Monday, July 6, 2020

Happy 4th

Happy independence day! 

I could go on about how independence day is an oxymoron for indigenous people but ah, oh well.
I do want to say that there is a nice thunderstorm rolling through Itasca county, the county where I reside. 
What brings to mind is the stories of the Thunderbird and what their job is. There are many, but the one that comes to mind is the job of protection, protection from the evil, and tricking types of spirits. 
Narrowing this down, to the community where I was raised in Round Lake, Wisconsin, I think of the devastating tornado that touched down in and around my home community. 
    A TORNADO WENT THROUGH MY COMMUNITY! This is both a good and bad thing, but for the most part, it's not good when it comes to our religion, Midewiwin. 

I've been saying along with many of my cousins(that live there) that Midewiwin has become a tier of the have-nots-the do-not-have-nots and plain white people. YOu see, white people have their own way of living and instructions from the Great Spirit. Aboriginals, Natives were given our instructions as well. The tornado that came and visited last year, was the first EVER to touch down in my community. Why? well, it's easy to understand but many of the people that have gone and attend the Midewiwin rituals are followers, sheeple, and only listen to the half breeds who run the show. These half breeds roots are shallow and disconnected, disconnected in my community and the other communities they have "rooted" themselves. But on the contrary, they are selfish, clannish, very resourceful, and independent. Independency is where the roots try to dig -  dig deep, and replace the existing cultural customs, traditions, and even language. 
They have spread the disease and concept of being fluent in the Anishinabemowin language. Yes, you need some fluency to communicate, but the concept of hurry up and speak and do a good job, has been perpetuated for the last 15 years and nobody can see the poison of learning to fast. A tornado in my community is a sign of clean-up. CLeaning the dust and Spiritual debris of the elite, new agers, the white people and halfbreeds(mixed with white blood) is one of the reasons the o weseyan ning touched down in my community. 

YOu see when I say the haves and the have -nots. Its true. When and if you witness the temporary encampments at Midewiwin you will see the disconnection, maybe right away. YOu will notice the 20,000 dollar mobile homes and their occupants. YOu will notice that these few occupants are the leaders, bullies, and elite. I say elite,  with respect to their lines of work, their professional positions, and gifts to mankind. They think, dress, act, and connect the same. They say they respect the local community and its inhabitants, but they really don't. I say this because when you look at the overall net worth(a secret-don't say that) of the elite, you will see a resemblance of the power scheme involved with the U.S fascists that run the country. There is this kinda - mind-your-own-business-attitude and persona that flows from the elite. Like the fascists of the U.S, these elite do not prefer to be mingled with. If you mingle to close, you will find out what their true intentions of midewiwin are- AND THEY WILL OR CANT EVER HAVE THAT. The elite are there to keep their power and control. Think I'm wrong? 
 Many of the elite and cronies indulge in alcohol. They indulge in control and order. If you rub their grain the wrong way, they will see that you are made an example. The elite indulge in divide and conquer at its finest. When Midewiwin is not happening, they live like white people, are even married to white people and even mingle like white people. Certain white people can drink alcohol and control their impulsivity. These elite do not befriend you or invite you to their circles if they know you are a threat. A threat to the way they SAY THAT THEY LIVE, THE WAY THEY APPEAR TO LIVE AND THE WAY THEY ACTUALLY LIVE. Think I'm jealous, go and sit with my relatives in Round lake, they will tell you that Midewiwin is nothing but white people and they don't ever feel welcomed at midewiwin. 

YOu see, a magical type of power comes with believing in Midewiwin. You will be a witness to this power when you get to meet the elite and the peasants. You will notice that the peasants of Midewiwin cater if you will, to the elite. Whatever the elite(bullies) say, the peasants gobble up. The peasants of midewiwn gobble up anything and everything the elite have to say mention or gesture. 
Yet, the games go on. The elite are powerful, so they think, but they are pussies. They hide behind their fancy things, their professional opinions, and their white blood. Oh, did I say white blood? Its true, because all of the other people who have white blood, praise them, worship them, and protect the elite like they are the next best thing. I say they are pussies because the fears that the  Federal Government has dispersed through the sars-covid-2 pandemic, not one elite has stood up and challenged the Federal Government. Instead of challenging the Feds., what did the elite do? THEY MASKED UP AND WORE RUBBER GLOVES. They showed that they are pussies and will always be pussies when it comes to higher-order and federal laws. YOu see, I'm not crazy but the elite do not want to jeopardize their careers, professional licenses, academic accomplishments, and their net worths. These elites only use Midewiwin for 1.) Themselves and only themselves.(Health, vitality, control) 2.) Their families. 3.) Their professional careers, and the rest is up to you to figure out. 
They will say that I am jealous, jaded, and envious. No, no, no. I am a Chief, healer, Grandfather and human being, that's it. A CHief is a real thing. A Chief is a position from the Spirits, not any human beings. This is what the elite and their cronies are after. The elite and followers call themselves lodge Chiefs, drum Chiefs, and things like that. THEY ARE NOT OGEMAWAG - CHIEFS - AND CANNOT EVER BE. 

You see when you're a CHief, you have to share.  Okay, you might say and think that the elite share the Anishinabeg language. Yes, they are sharing the Anishinabeg language but when it comes to midewiwin, they are not sharing the common secrets, antidotes and prayers. What? Watch the Mide Oshkabewis. These are the learners and co-directors of the Midewiwin. Even the Oshkabewisag are handpicked for efficiency. and top-down order. The Oshkabewisag are handpicked, not Spiritually picked. They are picked this way to control the questioning of authority. What this means is that, if you start to question the elites and their family's motives, you will be put in your place and even asked to leave Midewiwin. They are there to keep the business running and the initiates brainwashed with made-up procedures of Midewiwin. I say made up due to the fact, that 99% of the Midewiwin elite, Oshkabewisag and followers are not from Round Lake. 
The elite are like modern-day media - they control, disseminate and rule the market of Midewin, the Anishinabeg language and modern day school teachings. Think Im still jealous?

YOu have to share for the benefit of the tribe. YOu have to give away everything until you have nothing. This is a few teachings of what it means to be a Chief. The elite and the cronies could never live that way. Materialism-Nepotism-Control are things they do not want you to see about them. I might see you at our sacred midewin ceremonies, but rather than follow the followers and the elite, I will choose to conduct my own midewiwin and your welcome to attend. There will be no higher order, no control, no white people allowed from Red cliff or East lake. We have allowed the elite to dominate our communities with thier self-serving propaganda and false way of living. We have to return to our communities and start our own ceremonies. We have to get back to living the original way of governments because the elites have gotten away with to much and are out of control. They have found thier markets in the white world and are not turning back. I know 5 families in Round lake that many midewiwin people have not visited or even know exist, this is not acceptable for a midewiwin teaching. No wonder why a tornado ripped up Round Lake. 

CHief Jay

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