I've given my opinion on the sars-covid-2. What Native nations should be doing is planning. We should be preparing our communities for the economic collapse that is happening on a global scale. The great U.S has lost 1/3 of its jobs and it ain't going to get any better. If you haven't heard of the prophecy from our elders in regards to the Whitman, let me reiterate it now. "The white man's way of life is going to end."
What does this mean, it means that we have allowed our tribal worlds to become dominated by white business and social norms. We have allowed our behaviors to become much like the white system in regards to the way we transact business models, live our daily lives, and how we perceive the world. What we are not talking about is what is next? What is next is not going to be any better. Jobs, medical structures, and homes are being lost in this economic collapse that we are enduring with our children and or Grandchildren.
What is coming next in regards to the federal government is not going to be good. We will not have the option to live our lives that we have had to this point in the realm. Our tribal governments should be preparing for the next wave of lost jobs, homes, medical care, and land. But they are not, they are trying to resurrect their already lost gaming infrastructures. Tribal Governments are failing us miserable and do not have the means to "see the light at the end of the tunnel."
The second wave of the sars-covid-2 is coming. Not only did the feds predict in advance that a second wave is imminent, but our tribal governments will also believe it. Right now gaming facilities across the land are only 1/3 to 1/2 functional. They are trying to extract the water from a sinking ship. The ship will sink and what will are options be when the ship is sunk? Will our tribal governments try and throw us life preservers to save us? No, they will not. Tribal Governments will try and bail themselves out without ever thinking of the rest of the band members. What is happening to our tribal worlds is unprecedented, the only elders that have experienced what we are enduring and what is coming are all but gone. But, we have many community members that have lived their lives with basic needs and basic shelters for the last 50 years. These basics essentials will even be less in the next chapter.
We should not only be thinking of communal living, because the Indians that are out there living in the cities, ghettos and metropolitan areas are doomed. They are doomed if they do not return back to their homelands. The systematic looting of the inner cities is going to get worse and more violent. Not only should we be thinking and planning communal living, we should start getting our families together and figure out who's got what. let's not forget that communal living was a traditional concept of our culture. To get back to communal living means that we have to start thinking about the clan systems. You see clans lived wit their own clan. They lived with their own clans due to economic, religious, and daily life functions. They knew how to get along and get things done in an efficient matter. Each clan was unique to the world and each clans gifts complemented the rest of the bands and or clans. ( do you see why living in the white world was a bad idea)
You see, we are behind our own times. Each clan had a Chief and the Chiefs did not have the final say, the women had the final say. So, it's safe to say that our women need to start planning, preparing and discussing our next moves in the following chapter.
Do I brave to say religion. In the next chapter, we will definitely see the splitting of our tribal people when it comes to Christianity and traditional people. Let me say from experience that Christianity and traditional people can coexist but we should have learned how to put our religious viewpoints aside and get things done. But it hasn't happened and these differences in cultural interpretations are going to come to a spearhead. In the meantime, we all will be clawing to exist in this next chapter. The CHiefs and women in the past never accepted Christianity, they respected it.
When our medical facilities are defunct and only for the elite, what or who will we turn to> We will have to turn to the Chiefs and traditional people or the medicine people. These groups of tribal people will continue to cure us of the diseases that exist, even sars-covid-2.
Once the economy starts to tank, you will then start to believe that being Anishinabeg is a gift. As a gift is appreciated and taken care of, you will have to start to see the world as a human Anishinaeg, not a drug addict, student, alcoholic, professional personnel or a working-class person. All of that will be nil, You will start to realize that you had all this time to be, act and think like Anishinabeg, nothing else.
So, Whatchya going to do????
Chief Jay
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