Friday, July 24, 2020

Goodluck with phase 2

Goodluck with phase 2 of the corona virus. As the governor of Minnesota is getting ready to declare masks for all business and public places in Minnesota, I cant help but think of many of the brainwashed people out there. Honestly, it's really ridiculous to even concern yourself with the whole mask and covid debate. 
However, I do think about the Leech Lake band members who are getting ready to apply for their covid funds. What many tribal members across Turtle island are choosing to see is the financial relief that the covid moneys are going to assist them with, during these embarrassing times. I would have to say that like the cobell lawsuit, the acceptance of sars-covid-2 money through your tribes is leading to something else and something more destructive. Say like, more erosion of civil liberties on the reservations and much more erosion to native land bases and economic opportunities and options. 
If you ever received a Cobell check, you probably were just overwhelmed and glad to have gotten some "chumpchange." Like most of the recipients of the Cobell monies, most Natives did not do their homework when it came to understanding the underlining principals of the lawsuit. Long story short, Elouise Cobell initiated the lawsuit but end up passing away before the lawsuit fell through. When she did pass, the lawyers working on the case, happen to include a couple of additions with the lawsuit. If you can remember, the lawyers working on the case, tried to hurry the lawsuit through the courts without ever telling any tribe the "extra arrangements" that were added to the lawsuit. 
At the last minute, the lawyers working on the lawsuit doubled their court fees. They also added a condition that included all the recipients of the monies. That condition stated something to the effect of never claiming monies to another lawsuit in the future. Meaning, that if you received Cobell monies and signed the check, you could never be part of another lawsuit in the future. Of course, the lawyers didn't tell Indian country these two additions and they laughed all the way to the bank. They served the United States Government very effectively and closed a huge gap for the feds. and future lawsuits. 

Now, here we are again, but this time, the odds are much more in favor for tribes and their members. It's like when the Cobell lawsuit was initiated, a Jet sprayed arsenic over the whole United States, aiming and hoping to target specific Indians. Now with the sars-covid-2 monies, a whole cabal of bombers has been deployed. These bombers are loaded with uranium, arsenic, aluminum and they are being deployed to fly over the whole entire United States at very low altitudes to ensure better results. These results and casualties of this next chapter of war, will start with the acceptance of CARE act monies. From their, the feds will maneuver specific key items that will look to impair Indians' health, infrastructures, and key financial abilities. They will ensure that tribal councils are continually complacent with their policies and procedures, in which some policies go back 70 years. The next major objective will seek to destroy our health facilities and our religions. By not having any connection to the old ways, we will expedite the process of elimination. Elimination of our boundaries and connection to the lands. No reservations = no deals = no IHS= No more Indian problems.
Sounds really bizarre and uneventful eh? The truth to the matter is that Indians are always going to be public enemy number 1 when it comes to this government. If the Government can exterminate us first, then the rest of these "Americans" can claim no ties or DNA connections to the land. One of these days I will elaborate on the whole DNA theory and science. Believe me, times are going to get worse, it doesn't matter how much money you have, how many cars you have in your driveway or if your home is valued at 100,000 dollars. The easy life we have all been living was a fisaud. That fisaud was deplored by the US government and implemented in 1000's of ways. From electricity, heating, housing, automotive, entertainment, healthcare, banking, etc., Our whole lifestyle for the past 100 years has been to fake and absurd. What the Federal government has been able to do is keep all the races divided and neutralized by offering all these choices of modern-day living. Think I'm wrong, look at our health care system, people who work for the state system have a better health care insurance program than IHS. Now, multiply that by 1000. 
Yet our tribal councils have been very complicit and dumbfounded to the real agendas of the Federal Government. All or most tribal governments have appeased to the Whiteman government and they have done so with a false sense of identity and pride, They have lied to our people from the very beginning and they continue to lie to our children. We all believe the lies that have been perpetrated by the federal government and now we are the culprits. We choose to lie to our children by allowing them to believe in tribal councils. Tribal councils are ripping us off and they need to be exterminated. 

We have to get past the blame game and get right to the dismantling of tribal governments. We have to start at the Minnesota Chippewa tribe. We should be holding everyone that works for the MCT accountable and protesting at their homes and office. If you have ever met or witnessed an MCT employee, you will notice the lifestyle that they live in. That's another story.

The jets and arsenic are being deployed. The cocktails that are being brewed will be much more precise and culturally specific to achieve maximum efficiency. (We have all heard that before) The jets, drones and ATI have visited are people in the past and now they will be returning. What you have to remember is that the commanders work closely with the tribal councils. It's like, the Feds. are instructed by their superiors to let the Indians know what their intentions are going to be and what they are planning. That way, the feds can say that they have "consulted" with the tribal governments. Like most Indians, the tribal councils do not read. They will not read the fine print of the sars-covid2 cares act. The fine print that they will not beable to read(due to military jurisdiction) of the sars-covid-2 will be detrimental. The fine print that has been written, will be much more severe, punishing, and destructive. 99% of the eyes of our people have been sewn shut. They were sewn shut at the time of birth. Indian babies are unique, versatile, and above the average. At birth, most of the babies could rip out there stitching, the ones that couldn't, well you can see where they are at now in life. If the babies chose to rip their stitching out, the nurses and doctors would have to devise an alternative. The alternative would be administered through an I.V., oral med. or some type of "test." This alternative would be like a time capsule. It would take decades or years for the cocktail to fully be released or triggered. With the introduction of smartphones, smart televisions, 5G and many other technologies. These cocktails can be easily traced, implemented and tracked. The technologies of health and sciences far exceed what we understand and what we are told. The health and sciences departments all over the United States receive military contracts, monies and favors if they pursue a certain agenda or research that targets a specific type of people, including us Indians.  This includes the Rockefeller hospitals and associates in New York state and around the globe. I guess you could say that they are the hub of many research facilities and they facilitate, disseminate, and ensure what health policies, information, and technologies are implemented around the globe. You can bet your ass that the Rockefellers tell Indian health services what health policies to implement when it comes to our health services and what cocktails should be dispersed. 
The cocktails that I am referring to include and are not limited to Diabetes, High blood pressure, heart problems, vascular issues, cancers, bone issues, and a whole array of mental health issues. And then you understand why I have chosen to be a Chemical dependency counselor on my own. Most counselors have been sold an agenda and they follow that agenda like the bible. Most of the counselors cannot fathom the health issues that alcoholics and drug addicts live with, because the counselors themselves(and other health professionals) are inundated with one or more of these sicknesses themselves, on top of having their eyes sewn shut. You get the drift?

Phase 2 is here. The state is mandating masks everywhere and where does that leave us Indians? Did you forget we are treaty people and that the state cannot tell us what to do? I know in the first episode of the sars-covid-2 the Governor included reservations in his emergency declaration. Like I have shared before the tribes followed suit in regards to the federal and state guidelines to the sars-covid-2 policies and crap. 
The monies are being dispensed, the drug dealers, junkies, and pimps are all licking their chops. The smoke is already being dispersed in certain Ojibwe communities. The smoke is being translated into 1000 dollars and 500 dollars. Many Indians look at the other tribes and state what they are doing with the monies. I have not heard about an elder or traditional person, not wanting the monies. We don't need it and we don't need the problems the monies are going to cause. The problems that will be associate with the acceptance of the monies is unimaginable and many of our people cannot fathom the idea of "termination." What we should be telling our grandchildren is that the government has always lied and continues to lie. We also need to tell our grandchildren that tribal councils lie and they are going to be the reasons why Indians will or don't have anything. Tribal councils lie to themselves, their families, and the Creator. You see, the Whiteman continues to lie to US and the tribal councils continue to lie to our Grandchildren. 


Chief Jay Wadena

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

More propoganda

As I have said before, I'm not one to listen to the mainstream media and it's filth that it spreads. I will occasionally check to see what fears they are trying to permeate and critically think about the smokescreen that is being released. 
Take, for instance, the current estimates of the sars-covid2 numbers. The CDC, Government, and doctors are trying to say that the numbers are rising. The numbers and the tests that are being shoved down our throats are just plain lies, lies, and more lies. 
On top of that, the Governor is being stripped of his sole authority and the legislators involved are feeling as if they need to be part of the pie. So, they feel as if they need to strip the governor of his authority. I get it in the white world, but the Indians aren't doing a damn thing about tribal sovereignty. The same old song and dance towards the sars-covid2 pandemic with regards to wearing masks, keeping a 6-foot distance, and constantly sanitizing is being followed like the pied piper, with regards to the tribes. 
Most of the tribes that are in power now, are uneducated bafoons and copy cats. I say this because most of the Ojibwe tribes have allowed the fear of the pandemic to be released upon our lands with no faith in our culture and no elder input to how to "block" the white man's disease of deception and propaganda. This means that, with our younger generations, they are seeing how their tribes are handling the epidemic and what to do when a pandemic arrives. Our children are being lied to and most of the tribes are patting themselves on the back for initiating many of the federal guidelines that are in place, due to the pandemic. 
Tell me this, where did the 6-foot distance originate from? What is the scientific proof of a 6-foot distance? To tell you the truth, there is no scientific proof of a 6-foot distancing. The powers that be, decided to come up with the 6 foot distancing because it sounded good and it made room for people to not want to band together. The whole 6-foot distancing was the first for a global recognition POLICY and it was followed up with more propaganda. The humiliating part was that the sheeple of the world followed it like the rule of dictators. People of the world and the Indians in the world are predictable. They are predictable like animals in a zoo. At least when the animals in the zoo get pissed off, they bite or seriously maim their keepers. Not most Indians or the mainstream population, they just sit and wait for the next best thing that comes. 
I try to live in the white world as little as possible. As a Chief, it is so hard to see 99% of our people go with the flow of the federal guidelines of the social distancing and other bull crap. 
As you can see from the picture at the top, the CDC is not an Indian and does not speak for Indians treaty rights or sovereignty. We are supposed to be sovereign individuals, but the tribal councils that represent us, take the fruit of the tribal sovereignty and leave us individuals with nothing but tribal cards and a false sense of empowerment. False in the sense of what tribe we are associated with. 
You see, when you look from the state and federal government's standpoint, the cards are being played perfectly when it comes to the tribes. YOu have the tribes following the federal guidelines and being good little Indians. Well I say the hell with that, the whole pandemic has nothing to do with Indians and you can believe the white man's shit if you want. 
"Oh the sick, elderly, and medically challenged are the first ones affected by sars-covid2." Like I said, think like your Chief wants you to, oh wait, you don't have a Chief because the Whiteman told you that we are dead, obsolete and uneducated. An Indian in these times without a CHief to guide them is like an Indian locked in a zoo. That is where most of the modern-day Indians belief, outlook, self-education, morals, and everything else is derived from; A ZOO LIKE CULTURE. 
In all of this pandemic going on, we Indians are not talking about our brothers the Awesiiyag and the binesiiwag. I have not heard any Indian who wears a mask talk about our birds or animal helpers and friends. One of the reasons that many of our Indians have not spoken of the animals is because they are too selfish. They are to selfish to honor the birds and animals and believe that they will continue to protect us. Plus, the Whiteman perpetuating the sars-covid-2 will not be impressed or will not look at the Indians favorably if they are talking about all that witchcraft mumbo-jumbo of the old ways.
I do not wear a mask unless I visit a business establishment that requires it. Even then, I wonder why and the hell don't us Indians band together and say "we are treaty people and our treatise outrank your state and federal guidelines." It's a monkey see monkey do Indian world and the Indians are one species of monkeys that are locked in the zoo. There are other species of monkeys in the zoo and if they get treats and extra food for being good monkeys, the Indian monkeys will follow suit. Even when that comes to discipline if the Indian-monkeys witness another species get the shit kicked out of them for misunderstanding than the Indian-monkeys will civilize and not talk about their Chiefs. 


Chief Jay

Check your bunghole

YOu better check your bunghole. LIterally! I say this due to an unseen circumstance and situation. The just of the story is that I am ok and my bunghole is great and intact. Really though! I just recently went through a series of food poisoning. The last episode really hurt like hell. It felt as if my kidneys were infected and I got shot in the stomach. No joke, would not wish that pain of my worst enemy. When you are living with and experiencing pain, as an Anishinebg, you kinda lose focus of everything else and only worry about your pain. I mean to rate the pain from a 1 to 10, I would say the pain I experienced was about a 9. Talk about hurting and writhing in pain. 
I had another episode in January 2019. It landed me in the E.R and eventually a consult that lead me to have my colon examined. Yes, I said that. Upon initial discussion with the doc. it didn't feel as if anything was wrong with me or that I had cancer or anything like it. But the doc., myself, and the wife all discussed the issue at hand. The doctor advised me that he would not violate my bunghole, just kidding, but he advised that while I was having stomach issues, I might as well get the colonoscopy, just to be safe."
So, I inclined and waited for my instructions. To my surprise, I had to drink, drink a cocktail of salty water that tasted like no other jeebik root, I could think of. The first cup is not bad, its like when you get to your 2nd, 3rd, 4th,5th and so on. The shit tastes bad. 
I warriored through the ordeal. YOu see, I have a high metabolism and the hunger that I had to endure during the whole process was just as extreme. The whole incident happened over the MLK holiday weekend and by the third or fourth day, I decided I needed to go home. Plus I needed to get off the clear liquid diet. Oh - yeah, I had graduated to a soft diet, but that might as well be no food at all, it was bad for an Indian. So, I endured the graduation from a clear diet to a soft food diet. It was for my safety and the safety of my stomach and all the internals that go with it. But, enough was enough, I was starting to expect that they were keeping me in the hospital longer than what I needed. 
Long story short. If you are a man and reading this, get your colon checked out and be proud of the fact. 
My father had colon cancer and I had a close friend that had colon cancer. They are both okay and in remission. They were both in their 50s and 60's before they ever got their colons checked. So, if you are in your middle 40's, and you have a stomach scare or whatever, get your colon checked. As the doctor reminded me, the sooner the better than your good for another 10 years. In my case, I think I will be good for the next 20 years but you never know. 
Enjoy and quit eating fried foods, junk foods, and processed foods, if not, at least start tapering yourself down on all that crappy food. I'm not saying I was indulging in all of that food in high intervals but it made me think of how much and what foods I put into my system now. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Aluminum and sugar

Lets face it, if we as Native Americans got rid of Aluminum and sugar, we would prevent a host of medical issues and complications. 
If you read this, I would encourage you to read two books. 1.) Pure, white and deadly. 2.) Police state planning. If you put in www.policestateplanning it will tell you the site no longer exists, but you can download the pdf book. 

With all the crap that the Government is doing to people, it shames me to see the Native people of the Americas act like pansies when it comes to the sars-covid2 virus. enough of that. 

All tribes need to shed themselves of IHS and tribal governments - period. There is much covid money allocated to tribes and most of the councils are doing what they want with the funds with no one keeping checks and balances. Its the same old shit, just another day. Indians just need to come together and demand that tribal governments be exterminated and replaced by the hereditary Chiefs. Anishinabeg people are to passive. We allow our own people to rob and plunder our future generations but do nothing about it. I am just one person, living amongst my wife's people, who are just as guilty. On every reservation, everyone or a great deal of the majority of the tribal members know whos stealing money from us but we don't do a damn thing about it, why? Historical trauma is happening every day, we just think that its a thing of the past that the white man has done to us. This is not true, the people that we elect into our tribal governments, unleash historical trauma, ill practices, and fucked up behaviors that continue to make our people naive, stupid, sick, and just plain dumb. We believe and teach our young that historical trauma is a thing of the past, not true, its happening in so many ways, our people can't keep up with the notion. By not keeping up, many of our Indians fall behind the lies and deception being shoved down our throats, that when we see a little of an uprising we REACT. WE REACT WITH FALSE BELIEFS AND MOTIVATION. We can go and protest in Standing Rock but we can't even band together to protest our tribal governments, tribal programs, and the BIA. YOu see what I am getting at? Its like the hidden smokescreen of the Whiteman directing the Indian. " Go have a powwow-claim that your of the earth-dance for money-make your regalia of white man's materials-drive your oil-enriched car- BUT GO AND PROTEST IN STANDING ROCK. If you don't think that a white-government official is behind your tribe's gangster activities with regards to tribal councils, you are wrong, YOU ARE COVID WRONG! The Gangsters who gave us tribal governments have been robbing and plundering the earth since the beginning of the Queen of England(a hint). Are we really continuing to teach our children that tribal Governments are a good thing? We have to quit lying to our future generations and start standing up for them. We need to shed our Native identities from the statehood and feds completely. This means no more Social security numbers, no more state identifications, no more inoculations, no more medical coverage, no more white government in our lives.  Did I forget to mention, no more Walmart, no more diapers, no more white man's clothes, no more driving his cars, NOTHING!
This means no more free money, if you want free money and that way of life and continue to lie to your children, live with the white men and keep taking his lies and medication and we will see you on the other side. We should be honoring and learning from the Ammish.

 You see, the division of tribes is a  huge thing, because if you really understand division, you have the tribes competing, exploiting and mocking each other. Take for example the whole Sovereignty issue. You have the Mille lacs band, the White Earth Band, the Leech Lake Band, the Boise Forte, the Grand Portage tribe - all Ojibwe bands. Each tribe brags they are a nation within a nation, we are all a nation of people, so when we are a small population of the same people, and we say that we are a nation, we actually sound pretty pathetic and uneducated. I guess you could say that we continue the process of divide and conquer by teaching our children that we are "a nation within a nation." We are all Ojibwe people and the creation of reservations and tribal councils continue to keep us separate. By allowing this separatism, we continue to lie, cheat, and steal from our 7 generations. 

Okay, so how is historical trauma still happening. I would like to refer to it as immediate trauma. 2 of the zillion things that come to mind are sugar and aluminum.

 The  Federal government has gained total control over our tribal governments, the education of doctors and all health officials and what it says is policy as a nation. Doctors should have told us to read the book Pure, white, and deadly. Our people should have never accepted the white man's sugar without reading this book first. If we suffer from diabetes, liver, and heart problems than we can thank sugar for those host of medical issues. If you visit a BIA hospital, the doctor or doctors should have prescribed this book to you or our elders for that matter. The BIA doesn't want our people to get better, if they did, they would be employing our medicine people, our traditional healers, and elders. But once again, we have to do this ourselves and take back our lives and history as a people. 


 The one ingredient that is a by-product of aluminum is FLUORIDE. Long story short, the feds and medical establishment decided that all Americans needed fluoride in the water system to assist with the prevention of cavities and a protectant of water. If you know HISTORY, you will learn or re-learn that Hilter gave the Jewish people fluoride in the concentration camps. He administered fluoride for its medical ADHD effects if you would. This means that fluoride is a neuron inhibitor, where it lies dormant in our bodies and make us very passive and act like everything is okay or "what is the point of fighting?" Fluoride makes our bodies not want to fight by blocking certain actions like fight or flight. Plus fluoride stays in our brain and bodies without ever being able to rid ourselves of it.  Now we are the modern-day Jewish people and we have been treating our own selves with Fluoride and the government just keeps the supplies stocked. Fluoride is toxic. Fluoride has been bought and paid for by the Pharma-medical gangsters. YOu have a Thyroid problem, I bet you can trace it back to fluoride. 


Read and watch the video; Pure, white and deadly. Sugar is just bad. We all say that but we don't do a damn thing about it. Sugar has been refined and refined to the point that its sweetness rating is off the charts. The additive, High fructose corn syrup is like having a shot of moonshine to your system. think I'm wrong, watch your children's heart rate, liver functions and breathing, all be affected by a blast of pop. Still think I'm wrong, as you watch the video, Pure, white and deadly, you will hear from the medical expert that sugar(fructose) and alcohol are the same things. It's just that alcohol is added to a can of beer. When a can of soda and alcohol is consumed in large amounts over time, you have the same results; High blood pressure, diabetes, liver problems, and a host of other medical issues. We should not allow alcohol and soda onto our lands, not to forget the all the other bad stuff. 

So, you see as tribes, we have been lying and cheating our future generations by believing in the western diet, motives, money, books, movies, auto-industry, fashion industries, schools, employment opportunities, and most of what we do in our daily lives, its no wonder why we live our lives as lies. The Whiteman has continued to lie to our nations, now our nations can't keep up with the lies, so they lie to each other and their Grandchildren. 

Chief Jay Wadena

Monday, July 6, 2020

Death-But not really

I just found out that my elder cousin passed away. The funny thing is I never knew that Larry was my mother's cousin until 2004. I remember talking with my mother Louisa, and one day she said to me, "make sure you say hello to my cousin down that way. I said who is that. She replied on Larry Wade." I then told her that me and Larry always hung out and that I attended sweats with him. I guess you could say, that's when I became closer to my "cuz." 
The family believes that he had sar-covid-2. I say that because that is what the hospital related to the family. With the hysteria of the covid thing going rampant, why wouldn't the family believe the "health experts?"
Anyway, Larry Wade was an elder and tireless crusader of A.A.,  ideas, projects, and acts -  that contributed to someone's sobriety and peoples well being. My cousin was not a professional counselor but knew more than the average counselor when it came to our people. Plus he was a man that lived and breathed our Native Spirituality. Being an elder, my cousin was a strong man, both physically and spiritually. I guess you can say that he was more than protected when it comes to sickness. In Anishinabeg society, if you practice what you preach, you will be taken care of by the Manidoog. When I first got into the counseling field, my cousin Larry was very ecstatic and happy for me. I got my first job with the state of Minnesota. It was a program called 4-winds, it was an all Native client program. Uncle Larry would always be there for our weekly feasts and sweat lodges. He was very inspirational and motivated towards clients well being. 
When I landed the job with the state he was pretty excited. He started to tell me the Native people who were responsible for the development of the program. He then went on to relate some Native statistics about how many times a person went to treatment and all that stuff. 
Having the Corona is a double-edged sword. On one hand, family members were told that he had acquired the virus and at the same time, he's an American Indian. What many people and especially Native people don't remember, is that Indians are public enemy number 1. Uncle Larry knew this. We would always talk about his tribe, the Mille Lacs band, and how it is ineffective with its people in many ways, including health and medical care. What is believed by all of my uncle's relatives is that he had the virus and that's dangerous within itself. I saw one young man post his death and say that Larry had the sars-covid-2(professional name). What people are failing to see is that when and if there is a death, many hospitals are reporting the deaths as "covid" related. Whether or not the deceased person died of covid, Indians across the board are being suspicious of who really has covid and who doesn't. Its like owning a treatment center and saying a person needs treatment and they really don't qualify for treatment. What many people are failing to see is that if a medical facility reports a death by covid, than they receive a higher rate of pay across the board, including death discharges. If someone dies of a heart attack, the medical facilities are instructed to tell the media, that the person who died from the heart attack was due to the corona virus. This pandemic has run its course and many Indian people are listening to the Whiteman and his lies again, in regards to the virus. Indian people have lost their ability to think, act, and see for themselves. You see me and Larry always talked about seeing and reporting the truth. We both agreed that Tribal Governments were necessary but not trusted or very beneficial to the average Indian, Including this pandemic. Most Indians, especially tribal governments cannot act like our ancestors, with regards to Honor, compassion, and bravery. Its like one elder told me "give an Indan a dollar bill and he will see the devil that comes with it." That my friends is what has stripped the Indian from his Spirituality. Uncle Larry helped everyone that he could. I remember one of the last times that I stayed with him, he had a guy by the name of Nerbert staying with him. I guess he knew Nerbert from back in his drinking days and they were old friends. Larry happen to run to Minneapolis and run into Nerbert. Nerbert must have told Larry that he was homeless and on the streets. With no hesitation, Larry invited him to stay at his house. Larry always had his Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren at his house. He had custody of a few of his Grandchildren. It was always a pleasure to witness the life that Larry had with his Grandchildren. It reminded me of my life at home with my Grandchildren as well. Being at uncle Larry's was a treat within itself. He and his wife Nadine were a cool, different type of couple. Nadine laid down the law and together, they practiced their traditional way of life. 
Uncle Larry loved to sing, we sang more than a few times together. We attended many sweats at his house or in the community. 
But the covid? Yeah, maybe he had pneumonia or something related to it but not the virus. I don't say that because I didn't want him to have the infliction, I say that because he was an Indian. You see the Military-medical- pharma industry is the gangsters of America. Indian people are public enemy number one. I say this because if there are no Indians in America, then there is no reminder of the Holocaust that was manufactured against our peoples of North and South America. Uncle Larry also knew that Indians needed more lawyers and needed to get their shit together. Having an Indan with the Sars-covid-2 is the equivalent of having all the gold in the world, with regards to D.N.A and Biology. What most Indians believe is that we are susceptible to the sars-covid2 virus. Maybe or maybe not, but most Indians should know that bio-warfare was relinquished on us many years ago. What Indians have forgotten, is that Bio-warfare has still been relinquished on our homelands, we just chose to forget about it. Many of our Indian relatives have been systematically "duped" by many tribal programs, free money, and a vast fisaud of new age teachings. The divide and conquer syndrome is being worked by tribal politicians, tribal programs and the Minnesota Chippewa tribe, to say a few. The brainwashing of local tribal people runs deep within families and the tribal workers who run the day to day operations of any tribe. In many tribes, there is this type of rasicm that exists, which says if you arent an enrolled member of the local tribe, you are a much lesser being and "go back to your own tribe." Most of the tribal members of my uncle's tribe would qualify as hang around the fort and fort Indians themselves due to the adoption of many western ideals and practices, but don't tell them I told you. So, when it comes to accepting the current pandemic norms and procedures, most band members of the tribe - follow their tribal government's directives and policies. These same band members excitingly and proudly follow their tribe's statutes, local laws, and local trumped-up Indian traditions. These Indians are the majority of the tribe and continue to inoculate their families and local band members with the federal poisons of what qualifies a tribe to be recognized. In essence, the Federal government dictates through a one-way glass - if you would - what should be accepted and what should be normal business practices due to the current pandemic.

Now that Bio-warfare has been unleashed to the global public, Indians are scared and acting scared. Being scared has had no place in our communities, but because many Indians have adopted so many western ideas, value, and way of living, seeing scared white people-scares some of the Indians. 
Where is the sovereign immunity for my cousin? If he did have the sars-covid-2 virus, what Tribal directives of the Mille Lacs band and the Minnesota Chippewa tribe were imposed or initiated on the behalf of my cousin, with regards to testing procedures, medical treatment and deceased arrangements, due to the virus?
You see my cousin was not one of the favorite flavors of the tribe. He was not a big-drum caretaker, he was not a business politician, therefor Melony and her cronies, will not give him special treatment or customs, because he was not religiously or politically important. 

Happy 4th

Happy independence day! 

I could go on about how independence day is an oxymoron for indigenous people but ah, oh well.
I do want to say that there is a nice thunderstorm rolling through Itasca county, the county where I reside. 
What brings to mind is the stories of the Thunderbird and what their job is. There are many, but the one that comes to mind is the job of protection, protection from the evil, and tricking types of spirits. 
Narrowing this down, to the community where I was raised in Round Lake, Wisconsin, I think of the devastating tornado that touched down in and around my home community. 
    A TORNADO WENT THROUGH MY COMMUNITY! This is both a good and bad thing, but for the most part, it's not good when it comes to our religion, Midewiwin. 

I've been saying along with many of my cousins(that live there) that Midewiwin has become a tier of the have-nots-the do-not-have-nots and plain white people. YOu see, white people have their own way of living and instructions from the Great Spirit. Aboriginals, Natives were given our instructions as well. The tornado that came and visited last year, was the first EVER to touch down in my community. Why? well, it's easy to understand but many of the people that have gone and attend the Midewiwin rituals are followers, sheeple, and only listen to the half breeds who run the show. These half breeds roots are shallow and disconnected, disconnected in my community and the other communities they have "rooted" themselves. But on the contrary, they are selfish, clannish, very resourceful, and independent. Independency is where the roots try to dig -  dig deep, and replace the existing cultural customs, traditions, and even language. 
They have spread the disease and concept of being fluent in the Anishinabemowin language. Yes, you need some fluency to communicate, but the concept of hurry up and speak and do a good job, has been perpetuated for the last 15 years and nobody can see the poison of learning to fast. A tornado in my community is a sign of clean-up. CLeaning the dust and Spiritual debris of the elite, new agers, the white people and halfbreeds(mixed with white blood) is one of the reasons the o weseyan ning touched down in my community. 

YOu see when I say the haves and the have -nots. Its true. When and if you witness the temporary encampments at Midewiwin you will see the disconnection, maybe right away. YOu will notice the 20,000 dollar mobile homes and their occupants. YOu will notice that these few occupants are the leaders, bullies, and elite. I say elite,  with respect to their lines of work, their professional positions, and gifts to mankind. They think, dress, act, and connect the same. They say they respect the local community and its inhabitants, but they really don't. I say this because when you look at the overall net worth(a secret-don't say that) of the elite, you will see a resemblance of the power scheme involved with the U.S fascists that run the country. There is this kinda - mind-your-own-business-attitude and persona that flows from the elite. Like the fascists of the U.S, these elite do not prefer to be mingled with. If you mingle to close, you will find out what their true intentions of midewiwin are- AND THEY WILL OR CANT EVER HAVE THAT. The elite are there to keep their power and control. Think I'm wrong? 
 Many of the elite and cronies indulge in alcohol. They indulge in control and order. If you rub their grain the wrong way, they will see that you are made an example. The elite indulge in divide and conquer at its finest. When Midewiwin is not happening, they live like white people, are even married to white people and even mingle like white people. Certain white people can drink alcohol and control their impulsivity. These elite do not befriend you or invite you to their circles if they know you are a threat. A threat to the way they SAY THAT THEY LIVE, THE WAY THEY APPEAR TO LIVE AND THE WAY THEY ACTUALLY LIVE. Think I'm jealous, go and sit with my relatives in Round lake, they will tell you that Midewiwin is nothing but white people and they don't ever feel welcomed at midewiwin. 

YOu see, a magical type of power comes with believing in Midewiwin. You will be a witness to this power when you get to meet the elite and the peasants. You will notice that the peasants of Midewiwin cater if you will, to the elite. Whatever the elite(bullies) say, the peasants gobble up. The peasants of midewiwn gobble up anything and everything the elite have to say mention or gesture. 
Yet, the games go on. The elite are powerful, so they think, but they are pussies. They hide behind their fancy things, their professional opinions, and their white blood. Oh, did I say white blood? Its true, because all of the other people who have white blood, praise them, worship them, and protect the elite like they are the next best thing. I say they are pussies because the fears that the  Federal Government has dispersed through the sars-covid-2 pandemic, not one elite has stood up and challenged the Federal Government. Instead of challenging the Feds., what did the elite do? THEY MASKED UP AND WORE RUBBER GLOVES. They showed that they are pussies and will always be pussies when it comes to higher-order and federal laws. YOu see, I'm not crazy but the elite do not want to jeopardize their careers, professional licenses, academic accomplishments, and their net worths. These elites only use Midewiwin for 1.) Themselves and only themselves.(Health, vitality, control) 2.) Their families. 3.) Their professional careers, and the rest is up to you to figure out. 
They will say that I am jealous, jaded, and envious. No, no, no. I am a Chief, healer, Grandfather and human being, that's it. A CHief is a real thing. A Chief is a position from the Spirits, not any human beings. This is what the elite and their cronies are after. The elite and followers call themselves lodge Chiefs, drum Chiefs, and things like that. THEY ARE NOT OGEMAWAG - CHIEFS - AND CANNOT EVER BE. 

You see when you're a CHief, you have to share.  Okay, you might say and think that the elite share the Anishinabeg language. Yes, they are sharing the Anishinabeg language but when it comes to midewiwin, they are not sharing the common secrets, antidotes and prayers. What? Watch the Mide Oshkabewis. These are the learners and co-directors of the Midewiwin. Even the Oshkabewisag are handpicked for efficiency. and top-down order. The Oshkabewisag are handpicked, not Spiritually picked. They are picked this way to control the questioning of authority. What this means is that, if you start to question the elites and their family's motives, you will be put in your place and even asked to leave Midewiwin. They are there to keep the business running and the initiates brainwashed with made-up procedures of Midewiwin. I say made up due to the fact, that 99% of the Midewiwin elite, Oshkabewisag and followers are not from Round Lake. 
The elite are like modern-day media - they control, disseminate and rule the market of Midewin, the Anishinabeg language and modern day school teachings. Think Im still jealous?

YOu have to share for the benefit of the tribe. YOu have to give away everything until you have nothing. This is a few teachings of what it means to be a Chief. The elite and the cronies could never live that way. Materialism-Nepotism-Control are things they do not want you to see about them. I might see you at our sacred midewin ceremonies, but rather than follow the followers and the elite, I will choose to conduct my own midewiwin and your welcome to attend. There will be no higher order, no control, no white people allowed from Red cliff or East lake. We have allowed the elite to dominate our communities with thier self-serving propaganda and false way of living. We have to return to our communities and start our own ceremonies. We have to get back to living the original way of governments because the elites have gotten away with to much and are out of control. They have found thier markets in the white world and are not turning back. I know 5 families in Round lake that many midewiwin people have not visited or even know exist, this is not acceptable for a midewiwin teaching. No wonder why a tornado ripped up Round Lake. 

CHief Jay

Thursday, July 2, 2020


We all have been put in our place at some time right? Well, I want to ingest the norm of what has been happening with our so-called new-age-traditional population.. 
They will put you in your place, period. I'm referring to the younger population that has been liberated and are free thinkers and all that good stuff. When it comes to an OGEMA for myself and a few others, these new agers are void of any true cultural teachings. This means that they have learned many of our traditional teachings the wrong way. It's a great thing to learn the language and culture, but most of the time there is no discipline involved. The cork is out of the bottle so say. 
All across Anishinabeg Aking, there are learners of the customs and language. Great, but just because these few people learned the language and a few ceremonies, does not MAKE THEM A CHIEF, SPIRITUAL ADVISOR OR MEDICINE PERSON. But the beast has been unleashed and more problems arise in our communities. The problems arise more because our communities are in despair, despair from the ill effects of the white world, and the way we live. So, when a few good old Indians come into our communities, they have all the answers and ideas. They say they are our friends, but most likely, like evangelists, they are in your community to recruit the mainstream.  
Think I'm wrong? I can count 10 people who have attended higher education institutes to learn the language and its associated programs, to return to their communities as "KNOW IT ALL - JACK OF ALL TRADES CULTURE PEOPLE.
Look at our elders, yes they are happy with these individuals, but eventually, the elders are used as a token. Like the business models of yesterday, these individuals are going to extract many resources for their OWN BENEFIT. Think I'm jealous? 
As these associates have gained power, so to have their gangs. Eventually, they move on to better resources, in this case, the elders and community people. 
Some of these associates have moved to the collegiate level(because that's where influence, power and real money are). Some of these associates have moved close to the tribal councils and some have gotten into the school systems. I say good for them and bad for us. 
All or most of these associates do not adopt a traditional CHIEF in their personal or professional worlds. The associates cannot or chose to accept a traditional form of government in their lives. To accept a full traditional way of living, we have to start with the CHIEFS AND THE WOMEN. The clan system is in their as well. Getting back to the associates. Look around you, who are making the decisions when it comes to the language and culture, I bet it is one or few associates that are buddies with some other associates. 
Think I'm wrong?
Then take a gander at your local community and government, if you're from Canada, you most likely have the "CHIEF AND COUNCIL" as your leaders. If you're in the states, you might have local Indian councils who report to the tribal councils. LIE< LIE< LIE. 
In our natural ways, Women were and should never be speakers, Gagigidoinninwag or claim to be a CHIEF. You wanna know why? Okay, i will tell you a little, the rest you will have to bring tobacco. WOMEN ARE THE BOSSES. MEN ARE THE SPEAKERS. CHIEFS ARE DECISION MAKERS WITH THE OGEMAKWEWAG HAVING THE FINAL SAY>
Now, look at your so-called associates and their goons, and ask yourself, Are these people trying to live the old way???
What happens to you and your family, if you question or correct these associates? If these associates get mad, pissed off or deal threatened, they will try and bury you.  I don't mean that literally but, they will try and fuck you up and make you look like your paranoid, delusional and mentally incompetent. Now, now, now - isn't this starting to sound familiar? Ask yourself this, how much does money revolve around the associates gameplan and motivation? Ask them, see what their reaction is?
If they are traditionally motivated, they will tell you how much they are making, if they follow and believe a CHIEFS way of thinking, the associates will break you off some of their cheese and say "here you go."
Am I wrong???

No planning needed

Thursday July 2, 2020

What did I say, its gonna get worse when it comes to the mainstream media and governments. I'm not one to watch the news or pick up a newspaper, but once in a while, I will indulge. Yesterday I happen to notice that the Governor of our state is going to enforce the coronavirus policies, that he and his admin have approved.
I also happen to brief myself with the doctor who is saying that there the U.S cases for corona are or will be doubling. 
Yadda, yadda, yadda. But on a more serious note, I just lost a relative(I'm writing another article for him) to the supposedly sars-covid-2 virus. More on that later, but I lost a friend in Wisconsin. His death was weird and sudden. He was in the hospital or hospice with a few diabetes complications and the next thing I know is he is dead - WHAT?
Ok. Im a pretty intuitive Indian and shit is not making sense and tell me I'm stupid, crazy and uneducated but PEOPLE ARE DYING AND DYING BEFORE THEY SHOULD>
I mean, my uncle, he was a strong dude. He believed in our traditional ways and the hospital basically did what they wanted with his treatment. They induced him with artificial coma procedures and gave him a ventilator to kill him faster. Anyway, this other friend's death does not smell right and I reached out to one of the family members to ask what really happened. Oh, mind you, I just heard of an old client of mine overdosing on Phentynal. Okay, for me that's 3 deaths in less than a week, how about you?