Sunday, June 28, 2020


Sunday, June 14, 2020

I am currently at the St. Croix casino and hotel. I am unfortunately here for a relatives funeral. It was 220 one way trip, Here I am supposed to be in one of my homelands, the place where I received much of my Spiritual nurturing and upbringing. As the remnants of the virus are hanging on like a patch of poison oak throughout most of society, I can't help but witness the utter brainwashing that has been set very deeply into mainstream souls. It's a bad infliction to have and most of our tribal people are no different - trapped by the fear of catching the virus. 
I have said and will continue to say that tribal people should act and believe that they are above the laws of the mainstream. What I mean is that if the state and feds want to continue with certain laws and procedures in regards to the virus, that is fine but tribal people shouldn't have allowed their tribal governments to give in to the bullies(feds. & States) and be scared into the main streams policies and norms in regard to the virus pandemic.
What is done is done. Most tribal people have accepted their government's business practices in regard to the virus. Most of the tribal members across Turtle Island have no true democracy when it comes to tribal council directives and business decisions. What the tribal councils set and puts out is pretty non-negotiable, when it comes to business decisions. Most tribal councils do not allow the luxury of voting on everyday issues, policies and so it is the same with the COVID-sars2 pandemic. What most councils have decided to enact is the same false - science - MAGICAL - if you would strategies and protections that the state and feds have enacted. I guess what I mean is that for the most part when it comes to tribal governments and politics, it appears that we engage and participate in majority democracy, where everyone votes, right? Nope. What is handed down to us and what has happened since the inception of tribal politics is religious politics or consensus politics? In most of the Native Nations on turtle island, there are Christians and there are traditionalists. These two groups are what have split tribal nations when it comes to making political, economic, and religious decisions for the whole of the tribe. There have always been different nations of white people. YOu could look at their track record and make a stunning realization and reveal what type of white person they are. But the few I'm referring to are the religious, business model, nepotistic, and fascists. Since their arrival, they have pretty much dictated the whole entire United States with it's stolen ideas, beliefs, and legislation when it comes to politics. 
White people have ruled our tribe's period. They continue to hide behind the lines, dictate to the tribal councils what should be business, and count there money. Think I'm wrong, look at the H.R departments and ask yourself why there are so many jobs that require higher education and experiences? Why do so many white people on the reservations make 2-3 times more than a band member for the same job. White people take care of their own and only look out for their own - period. Don't get me started on workplace politics with certain white people. When you try and report the white people, you are deemed a bad worker, jealous, jaded and all that other crap. If you do report the white guy, if the state needs to get involved, most likely the state will look the other way. They will say it's a jurisdiction thing and "have a nice day." 
So, you see, with the pandemic thing, do you think anyone wants to go back to the work? What I predicted before is starting to happen, the casinos are getting blamed for covid-sars-2 outbreaks. One casino in the north here is already "reporting" that one of their workers has covid. Which is bullshit, many people do not want the casinos open and they will do, say or act a certain way to get what they want. 

Moving on....

If many tribal members believe that as employees, they shouldn't wear face masks, they should be given that opportunity or option for that matter. If a visiting member of the tribe does not want their temperature taken, they should be able to wave that card, right? WRONG!
Tribal members of a tribe should be able to throw out their tribal sovereignty card right? The tribal members should be able to enter their own business at their own discretion and practice their true self-belief-sovereign identity right? 
layers upon layers of this no rights, no discussion-no voting procedures has gone on for decades. Most tribal members keep believing in the fact that if they "vote" or put in a new face, the system will be or get better. Wrong! The tribal systems that are in place cannot be changed or repaired. They cannot be fixed because that would mean that tribes would be acting sovereign and the feds and states cannot have that. So in return, they let us have the sovereignty turned inward towards us as the individuals. YOu know, the oppressor and the oppressed? It's like going to a doctor, if the doctor says you need medication to fix your health, you tend to believe him because he's the doctor, he knows best, right?

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