Man, today was a hard day. I got my two-mile run in and when I returned, shit hit the fan.
What I can say is this. I'm sorry if I had you on groups chat. I'm sorry if my words pissed you off. But that's life and in Anishinabeg teachings, if you get pissed off than the truth rocked your soul.
I think the sars-covid-2 is starting to hit me with certain people. I have a friend whose wife is a nurse, currently shes not employed and he is busting his ass at some job he hates. He got irate on me as well. People with no true teachings or who have lived a life of American culture are in for a shock. Its time to revert back to the olden days. No petroleum. No gas. No addiction to petroleum and all of its trinkets that make the world go around and all the stuff that is made with the black snake.
I was asked once, why was I so jaded? It took me back for a second because the person who I thought I was speaking with had a basic grasp of Anishnabeg culture. It seems like my words are still being used against me and people still here jadory in my words. People have traded their traditional teachings for the professional world. The professional world laughs and mocks Anishinabeg culture and beliefs, through many faces. Like the homes, we choose to live in. All the wood, nails, stucco, paint, and rocks that are used for our homes are probably never given individual thanks or a ceremony is hardly given. Can you think of yourself moving into a Wigwam. Our educational experiences teach us that Wigwams are cool, but not cool to live in. Education teaches us that clouds and precipitation bring wind and rain. We hardly teach our children that the wind, rain, and clouds are Spirits and that they constantly take care of us.
To live a life off the grid is an endeavor that most of us will never want to put ourselves through. Indians can never be free. We are marked like the Jewish people during Hitlers tyranny episode. We all have S.S numbers and follow the white man's ways like the pide piper. We need to purchase up some land and try to live free again. We have to tell our brothers of different colors and cultures to kindly leave us alone or return back to their homelands, but leave us alone.
Our tribal worlds have been spoiled by the whitemans way of life. The whiteman has taught us how to cut the corners and make life easier. He has given us the dollar bill to respect, admire, trade and worship - better than our own culture.
The less money I have in my pocket the lighter I am.
Chief Jay
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