIRSTAMERICA

Friday, December 12, 2008

A fine element.......human beings

I have wanted a post an article or two, however the lack of time and life's unnecessary crap just keep obstacalizing me.
Anyhow, I am currently following a few blogs. I was surfing other blogs and i found a few that might be interesting. However, one of the blogs owners, already has some beef. What can you do?
In the past few months, i blogged about the arsenic water in the community where i live. I talked about and put some hypothetical ideas out there. Most of the ideas, were with regards to the empowerment of first nation elders. Upon further questions and research digging( asked farmers, community members,etc.) i was amazed to find out that arsenic was a huge byproduct of the farming industry. It makes me wonder how much of the chemical trails have entered into our bloodstreams as humans, not to forget the animals and insect worlds.
When first found this pic. i started to remember a video I had watched. To the life of me I cannot remember the videos title. What i do recall is dialogue around the Black Mesa Verde. The video was a documentary type of video. It was a partial interview with a late medicine man. His name was Thomas Banyacka. I had a chance in my life to meet this fine man. I met him at the parliament of world religions, it was hosted in Chicago, Illinois. What I remember about this elderly man was the material wrapped around his head and how soft spoken he was.
In this documentary, I remember him talking of all the American corporations that stripped Black Mesa. It was no different with us Northern Natives, with our copper and iron ore mines. I recently have come across some materials with references in regards to corporations enacting international laws to eventually own all of the American great lakes. To be Continued........

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barack, An Obama Part 2

It is nice to know we as the country of the USA have or should I say will have a new President. I continue to hear how Obama is inheriting many, well documented deficits and financial incompetence's along with having to surround himself with a new administration.

Now as an Aboriginal person first, I will do my part to first acknowledge that, I will hope the best for our new soon to be President and PRAY for our new president. Have I done this in the past? No. Because to me it was never even conceived in my mind to pray for a being that is so.......way out there, that it never really mattered. Now, as I become older and much more concerned for peoples well being, I will pray and hope that Barack, Michelle and the rest of the family are not infiltrated with ill-mean-greedy spirited people. Who would like to see the demise of our new elected President.

Aboriginal peoples across turtle Island have yet to celebrate our new President elect. We have occupied this country from day one. And yet, we our still yet to be fully recognized and taken seriously from the state all the way to the national levels of government. We definitely, as traditional people know that the governments that are governing our people have not worked and will never continue to work for the betterment of the individual nations. One thing I have noticed about our new president elect is the fact that, if in fact, there is going to be a change, than he will have to surround his cabinet with older, wise people, people who might not have an educational background, but know a lot about history and local economies. These people I am referring to need to be people people, not systems people. We have been lead to believe that systems and the systems that have continued to be are always the right answer for the nation as a whole. This, I hope Obama will meditate on and " get his vision-on the hill."

I think when it comes to the restructuring of our tribal governments, Obama will not only consult the original inhabitants of turtle island, but that he will take the time out to fast and seek his answers not only for the original inhabitants but the rest of the elderly and the nation.

Can the country survive with the "regular" form of government? Probably not! It has to be restructured and re looked at from the beginning of it's source; the education system. This system has changed so dramatically in the past 200 years, that we as a nation have been brainwashed into thinking that every part of "education" is good. I tend to disagree. It is too damaging and has too many parallels to the military form of education. The rule, " do as I say-or you will be put in your place and made a fool." This whole attitude and ideal has to be acknowledged and looked upon very seriously. If most people do not know the past, not only will they live their lives with false ideals and philosophies, they will continue to not understand why they are living in a country that only benefits the "educated and well to do"(A direct link)
To Be Continued...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our new President-My Momma, Osama and Obama

I am overwhelmed that we have a black president. Overwhelmed in the fact, that not only is Barack the first black president and has brought a record number of people to the poles. I am overwhelmed because maybe, just maybe their might be a minute amount of honesty in the country. Why else would there be a Black president? I have heard the main stream press talk about what Barack is inheriting in his new-soon to be position. The one thing that people tend to forget is Barack is also inheriting the new powers that come with being the PRESIDENT.

Much legislation has been set like a snowball to get ready to shove down the hill. Do you think Barack is going to end both wars? Some of the legislation I am referring to is the patriot acts, both one and two. The Posse Commatatis act and how the president has new-god like powers. Is Mr. Obama going to prosecute the corporations and banks that our leaving us with the 700 billion bail out?

How about the infrastructure in Baghdad , Kuwait and other numerous city's that our still being rebuilt in the name of Haliburton, Kellogg and brown. How about the black hawk armies that are located within Turtle Island? What, oh what is Barack going to do with all his inherit rights?

For the guys and gals who have racial differences and issues with Barack, I say, do some soul searching and find where your true bloodline originates from. How about trying to be a person of color for a day or maybe try experience some of the things people of color witness everyday in this country. Imagine having or knowing that their have been hidden forces that be, that rule, judge and limit you from being "equal" in this country. Also imagine that, not only are you experiencing this phenomena but that, these forces that have been, have affected your Great-Great-Grand Relatives right up to your own children. Can you or would you even begin to digest these historical " norms" that have been the principals of foundation for this country since it's origin?
Now, imagine after centuries of persecution, injustices and imbalances that you might, just might not have to experience these things in the severity that they have always been presented. Maybe, with the new President elect, their is a HOPE of change and goddammit, it's time to make the ends meet.
I am overwhelmed. I am happy and I am glad to know that we have a Black President-elect. Instead of the white house, maybe he can start calling it the black house ( from the Rap group Public Enemy ). Now our currency can get some color back into it. How about if Barack doles out a new 5 dollar bill with a picture of Malcolm X and in the back ground a house on fire. We could have both Black and Aboriginal leaders on all the currency, with pictures and symbols that tend to show the past and where the past has lead the people of color when it comes to the U.S.A.
But, sadly what about Osama? We are currently occupying his country for what? For the control of all that nice Opium. Is that why our troops are really in Afghanistan? Is the new President keep everything under the carpet or is he going to expose the lie rs, thieves and financial thugs of this country?
To be CONT.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Change a tire- today Part 1

Have you ever had the chance to change a tire? Remember the time when you were a kid and your bike tire had some type of element lodged in the rubber? If you were like me, the natural tribal voice, would guide you to fix the tire yourself.

My most early times of changing a tire, I can recall, that I needed tools and I needed parts. But, the first few times, i would just put more air in the tire and ride the bike until I needed more air. Finally, one day me and my best friend Jordan started to hunt around in our parents toolboxes and start our inventory of tools. That way, the next time either one of us got a flat, we would have tools and eventually materials needed in order to fix our tires.

Just recently I had the huge job to change the tires on my mid-sized S.U.V. Now, if I was geared like the mainstream, I would have done the " civilized " thing and brought all three of my tires to a shop and pay for the costs of getting a tire changed. You have to pay for the disposal of the old tires(considered toxic waste), have the tires mounted, get the tires balanced( most of the time-not necessary) and wait for the tires to finished.

It takes quite a lot of energy to produce a tire. From the mixture of the plastics, rubber and mixture of synthetics to the actual forming process-all of this is a mega-carbon emission monster. Something we hardly ever stop to intellectualize upon. Not only does it takes huge amounts of energy to produce one tire, it also takes quite of human motivation, determination and energy to CHANGE TIRES BY YOURSELF. Of course I am referring to the basic philosophy, that we had when we were kids- that we don't need high tech. gear and gadgets to change our tires. All we need is good company, great motivation, patience, poles, screwdrivers, wrenches and whatever makeshift items that will maximize our experience.

This past weekend, I decided that procrastination was at an end and that I need to have my tires changed. I than decided to ask my brother in law. He was more than grateful to help me. Besides, he has a lot more muscle mass than myself, plus he changes tires by himself most of the time. If you know me and my history with working on cars, you will know than, that I tend to fall right into the worst days to work on a car or any of a cars many parts. on this particular day, it was raining and the temperature was a frost 33 degrees. Cold!
The task at hand required to take off the rubber off the two rear rims and replace them with some other plastic-rubber-non-environmentally friendly tires. When the wind tends to fluctuate with rain-the motivation to change the tires can be very slow at times. Not only was it raining, cold and wind, but I happened to park the S.U.V on the gravel as opposed to the blacktop. But, I decided that i wasn't going to move the car, BECAUSE this is where it was suppose to be.
To be CONT.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bones,Bones,Bones Part 1

Anishinabe-Aking has lost another great elder and holy man; Thomas Stillday.
When i think of this elder, many a thoughts come to mind. But the few thoughts that last, are is when me and Foxy( one of my non-fictitious characters) sat down and tried to "iron" things out to the differences in our opinions. We sat down to discuss things in the month of August of 2007. Our discussion was in the Hotel lobby of the St. Croix Hotel in turtle Lake, Wisconsin. We had discussed many things about the Midewiwin and what he "thought" was important to the community of Round lake and to the ideals and principals of Midewiwin and how i wasn't fit into his grand scheme of Midewiwin. It gets deeper, but what i did get across was my concern to his arrogance and his respect for elders.
Of course, because i do not have fancy letters behind my name(i do not promote them), my thoughts and concerns to him were worthless and unmeaningful. I am okay with this, but i shocked him on many levels of self-being, all of which pointed to him and his Anishinabe lifestyle, attitude, psychological functioning and reasoning.
Out of the many things we threw back and forth towards one another; the thought of Tommy Stillday and Anna Gibbs came up.
I, did not initiate to know either of these elders and i am not saying i know them personally. I do know however what was related to me about Midewiwin and what "Foxy" thought about the future of Midewiwin in the village of Ponemah. When he brought up Midewiwin in the village of Ponemah, my first initial thought was, " what the hell does this have to do with me or my community of Roundlake"?"
Foxy related to me that....basically Ponemah was going to lose it's Midewiwin and that Roundlake was going to flourish; because" hey " we have so many interested young people and so many people interested in the language."
From me to the cyber world, Foxy told me that he didn't see Anna or Tommy living much longer.
Man, when I had heard him relate this, i was floored. How could someone even think of such things and to say such a thing, is not a traditional concept. So, this related to my Spirit and helpers, that, damn-this dude has many things to learn........was i the person to teach him this.................I hardly doubt it, i have no letters attached to my name...........
To be continued

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aboriginal Youth-Can you blame them? Part 1

I am both an advocate and messenger for the youth and the elders. The elders who are presently walking with our youth, I would like to say are the last trail ends of true energies; wisdom, compassion, humility, love and devotion.All the energies that are needed to seek true Anishinabeg bimadiziwin.
The youth that we are blessed with upon the earth are constantly being assaulted with the most sophisticated form of communications westerners have conjured up. What do i mean? Take a look at our life's as Aboriginal people. Do you ever stop to imagine where you are in the mix of the Aboriginal and western-linear worlds? When an unknown elder stops to admire and observe your actions, what will this elder walk away with? When a youth of today walks past you on the street, at a powwow or in the classroom, what type of energy are you going to allow them to see? What energy is a Youth of today going to witness about you and throw back at you, when they do not feel as if you are being "straight" up with them?
As an Aboriginal man of this world, I see many things that our elders have been forced to live with and be "pacified" with. Do we blame our elders for witnessing our babies to leave our homes on a daily basis to go and become one with the educational monster? Do we continue to allow our babies to be poisoned by "immunizations" in which does more harm to them,rather than benefit them? As this child grows, do we shelter them from life's daily assault of lies, betrayals and deceits all which are geared to have them not think of their aboriginal cultures and values? Do we continue to only listen to elders who have found their voices? Do we walk past the elders who have never found their true voices and fail to see them as if they do not exist? I am sometimes guilty of this- not because I deliberately take this action, but because time and the natural laws of the earth-do not allow me to be on every part of Turtle Island.
I wish I had all the answers. I wish that all of our elders and youth of today had the same choices. What if we had our Anishinabeg languages intact and many cultural norms that go hand in hand with the language? Would we continue to allow the linear-western world to possess our beings with inanimate wants, desires and energies?Dangerous energies and wants on many precious levels-that never get the chance of being dealt with, because, oh, hey-wait a minute-I have a call coming on my cell phone or I can't deal with all this crap-I need a mood relaxer!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

The old holy blanket

I have had the opportunity to receive a real old blanket. It was gifted to me by a good friend from the Chicago area. It is an old trade blanket. His mother paid 1,000 dollars for the blanket at an antique auction show.

I was thinking of having an edge at my Midewiwin ceremony, I mean imagine that, giving away a 100+ year old blanket. But, I don't need an edge, I have time on my side. Most people will not admit that they all like an advantage, over their enemy's. I however have produced many enemies the past few years. And most of these people who are my enemies, are all members of the Midewiwin. Damn, might as well be a Christan with some of my other Mide' relatives. Because if I make a mistake, or if I choose not to live to the principals of the Midewiwn knowledge, at least I will think that I have Jesus to save me. .............HMMMM

Anyhow, before I received this great gift, I started to wonder about it's authenticity, where it came from, what tribe was involved with it's agreements,etc,etc.

As, my friend started to hint around that he was going to gift me the blanket, I couldn't help but wonder about the original owners. However, you see, I am a Mide person with a conscious. Call me what ever you need to , but I think deeply, but before I think, I get the advice from the elders that are left. Geno Bearhart, Gearge Auginaush, Jerry Smith, Arnie Ogema, John Mitchell, Panji Gahbow, Tom Stillday, Reggie Garbow, Charlie roach, Bennie Rodgers, Mobin Merrill, Francis Songetay, ect, etc. Now if you personally phone anyone of these elders, which whom some are from the ST. CROIX RESERVATION, they will tell you how respectful I really am. They will tell you many things about me, and they will tell you how sincere I am to their spiritual legacy's and concerns. I have never used elders, for the personal gain of " looking like a good old guy." I have always kept elders close to me, to yell at me, to correct my thinking and yes, to GET TO KNOW. As I spoke to a few elders about the blanket, they told me to " sell it- to put it up on e-bay." Of course they were all joking, but they told me to follow my heart and do what I needed to do with the blanket.

So, I shared the blanket with what elders I could and I still couldn't help but wonder......about a presidential medallion.

My dad has a family member who has one of these coins. It is a Chief-Presidential medallion/coin. I have been wondering where that coin was at, it sure was not with the Chief of the St. croix band. This coin was kept under a secret-kinda oath. Some people decide that when the last hereditary chief passed away, that they needed to posses this coin. Maybe they think that the medallion posses some king of holy power that will be passed on to the next of kin, but we all know, that , spiritual knowledge does not work like this.

Presidential coins were actually given to certain bands and old Chiefs of many different tribes. In lack of time and space, let's just say for now, that these old Medallion/Coins were given to Chiefs for piece opportunity's and recognition.

Now, it seems like- if you are certain type of Midewiwin person and you do not have vast amounts of elders guiding you about your Midewiwin conscious- YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU DAMN WELL PLEASE-BECAUSE HEY-YOU DON'T NEED OTHER USELESS ELDERS TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. BESIDES, THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY AND MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.

Point is, I have been gifted something pretty cool. As Geno Bearhart once told me " the Spirits are bringing things to you way before hand-you just have to be patient and figure out why they are bringing you the sacred items."
I think I will go and see that blanket now and hope that their is no small pox within it's warmth.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Whats up with all the Midewijig??

I finally have some good discussion with one of my close relatives. Mad did they ever fill my soul with some important information.

I have stayed away from my community for a lot of legitimate reasons. My community has been ransacked, pillaged and desecrated by people who call themselves Midewijig or of the faith of Midewiwin.

I strive for harmony and balance. People who think they know all about Midewiwin or who display this attitude, should not be trusted. When you have a European attitude( do as i say-not as i do-) and you have European blood and you have Indigenous blood, there is already conflict on many levels. Do you satisfy your European blood line and not give a hoot about anyone or do you follow your Anishinabe blood line and love everything and everybody?

People will always criticize me and what unique styles i bring to the ever sophisticated changing Colosseum. A Colosseum in which many battles will be fought, by me for the poor against the people who have had everything their whole lives. I represent the poor because they are always the majority. Besides who wants to be poor, not one of a European bloodline, Christ, they conquered and manipulated the Aboriginals of the worlds, so they could acquire their taste for brand new BMW'S-Houses, Lexus es, land Acquisition and use their education to snub out the opinions of the poor and "uneducated.""

I see a tremendous amount of opposition to my Anishinabeg people, who call themselves Midewijig.

Midewiwin was not for everyone who brought thier tobacco to the old people. There was a lot of policing involved with people in regards to thier mind frame and how this frame of mind was delicate to the " true nature of Midewiwin."

Now, we have white people-100% European people being put through our Midewiwn, this is something i cannot allow to happen. I cannot allow myself to be a part of a prophecy no one gives a damn about. When you are white, and you have pitty for your white blood line, than " hey come into our ceremony--besides no one will oppose us ,We know everything about Midewiwin."

This is where the masses start to turn on me, because I speak my mind, if there is opposition and this opposition and Elite form of mentality need to be addressed, than i will cfonfron anyone and everyone connected to hte BEAST.

Now, if you are going to write a book and you want your book to flourish in all the wordly markets, you better go through the Midewiwin. If you are going to be a professor of some sort and you need to get that extra edge, you better go through Midewiwin.

If you are a White man and or woman, with out health insurance, you need MideWiwin. Because when it is all said and done, everyone is going to talk shit behind your back. Most Midewijig will not be there for you when you confront the beast and it's second, third and fourth heads. They will do what they are geared to do, LOOK THE OTHER WAY AND ACT LIKE THEY DON'T SEE A DAMN THING WRONG.

Everyone wants to be part of the winners club, nobody wants to be labeled a LOSER, FULL OF SHIT, A THIEF, JEALOUS, CRAZY.

If you want to say things to me, come to my community and talk to me face to face. Those who are out there and don't like me, well, we all know who you are.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gary Webb- The man who told the truth

It seems pretty ironic that a path is being created to the likes of Gary Webb...and I see myself walking on this path of ; ambush, disarray, dishonesty and disloyalty, all of them at it's finest, yet most concealable form of " being with the terrorists or against us."
I will write more on that topic later, Check out the website www.dunwalke.com/4_narco_Dollars.html
If there is information about people that needs to be addressed, so let it be. Elders who are respected, wise and capable of still seeing the real "truths" will be heard.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I once knew this man named nile. He was a first speaker of the Anishinabeg language. He taught me different ways to speak. He also said I was a great passive speaker and that was one of my gifts, to understand tremendous amounts of verbs and not beable to successfully fire these verbs out at will.
Well, long story short, Nile was politically and from a career standpoint, assassinated - point blank range.
I have not ever heard from him ever again.
Well, It's like this; Nile, had a past. I never knew about his past and well, one day some young person comes out of the woodwork and says he has " dirt" on Nile.
Some people caught wind of this information and played with good ole Nile. Nile did not see what was coming at him, he was blackmailed, used until he could not offer anymore and finally was confronted about his past.
Good ole Nile fell like a domino. Nile, unlike most people did not recover his stance and disappeared from the mainstream, he was mamed.
I tried to warn Nile, but he was to busy with his work and life. I understand now.
The past is the past and yet we can learn from it and we can choose to ignore it. People have chosen to bring up my past, this I can not avoid. However, unlike Nile, I will not go down like a domino, I will choose to prevail and get stronger each new day. I might be full of human defication, but I do not sway from confrontation. When our elders are disrespected, people need to know and rise up against forces that be. I could sit around and think that know one likes me, get all depressed and lie down like Nile. Well, people know me better than that. If there are truths that need to be told, I will be one of many Anishinabeg that will tell these stories. Now in our age of so called technology, we as Anishinabeg can write our experiences, express our ideas, thoughts and self wisdom into a cyber that meshes into one super computer.......A QUANTUM COMPUTER.........................................................................................................
Many people have dirt on me. Good for them. Unfortunatly, Nile had some real black dirt. There is much more to the story- does anyone have time?


Damn. What have I done? Did I tell some truth that everyone hates to admit? Shit. Well, as long as the attention is on me, why don't I sell some real propoganda.....Does the state of Georgia sound familiar?

Anyone who does not talk about the world and it's diverse economies might as well - go buy some Starbucks, listen to CNN and keep role playing midewiwin and continue to suck up to the " good old boys."

Well, if anyone does not think that the great USA, the country that has historically fed the American economy lie after lie, is not involved in the State of Georgias affairs and demise. You need to not read anymore, keep living in your little world.

I have met many different people in my life and oddly enough, I have met a man that (says) he use to be a military covert operative. I think he still is active. I act like I cannot read his Soul and actions. However, when I had asked him about what his military experience was, he would not respond and yet, he was serious, firm and told me is his own way " not to go there."

So, when I had asked him about Russia and it's so called attack on Georgia, he responded " its like you Indians and the government- your people use to stand up and fight for their sovereignty- now they coward at the first sight of confrontation." HMM does this sound familiar---CONFRONTATION???????

He went on to also relate first hand that it is never the way you hear it from the mainstream press. He said that Georgia is merely defending it self and it's sovereignty. He went on to say that Georgia was sick of getting pushed around (NO-----who would push their ideal beliefs on a group of sovereign people?) and had to defend themselves.

Anyone getting sick of war? Anyone with me, to defend our communities from forces that impose elite thoughts, beliefs and propoganda?


Some time ago, my mother asked me to take my given birth name, before my original father had changed it. " Jason lee wadena." Yeah, it sounds good to me and always has. There are many wadena families- from Millelacs to WhiteEarth to Buffalo Bay. On the resevation of Mille Lacs, there was a time when there were 13 brothers and one sister who lived in the Mille Lacs area. For some of you who might not know, a Wadena in Anishinabe language means " captured sioux or Lakota."

Eventually, 7 out of the 13 brothers left the Mille Lacs area and left for White Earth. The Wadena's who had inhabited the Buffalo bay area, were about 5 families. I do not know how many members there are left in the Buffalo Bay area. One thing "cool" about the original Wadena, was that he could speak both Anishinabe and Lakota. Imagine having this gift in the time of war? How did he feel towards having Lakota blood and yet, having Anishinabeg family, friends and children. How strong did original Wadena have to be against himself. Wadena could easily sneak to enemy Lakota-Dakota war parties, be spotted and play it off as a captured relative or friend. He than could witness what Anishinabeg Villages and bands were going to be attacked and who would be counted as " coup."

Later on the Great Anishinabeg Chief Wadena, always had his Anishinabeg people in mind. He always wanted the best for his bands and people. Many Anishinabeg, never understood his ideas and concerns for his people. Yet, it never distracted his decisions and personal feelings when it came to making wise decisions and yes, mistakes as well.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Foxy and WhiteFoxy

The clock is ticking. In less than a week, my community of Round Lake,Wisconsin which resides in the county of Polk, will once again have it's share of "portable" self-contained, aboriginal junkies. These Junkies, are on the prowl and search for "new blood." These Junkies are vampires and they claim to be Spiritual beings. In all retrospect, they are false prophets. The leader of their school is named Foxy. This being is the worst to man kind. Not only is foxy a half breed, but foxy is neither sly or slick. He will go to the extreme when he does not get his way. Take me for example, him and his white twin (though, they are really not twins) tried to put their modern day post elite school mentality and mannerisms on me. SHIT. It didn't work on me, matter of factly, it just motivated me. However, because I am an advocate for principals that are forgotten and misrepresented and I can see what Foxy and his twin are up to, I had to be sacrificed and so called "ridiculed." Funny thing about Foxy and his white attitude and brother, is that, they miss the genuineness and purity of what I possess and personify. Foxy and White Foxy represent the educated, feeble and complacent individuals. Foxy and White foxy have gone to post elite schools. Some of the ideas and principals they have brought en back from these institutes is 1) Complacency- They will fight and Mame their own kind( but they are half breeds half white-half Aboriginal) but, when it comes to Aboriginal struggles and activism, you will not see Foxy or White Foxy stand up against the Government,Corporations or anything that is Euro-centric related, because they would be "dishonoring" the main piece of their being. Plus, if they really used their tools that they were given, they would "fear" losing their jobs. Now tell me, who are the cowards and backstabbers??? 2) Ideal beliefs and attitudes- In post secondary institutes, there is no room for mishaps,problems or mistakes. When these attitudes are adopted and personified, you have a pumped up Foxy and White Foxy. So, than the common people are looked upon as all "mishaps, degenerates, feeble and scum." It is a good thing we have Fox and White Foxy to save us from the Government and it's ever reaching tentacles. Shit, Foxy and White Fox are one of the Tentacle's of the government-designed to manipulate overtly and covertly the people they are destined to "conquer." Hmmmm. I think they think, we are related to the Iraq people and we need to be liberated by them, because they bring elitism and it's principals to our communities. But, would Foxy and White Foxy ever think of sacrificing their reputations and selves to even oppose the war? HELL NO! They are wimps and buffoons. Plus they already get to "feast" on the commoners.

They want people to approve what they are doing. Even if that means they have to build lies, deception and deceit(sound familiar). Hell, these two guys are stand up people and could do no wrong, because people worship them. Unlike them, i do not believe in Jesus and his philosophies. I do not carry an ounce of his teachings in my soul or in my everyday life. However, Foxy and white foxy covertly hang on to Jesus. They do not think I know, but I can see Jesus in them.

Foxy and White Foxy claim to know the "people." They think by knowing the people, they have to Spiritually guide and befriend the common people.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Fishing for the Right Feeling

Well that time of year has come around. The time of year where our precious ceremonies start to reveal themselves, along with the hypocrites and wannabe medicine men.
I am an advocate for the poor, the Spiritually naive, the aboriginal people who have lost their ability to express themselves and their opinions. Some people look at me as a trouble maker, a person who is jealous of others,etc. However, I happen to see people for who they really are, wheather they are poor or come from a well to do family or background. One of the reality's of the rich and poor are their outlook on life and what it means to them. A person of a poor background will share their last meal with the rich or well to do. However, a person who is well off, selfish and " better " than the poor, will not even associate themselves with that particular poor person and they would horde their last meal.......waiting for an economic emergency. That is the way they would justify their cause.
So, in a month or so, my community of Round Lake, Wisconsin will be inundated by a few select wanna be Spiritual Guru's and their predecessors. This is the time of year where these false prophets hate to see my face. These false prophets are in no way different from the huge pharmaceutical-military guru's out there in our first nations-they make their livelihood and well being from the poor and naive. Most of these same individuals hide behind the scope of Jesus and Christianity. In real-Aboriginal teachings and gifts, there is no room for Jesus or Catholicism, not out of disrespect but those things belong in the old world, not here on Turtle Island. So, in all actuality, if one of these gurus makes a mistake from a Aboriginal-Spiritual sense, well, what the hell, JESUS will protect them and forgive them for their sins. This sounds extreme, but somebody has to expose these " First nation " junkies.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Arsenic in the Water

Can anyone or does anyone want to believe that the Federal government cares about it's citizens, let alone the first nations people who inhabit it's state boundaries?
We or I have just found out recently that there are traces of arsenic in the small community of Inger's water supply.
I will digest that thought more later.

Now, I ask the people out there in the larger world and First Nations, how come our Elders are not as they once were? How come the modern day education system has run them over and laughed at our Elders, all in plain sight?
Why have we allowed our elders to be silenced? Why do we teach our children that school is more important than an Elder?
Why has not our Elders of Inger and the surrounding community's BANDED together and discussed, meditated and prayed on this important matter??........Arsenic?
How can we call our selves by Tribal affiliation, if we do not empower, utilize and help resurrect our Elders words of guidance and wisdom?

Who are the hypocrites out there?

I know I am not a hypocrite, are you?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Native Sugar- Where is everyone? Part one

I just finished up the long and rewarding work of making maple syrup. It was a last minute effort and I had to remember that time, patience, belief and Spiritual guidance was on my side.

Our tribal worlds and communities are in bad shape. Alot of people despise the white man but they live and choose to live in a system in which that same white man dictates everything from; our means of waking up, what foods we eat, our forms of entertainment,what is hip and cool and last but not least, the way our communities function!

Being in the bush is always a treat and learning experience. Maple tapping, was a community project that I wanted to re-initiate. Plus, I was driven by the spiritual process's that go into the time frame of "iskegamizigewin."

Being a Spiritual being is very hard and rewarding at the same time. So, when it came to tapping Maple trees, I had to envision my plan and start with the most basic needs and work up to the more less important needs.

The first two things I needed were negwakwaanan and mukukoon, taps and pails. I estimated that I could tap(ninozhiga'ige) about 50 ininatigoog (Maples). So, instead of bring more trash and white mans garbage onto the reservation, I kept in mind that i wanted to use what resources were already established and what were available.

Upon looking for pails, sap buckets and cans- I found myself starting to look for milk containers. Because Milk containers can keep the rain and extra water accumulation out, I had to break my personal code of ethics and purchase band new water containers. It was a safety concern a long with a health concern, because if you have bad milk, chances are the container that was used, if it were plastic, tends to hide and harbor that bad milk. Plus, i found out, that the milk taste tends to leak into the sap water.

At the same time I was spreading the word into the community about containers, I was thinking about Opwaaganatiigoog or Sumac trees. I needed Sumac to make my taps. I remembered seeing some in the community, where, I didn't quite remember. Too my embarrassment, there was some right behind my mother in laws house.

Next, was the process of producing 50 plus taps and shaping them down to a particular size and shape. So, I got a grinder from an elder( who was very supportive of my efforts ) not to forget to mention; two containers that held a total of 80 gallons, a few chains, a power saw and a hand saw.

So, by now I had pretty much everything I needed to get the ball bouncing, just by the gesture of that one elder, a lot of roadblocks were prevented.

My brother Jerry Smith was the individual person that got me interested into Iskegamizigewin. Looking back on some of my college days, he and a few other people helped shape me into the individual that I am. Being me is very hard. I am a human in a very Spiritual travel and sometimes the Spirit of living things can communicate certain knowledge, to which there is no guide, blueprint or trail. Just overwhelming feelings that get entangled into modern day living, desires wants, needs,etc.

And that is the whole point of being in the bush, to listen and get a new identity of self, surroundings and natural life's.

I believe that we are in hard times. Many of our children and adults can not make it in the bush. When you are in the bush, you give up many western luxuries. Most of theses things are pretty basic; water, food, electricity, etc.

I have finally came to the conclusion that most of our Aboriginal peoples lifestyles, that are reservation based are doomed. There are a labyrinth of complacent attitudes, beliefs and ideas, that reinforce the blueprint of this country in regards to what a citizen is and what it means. I mean, everybody wants answers, but no-one wants to put there ideas forward. So, when it comes to the Elders, the elders are so complacent to society's demands and attitudes , that they, in all retrospect have no unified voice and Warrior like motivation.

For example, just recently the community of Inger was told that they had arsenic in their water supply. Now as a Aboriginal person, i have to ask myself a few things about this situation: 1.) What is this arsenic and how did it get their? 2.) Is this propaganda to keep the status quo of Fear tactics? 3.) Does this mean their is going to be more fluoride introduced into the water system? ( If you don't know about fluoride and it's devastating effects, Google " fluoride " or look into the e-book @ policestateplanning.com and look up chapter 14 and read about " population control " 4.) Why aren't the elders of the community praying for this matter? Why are they not having some type of community gathering and feast?

To be Continued.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Old White Bird Part Nizh (2)

As I sat there and ate my lunch, my first intuition was to move my self to a table in which two elderly men sat. But, I stayed where I sat and visited with some young Native guy about his some of his experiences in California. As i sat and listened to this other Native, I could not help but wonder why he needed to continually say that he was bored and that he needed to move back to Cali. As if Cali. was going to solve all his problems and make him not " bored " anymore. As soon as our conversation started it had ended, that fast. He was on a mission, it seemed as if my gesture of good thoughts did not phase him, he was not impressed by old people and the Native ways, they were not the answer he need in life. So, away he went-looking for what he desired.
So, I sat there at a table alone. Wondering if i should include myself with the elderly men that sat behind me. What the hell, i grabbed my plate and silverware and moved myself to their table.
" Aaniin " i said. That's a friendly gesture meaning hello or hi. Both elders looked at me and said hi and hello. Old white Bird asked me where I was from. I replied St. Croix., Wisconsin and that I was enrolled in White Earth. He asked me who my relatives were in White Earth and I said the Wadena's and Durant's. He than said he was a White bird and that he had some relatives in Bad River,Wisconsin. I asked him if he was related to the White birds in Cass Lake,Minnesota. He sarcastically replied " hell No " those White birds are from Canada or something. But it seems like there was some type of history in the past with the Cass Lake White birds and the White birds he was originating from.
He than went on to say that most of his relatives passed through Sandy lake, Minnesota and that they traveled the old water ways. I told him that was great knowledge to know and have and that nobody really has that type of information anymore. He than surprisingly said " History is no good- it doesn't get you anywhere and you have to make a living. " Shit- I thought, this elder is really brainwashed into the American life form.
So, I continued to eat my lunch and listen to other Shinobs converse. As I listened, i could tell that old White bird was trying to direct certain comments to me and that he felt threatened by my presence. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't there to prove anything-but I happen to threaten people a lot in my life. My Great G-pa termed it once as " Being strong in the Traditional way of thinking and discipline."
But it was time to leave, my professional business was finished and I got to eat lunch with some elders. What a splendid day. As I was getting ready to leave, I grabbed my Jacket, pipe bag and work bag. My pipe bag is made from an Otter pelt and has leather fringes. As, I was ready to leave out the door, I heard someone say;" where did you get your otter ? " I said that it was my pipe bag and someone gave it to me years ago. Not to my surprise it was Old White bird and he than said " your lucky those old people that use to be around here never saw you put your pipe bag on the ground, they would have had your hide. " I than replied " you know I asked my grandpa about that once, when my brother had a pipe bag made from an otter. I asked my Grandpa- is it okay that my brother puts his otter pipe bag on the ground-is that disrespectful? NO, NO, NO. My grandpa went on- THINK ABOUT AN OTTER-HE SWIMS, EATS FISH AND ROLLS AROUND IN THE MUD, DO YOU THINK IT IS DISRESPECTFUL TO HIM IF YOU PUT HIM ON THE GROUND?
What I did not really think of, at that particular time, was that my Grandpa was instilling me to think and think wisely on all matters in my life regarding Spirituality and not so important events.
So, when it came to Old White bird and challenging me, in the form of a threat, I replied what my Grandpa gave me and let Old White bird have some new knowledge. As I left, I told the rest of the group-Thank you and hopefully I can have this experience again.

Old White Bird Part Nizh (2)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Compartmentilization of Aboriginal Ceremonies...Part 1

Today I am working in a new place of excitement, location and expectations in regards to professional services and services to clientele.
Upon talking with some individuals, I can't help but think of some so called professionals that I work with in a Spiritual environment and how some of these people are wolves in sheep's clothing. These individuals are out to make a buck, put lesser class people in their place and come off to communities that- they love, respect and have deep, true, authentic compassion for all classes of Aboriginal populations.
I hate to be the first person to not only look past these so called professionals and say that, they(professionals) are formatted from deep within the (monster)education system to bring self contained communities,thoughts, ideas and agendas which come in the many forms of denial, deceit and lies. Mind you that this is done right in the open. These professionals have to be more than just convincing to the main community, they have to be mind magicians and make thoughts and ideas appear that, the whole community loves and respects them(because,hey they are professionals). How, you might ask can this happen? Why would commuties allow this to happen? Don't these communities care?
To be honest, communities want to care and at the same time they don't have the tools to fight for the principals of caring. Which these professionals use to their advantage and discretion.So, when a person like me arrives on to their stomping ground, they know how to manipulate the micro-community to make sure that someone of my caliber does not stand a chance against their mind control and tactics. If you know anything about the Roman principal of divide and conquer, you will than know how in micro communities these professionals make their living and killing.
I stand out amongst these professionals in numerous ways. I do not dress like them, I do not think like them, I do not pray like these professionals. I do not allow my professional thinking and frame of mind rule my being and frame of mind. I am a people person. I allow everyone in my immediate circle to feel very important, content and whole-no matter who it is I encounter. Unlike some of the professionals I have to deal with, they have a tendency to "have" to know everything about everything and let people know that they are the experts in everything, just because they attended some elite post secondary academic INSTITUTE.
Yes, academics can be good, but only for the little school children that were reared into following the teacher everywhere, asking all the "right" questions and staying after to study with the teacher. To make it worse, these individuals probably learned at a very young age to put " people in their place"-who did not think or act like them.Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the educational field, because I am currently in a post-secondary school, but I was advised by a few authentic elders never to let modern day school ruin my frame of mind and never let it become my way of thinking. This was told to me when I was very young, I never knew how powerful those words would be one day and how that information was formatting my soul, life and self-respect for the larger, more whole some things in life.
Education has compartmentalized everything in our daily lives. It has even entered our ceremonies and grown to be a nuisance and a threat in which few people know know how to fully understand and deal with.HMM. Jay

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Old White Bird Part 1

I am currently working to acquire my Minnesota state alcohol and drug license. I am in my first half of practicum hours. I have to acquire a total of 880 hours of infield service and professional training. At the same time I am taking a couple of college classes in regards to my professional training(JOKES).
Upon one of my professional observations and experiences, i witnessed ignorance, compliance and brain-washing. And this came in the form of an elderly person I will call " The bird ".
Upon being a visitor in a rural Aboriginal community, i was treated very well and fed a nice hot meal. One of the most important attributes and factors was being in the presence of elderly Aboriginal men and women.
This experience brought back many memories of a better time in my life. It was the memories of my community; Round Lake, WI. As i was sitting and eating my chicken a la king lunch, I could not help but remember sitting back home in my little village at the elderly nutrition center(professional name). What i was remembering were the sewing machines, the blocks of patterns, the commotion of laughter and visiting, the genuine flavor of the last bits of community excitement and realism.
Now, my community is compromised version of a small rural city. Most of the youth have no sense of identity and Spiritual knowledge, but if you ask them what the latest techno. gadget is, they will be gladly to show and tell. Most of the young adults are too busy raising families, trying to keep up with society's demands. So, to ask them to take time out of their weekend to participate in a Drum ceremony or something of equal importance, is too sacrificial and "boring". The middle age adults are like grown teen age rs, trying to continue to fit in and just exist from day to day. The elders that are left in my community are rare. My elders are not valued as they once were. Now, the elders are used and abused by modern day educational guru's. The elders that are left, come out of a time that did not give a damn about Aboriginal rights and a time where being Indian or any other ethnic group was embarrassing and less human. Those elders that prevailed unscathed through the hard times are few. The elders that were not so lucky are trying to make sense of their wisdom they possess. Their wisdom does not make sense in the White world, the world they mostly choose to live in.

Monday, March 17, 2008

C.S.I.- Concerned Saros Investigation

How many of us out there have individual clues to our own personal investigations? If you have ever been likened by a show such as C.S.I or any other type of investigative entertainment, than you should know by now, that it takes much time, lots of patience and an attitude that must always stay positive, even if that means the script calls for your best friend to be hospitalized. You have to stay focused, on what is right and what clues you need to sift through in order to get the results that you need.
As we all do our own personal imploring about life and what it means, most of our populations want to hire someone to attend to all the investigative work in regards to our life. When the investigation is complete, we want to " hear " the answers but only the answers that pertain to our life styles and our frame of mind. If we hear info. that does not pertain to our present form of identity, than we make excuses for ourselves and loved ones, just to justify what we already know,think and act.
As to the cases of " drugged up drinking water" or the " merger of Chase and Bear Stearns CO." What questions come to mind in regards to " what is really behind the info they are feeding me?"
Like the scene from the wizard of oz, you shouldn't fear the monster because it looks really big, bad and ugly. You should set your fear to the side and have the tenacity, courage and wits to motivate yourself, along with some help to uncover the true identity of the dis-information that is being shoved in front of your face.
Grant it that we all have the capability to shut the television off or encourage our children to shut the WII off, why than, we would have to deal with the fact that there is "nothing to do." Otherwise, we will have to fully engage with our children and think of ways to have fun and stay focused on all of life's problems. Na, that is way too much work with not enough incentives.
Now, when it comes to the time where you have to either draw your weapon or face the certainty of being physically hurt, which one are you going to choose?
If you are not trained in a positive sense, you could lose your whole case and start shooting in no particular direction and lose all hope. However, if you have been nurtured,guided and reared by authentic-real people, than you will wait, be patient and use either tool you need to, at the right time. This will decide your fate for the day; internally suffer or decide that we don't need to suffer.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Blind WIll lead The Blind Part One

Never mind that first post, i accidently hit the return button and it posted my title head. Hello to the world.
For some of the tribal nations out there, this is the time of the year where the elections coincide with the national politics. If you vote on a national level, do you as an un-american feel any different or is your consciuonce a little more settled, now that you have casted your vote?
Our Turtle Island that we inhabit, is called by the majority of the population " america ." I say and continue to say " un-america ." Would you believe that people in the european nations have a better understanding and total knowledge base about Aborigianl peaoples of the Americas?
Un-america is based on flase pretenses,lies, deception and genocide. Genocide? Yes! The genocide that was initiated by unchristopher columbus was by far-much more huge than Adolf Hitlers. Funny think is, when the Eugenics movement was started, Hitler was known to have said something to the effect of " look at what you americans did to the Indains-you almost wiped them off the planet."
So, as i listen to the hype of Obama and Hillary, i always ask myself this; How and in which way will either one of these candidates wean the power of the " machine " back to the Aboriginal Elders of this Turtle Island? They possibly could not. They could never bring their selves to acknowledge the fact that the constutuin was based on the Iruquis confederacy. If they would even consider this notion, it would be extremly detrimental to politics and would turn the basis of the political scene upside down. Which would in turn, start a new wave of politics, debates and business, that-however would be decided by the elders of this continent.
Which brings me to the point of tribal elections and bullshit. We always hear the word sovereighnty thrown about like fried bread. I wish these ignorant candidates would stop usinf the "s" word and call it for what it is - "controlled."
I currently live in Northern un-minnesota, in the northeastern part of the Leech Lake reservation boundary. I am not a member of this reservation, but I am a member of the un-minnesota chippewa tribe.
Let's think in real terms: The #1 income source for most of minnesota's chippewa tribes is gaming revenues or casino monies. Now, if we really want to enforce our sovereightny, we will cut the state out of our negotiation processes regarding the Indian gaming regulatory act which was passed in 1992. We will express our concerns that we have no voting right in congress and that we are not represented. This issue has been discussed and procedures have been put in place, but where the results are and where they are going is news to me.
If we want to be sovereign, than we need to shut the hell up and act like it. So what if we piss osme white senators and legislators off, they have been pissing on our elders for damn near 600 years. If we are soverign, than we need to act like it. Let's begin to instill this attitude in our youth and develop this movement in the schools. Wait, here on the leech Lake reservation, there is a bureau of indian education (b.i.e) that needs to cater to the funding of the federal dollars that control the rules, governing council(school board) and faculty and administration. Let's get rid of the funding source, tell the feds that we don't want our kid's mind's remote controlled by the b.i.e and take the school back. But the blind will continue to lead the blind.
Tribal politics and Spirituality have no connection. What the Tribal political scens have evolved into is a program that is like social securty and health care, it has morphed into a siphon that keeps the tribal community's crippled and relying on the same programs, deceptions and banking systems that keep the status quo.
Damn! Where and the hell are the old warriors??? Perhaps dead, washed up, retired and bonded by administartional trauma and ailments.
I jus recently attended a dinner for a tribal person who is running for the Leech Lake chairman. It was a good community relations tool, but it was a huge phisod and joke. The individuals who are running told the same old thngs and same old bullshit. Nothing new. I had to bite my tongue and be respectful to my wife and her relatives. I did however mention to my inlaws that if i was one of them men standing there i would have stood up and said " as a nomonee for the tribal council position, the first thing that I would do as tribal chairman is to burn the church down in this community."
Very harsh and looked upon bu my inlaws as inconsiderate and very, very distasteful. To be honest, it has happend on the Red alke reservation in a community called Ponemah. Some of the old Traditionalist got sick of what the church was doing and what it's real purpose was and some young warriors got together and burned the only church down. However, just recenlty when i attended the Ponemah Labor day walk/run i noticed that thier was a new church. I wonder how long it will last? Probably for while because thier are quite a few un-christians inhabiting Ponemah.

Blind WIll lead The Blind

Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Aboriginal For President part 1

What if we had an Aboriginal member for president.....
We could than tax every second, third, fourth, etc. generation of people who came here illegally. What about illegal immigrants? This on the national front is a joke. It is deviated from most of the Euro-American peoples frame of mind. What the hell, they conquered this turtle island and they do not have to worry about the true history of this continent because they write it.
What would an aboriginals frame of mind be towards the budget? They would start new schools that would not enforce the different social classes. They would set an agenda to have every piece of mineral extracted from this land-compensated to the hereditary chiefs of this land and their people. Than they could send the people back to their homelands who did not want to stay.
What about the military? They would incorporae the elders who are deemed fit to be an elder, than obey thier guidlines and wisdom. War? That would be left up to the women.
The budget? Shut every federal department down for a year, give everyone a paid leave of absence and hound out the shadow government. Than, the president and their messengers could really start new.
Who wants government reform?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Coming Home-A Reality Connection PT.2

Coming home, means a lot to me. When I return home I see most of the population taking the community for granted. It is a community with all the signs of a metropolitan area; in the sense of a lack of community awareness, isolated frames of mind, food that is brought into the community, no frame of mind for gardens, etc. This is really sad, because in my community's past, this was unheard of. It was a thriving community, full of the hustle and bustle of grandparent involvement, visiting, storytelling, moccasin makers, elders who policed the community.
Now, the elders who posess fluency in aboriginal languages are used for that knowledge by Spiritual guru's, who, outnumber the passionate individuals that really strive to maintain the exisistence of any particular language. Elders do not carry the wait or clout they did some time ago. Young people lack the knowledge of aboriginal languages vitalness and also lack the adacity to even begin to care about the languages rate of survival. With out aboriginal language their ceases to exist the true meaning of spirituality from any particular culture's identity. The sense of spirituality in every decision that is made in the community is thrown out the window. This idea scares the hell right out of the non-spiritual beings. Because then, they would not only have to change their lifestyles, they would have to get religious. And, sometimes, maybe, religion isn't for everyone, all Iknow is that it is a nessecity.

So, returning home feels like I am amongst zombies and ghouls. If only I could unleash the curse's they personify and omit. However, like most of the zombie movies that are out there, I am the one the zombies are attracted to, whether they realize it or not. A zombie does not care how it survives, it needs to survive by following the source of energy that is the closest with in it's parameter. Anything that is not closely related to the zombies state of being is considered either a threat or food for it's survival.

This is how I keep my sanity amongst the masses, I have to see them for what they really are; selfish, walking around aimlessly and looking for other victims to add to thier populations. They walk around most of the time starving-starving for that attention they don't give a ratt's ass about. All they want to do is consume, digest and get rid of that piece of flesh who can help them to humanity.

I sit here and wait........trying to strategize and course my next move, looking for the other survivors amongst the rooftops..........

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Time will tell........Who you really are

Currently we are all feeling the staggering costs of health care, food, and transportation. However, what does this mean? What is the bigger picture in store for the majority of the population?
As an Aboriginal person, i have to always ask myself this question? When i think on the matter and the problems we face on a day to day basis, i can understand why most people are in a huge state of denial. Denial in the fact, that most people think that everything is just fine and that there is nothing to worry about. Complicate this by the matter, in which the people who are in some type of influential/authoritative role, don't have the courage,ability and strength to even begin to offer suggestions and stand up against the real bullies; the government infrastructure and all of it's labyrinth connections.
So, in all actuality most of the masses of people are either 1) distracted with some type of event 2) inundated with overwhelming stress( easier to control ), or thirdly, too damn weak to think they can make a difference.
The real people and Aboriginals that can see what and where we are headed, as a society are too few, thin and outnumbered. They need support, encouragement and listeners. They feel like no one cares or that nobody gives a damn about what they think.
So, text that text of yours. Drink that alcoholic drink of yours. En gauge yourself meaninglessly to whatever you might.
Because when the time comes for you to fight, you will already be self-defeated. You won't realize, like you don't realize now, that you are being used, abused and mislead by every commercial you watch, every product you buy, and yes-even your own damn self.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Please.......Please who?

I just talked to one of my adopted relatives in Ontario,Canada. He told my that when I come to Canada-to make sure that I have my birth certificate.
I guess when that time comes I will make sure that I don't have that piece of paper. I mean, think of it, it would kinda be great not to be accepted back into the un-united states. Not, that Canada is any better, but their track record with the Aboriginals, in my opinion is a little better.
So, if you are planning to travel to Canada, take your birth certificate with you and if you want to make a historical point, don't take your birth certificate with.
I now would like to direct my focus on our Aboriginal peoples attitude about the empire(U.S.A) and how everyone in my opinion is controlled, fearful and yet, still purchasing all that useless shit we are taught by the mass media to have.
Why do we choose to attend post-secondary education institutes? Is is because some of us like to be elitist and come across that way in our communities? Do we attend these institutes, because we need more money, a bigger house or just plain more money?
Well, these institutes, if they are of a high caliber rank(sick), are designed to exterminate the individual thought process of it's peers, make sure the peer is following the corporate agenda, relocate them is some sense-all in the attitude that " hey this schooling will benefit you and your families and your communities." All hidden, in plain sight.
Those of you who keep your end of the empires bargain,keep acting like your shit don't stink, don't call people back that are less human than you. But, do play politician and act like you really care about people and their communities. When the time comes to voice your opinion on certain matters, your mass schooling frame of mind will kick in, opposing all thoughts that do not think like you.
So, there goes the Elders and the communities thoughts, right out the window.
I think we need to just let these people be and have their own little world, wait they do, they have the whole damn world with their oppressive ways.......Shit, silly me.
So what, i will continue to oppose these ill-attitude-no back boned pussies....

Thursday, January 24, 2008


I could be considered a half breed. An apple, as my wife likes to tease me about. But, i must say, i am not tainted with the European blood that presumably likes to dominate everything it encounters.
I have numerous relatives, friends and enemies that are either Caucasian, half-breeds, African-American, Chinese American or just plain Native.
It seems to me like the people I encounter who have a diluted European blood line in excess of 25% are really selfish, arrogant people. Don't get me wrong, these are just the people in my narrow path in life.
It seems to me that these people, whether they have really light skin or if they have dark skin as myself, are really chameleons. If they are really light skinned, than they can fit into mainstream society as a white person. I mean, society will probably in the most relate with these people's white side.
However, if these same individuals choose to follow their aboriginal blood, they will always omit that Aboriginal sense of being, not the white blood. Now, if they are dark skinned like myself, these people are the chameleons that cannot hide the color of their skin, therefor they are the really dangerous people. They can come off as an authentic Aboriginal person, however, eventually, their Euro centric way of mind and being always pushes their Aboriginal connection, charm, charisma and most importantly, attitude to the side.
There was this elderly man who influenced my thoughts. This was one of many elderly men that influenced my intellectual thought process. I did not receive this thought process from attending western school systems or a few university instructors. I was always challenged by some old men as to, how i really looked at life, people, my surroundings and health. Little did i know at the time how they were rearing me. Now a days, i can see where all the knowledge can be applied from these elderly men.
" Take a look at the all the trees, you never see birch trees marrying the oak trees and you never see the Pines marry the Poplar trees-that's how our people should live and stay-PURE,JUST LIKE THE TREES."
So. What how do we educate the masses on this particular matter?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Gichigaming and the Toxic Avenger

I just reconnected with an old friend. His name is Greg Price. I actually met Greg a few years back at Mcdonalds. I was there with some of the students I work with. We were just returning from a field trip to the Duluth aquarium.
Greg has done extensive research on the Nuclear Waste that was dumped into Lake Superior from one of our great armed forces. Of coure they will never admit to the dumping and or acknowledge the fact of the matter.
Greg, a long with another man named W.B Wirta need support. They are trying to get the word out and the messege as to the Nuclear Waste that is on the bottom of Lake Superior. Anyone out there, check out the website: nukewatch.com
It's petty interesting and very informative. Plus, it gives the extensive amount of information that Greg has uncovered. Questions and concerns can be posted here. If not, you can e-mail Mr. Wirta at wbwirta@cs.com
Until the next time,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Everyone in a Hertz.

Well let's face it, most people are trained professionals in fields that further the agenda of the un-united states of dis-america.
Most people act pretty shitty when you step on their toes and act worse if they know, that you know-what their true life intentions are.
So, we have a full orchestrated, dumbing down community. What one believes and does, the rest or remainder of the population will enforce or act out, just because they are with the agenda of the oppressor.
So, that take to mind the human kind and it's powerful drive to live,learn, reprogram and gather energy.
The human mind operates between .5 hertz and 36 hertz. Now, if you are a person who lives in (TRIES)balance with the rest of the natural forces, you will notice, that, most people do not know of their own personal force in the positive sense. They would rather give into the negative force that is much easier and sold by Hollywood.
So, if yo were one of the attendees who had the opportunity to attend one of our Ceremonial gatherings, you could have found yourself in ahh, overwhelmingness and plain disgust.
Disgust in the fact, people always find their own clicks. These same people gather in groups, that by numbers, dominate the energy that s put out into the ceremony.
So, you have an opposing force like myself come onto the scene and disturb, rustle up the dominating energy and watch individual eyes go cold of the ones that i disturb. Next thing you know, i am the outcast, the lonely one-the one that everyone wants to target, because they do not want my opinion on their life, it would piss them off and upset the natural order of their healing.
So, i have decided whoever needs my energy will receive it, who does not want my energy, well, i will still offer my tobacco for you.
Now, if you take the natural Hertz of the human mind and mix this up with a Spiritual gathering, you are overcome with some pretty awesome feelings and energies. All that give the individuals time to heal and have the ability to heal their minds from life's every day bombarding of incomplete energies.
But,If you are most of the people i witnessed at our ceremony who are ignorant,selfish and oh so compliant, you will have your cell phone, gameboy,mp3 player and YES-EVEN A LAPTOP connected to you, so that it appears that you are engaged into something that makes you a somebody. Yet, you stop to really consider the fact, that the gadgets you ware, listen to and get enjoyment from-all emit an electrical frequency. DOes it matter to you that our old Elders stopped any type of un-american distraction from coming into our ceremonies?????
So, these Old Elders lived in the harmonic balance of the earth. So, when an elder came up to you as a young child and that elder slapped you on the leg and said something to the effect " wake up-there's no time for sleep."
There was huge amounts of truth to that action. That elder wanted the best energy for you as a young child, now you are that child, that is all grown up and possibly with your own cubs as well.
So now, our living elders are all in a flux. Some of them lack the capacity to voice their concerns openly. they do not feel fit to be in the limelight of "elder." So, now what?
They have me, and i have them. You have a problem with me, take it up with our TRUE ELDERS.

Coming Home----A reality Connection

This is finally it. My own blog. Man, i had to put this off for a long time, the fact that the unity of our communities are really fucked.
I got to get home to my place of Spiritual enlightenment, my home and my Spiritual place of humility. It is Waweyeagamaug, or Round Lake, Wisconsin.
To return home is always overwhelming. To see the disarray of ill functioning people, including my close family, is really in all, a by product of reservations and lifestyles-to each is to it's own-kinda attitude.
Upon returning home, i always notice new things, people and attitudes. This time what i had noticed was more evident of what our old people, the old people that do not physically exist anymore, except by people's thoughts-and what was evident was the lack of community, unity, truth and sense of pride and fullfillment.
I am the type of person that sits and observes, beyond the normal procedures-whatever that means. So, as i was sitting and meditating, taking a break away from my ceremonial procedures ,a story about an elderly gentleman from the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation came into my mind.
The thought that came into my mind was that this old man, just like the elders of his day-were tricky, tricky in the fact that they could know how somebody thought-percieved life-what was important to these people, just by listening to them. They would not even have to see them, just hear them.
So, i was closing my eyes and listening. Imaging what those old people would hear 80 or 90 years ago. But, at first, everything was a conglomerate of muffled sounds, hard to hear just one voice.
"People think i am sleeping" i could hear this old man say to me. " What they don't know is that i am listening-listening to things, foolish ideas-fake people."
So, as i sat and listened, i heard the foolish thoughts , ideas and fake Anishinabe people. I guess you really have to be a strong spirited person to listen to all the garbage and lifeless things people take for being fun and motivating.
So, after hours of listening and coming up with an opinion of people, these Old Men would give their FACTS on ceremonial procedures, people and life. All of this and than some, from the old people's perspective. This was their commitment and knowledge to the order of the universe. Now-THERE IS NO TRUE ORDER-THE INDIVIDUALS CALLING ORDER TO CERTAIN FACETS OF LIFE AND SPIRITUAL WISDOM ARE CONTROL FREAKS.
So, it's like this: Who are we in the world? Who are we in the Universe? And who are we on our own Anishinabe world and communities?
Most of our past Spiritual people answered all of these questions by living-lilving the truths of life and nothing else. Trial and error were essential to thier survival.
Now, in todays time thier is no time for trial and error, because everyone is programmed to see all of your errors and give you thier opinion because they have no time to reflect what they see about you.