Goodluck with phase 2 of the corona virus. As the governor of Minnesota is getting ready to declare masks for all business and public places in Minnesota, I cant help but think of many of the brainwashed people out there. Honestly, it's really ridiculous to even concern yourself with the whole mask and covid debate.
However, I do think about the Leech Lake band members who are getting ready to apply for their covid funds. What many tribal members across Turtle island are choosing to see is the financial relief that the covid moneys are going to assist them with, during these embarrassing times. I would have to say that like the cobell lawsuit, the acceptance of sars-covid-2 money through your tribes is leading to something else and something more destructive. Say like, more erosion of civil liberties on the reservations and much more erosion to native land bases and economic opportunities and options.
If you ever received a Cobell check, you probably were just overwhelmed and glad to have gotten some "chumpchange." Like most of the recipients of the Cobell monies, most Natives did not do their homework when it came to understanding the underlining principals of the lawsuit. Long story short, Elouise Cobell initiated the lawsuit but end up passing away before the lawsuit fell through. When she did pass, the lawyers working on the case, happen to include a couple of additions with the lawsuit. If you can remember, the lawyers working on the case, tried to hurry the lawsuit through the courts without ever telling any tribe the "extra arrangements" that were added to the lawsuit.
At the last minute, the lawyers working on the lawsuit doubled their court fees. They also added a condition that included all the recipients of the monies. That condition stated something to the effect of never claiming monies to another lawsuit in the future. Meaning, that if you received Cobell monies and signed the check, you could never be part of another lawsuit in the future. Of course, the lawyers didn't tell Indian country these two additions and they laughed all the way to the bank. They served the United States Government very effectively and closed a huge gap for the feds. and future lawsuits.
Now, here we are again, but this time, the odds are much more in favor for tribes and their members. It's like when the Cobell lawsuit was initiated, a Jet sprayed arsenic over the whole United States, aiming and hoping to target specific Indians. Now with the sars-covid-2 monies, a whole cabal of bombers has been deployed. These bombers are loaded with uranium, arsenic, aluminum and they are being deployed to fly over the whole entire United States at very low altitudes to ensure better results. These results and casualties of this next chapter of war, will start with the acceptance of CARE act monies. From their, the feds will maneuver specific key items that will look to impair Indians' health, infrastructures, and key financial abilities. They will ensure that tribal councils are continually complacent with their policies and procedures, in which some policies go back 70 years. The next major objective will seek to destroy our health facilities and our religions. By not having any connection to the old ways, we will expedite the process of elimination. Elimination of our boundaries and connection to the lands. No reservations = no deals = no IHS= No more Indian problems.
Sounds really bizarre and uneventful eh? The truth to the matter is that Indians are always going to be public enemy number 1 when it comes to this government. If the Government can exterminate us first, then the rest of these "Americans" can claim no ties or DNA connections to the land. One of these days I will elaborate on the whole DNA theory and science. Believe me, times are going to get worse, it doesn't matter how much money you have, how many cars you have in your driveway or if your home is valued at 100,000 dollars. The easy life we have all been living was a fisaud. That fisaud was deplored by the US government and implemented in 1000's of ways. From electricity, heating, housing, automotive, entertainment, healthcare, banking, etc., Our whole lifestyle for the past 100 years has been to fake and absurd. What the Federal government has been able to do is keep all the races divided and neutralized by offering all these choices of modern-day living. Think I'm wrong, look at our health care system, people who work for the state system have a better health care insurance program than IHS. Now, multiply that by 1000.
Yet our tribal councils have been very complicit and dumbfounded to the real agendas of the Federal Government. All or most tribal governments have appeased to the Whiteman government and they have done so with a false sense of identity and pride, They have lied to our people from the very beginning and they continue to lie to our children. We all believe the lies that have been perpetrated by the federal government and now we are the culprits. We choose to lie to our children by allowing them to believe in tribal councils. Tribal councils are ripping us off and they need to be exterminated.
We have to get past the blame game and get right to the dismantling of tribal governments. We have to start at the Minnesota Chippewa tribe. We should be holding everyone that works for the MCT accountable and protesting at their homes and office. If you have ever met or witnessed an MCT employee, you will notice the lifestyle that they live in. That's another story.
The jets and arsenic are being deployed. The cocktails that are being brewed will be much more precise and culturally specific to achieve maximum efficiency. (We have all heard that before) The jets, drones and ATI have visited are people in the past and now they will be returning. What you have to remember is that the commanders work closely with the tribal councils. It's like, the Feds. are instructed by their superiors to let the Indians know what their intentions are going to be and what they are planning. That way, the feds can say that they have "consulted" with the tribal governments. Like most Indians, the tribal councils do not read. They will not read the fine print of the sars-covid2 cares act. The fine print that they will not beable to read(due to military jurisdiction) of the sars-covid-2 will be detrimental. The fine print that has been written, will be much more severe, punishing, and destructive. 99% of the eyes of our people have been sewn shut. They were sewn shut at the time of birth. Indian babies are unique, versatile, and above the average. At birth, most of the babies could rip out there stitching, the ones that couldn't, well you can see where they are at now in life. If the babies chose to rip their stitching out, the nurses and doctors would have to devise an alternative. The alternative would be administered through an I.V., oral med. or some type of "test." This alternative would be like a time capsule. It would take decades or years for the cocktail to fully be released or triggered. With the introduction of smartphones, smart televisions, 5G and many other technologies. These cocktails can be easily traced, implemented and tracked. The technologies of health and sciences far exceed what we understand and what we are told. The health and sciences departments all over the United States receive military contracts, monies and favors if they pursue a certain agenda or research that targets a specific type of people, including us Indians. This includes the Rockefeller hospitals and associates in New York state and around the globe. I guess you could say that they are the hub of many research facilities and they facilitate, disseminate, and ensure what health policies, information, and technologies are implemented around the globe. You can bet your ass that the Rockefellers tell Indian health services what health policies to implement when it comes to our health services and what cocktails should be dispersed.
The cocktails that I am referring to include and are not limited to Diabetes, High blood pressure, heart problems, vascular issues, cancers, bone issues, and a whole array of mental health issues. And then you understand why I have chosen to be a Chemical dependency counselor on my own. Most counselors have been sold an agenda and they follow that agenda like the bible. Most of the counselors cannot fathom the health issues that alcoholics and drug addicts live with, because the counselors themselves(and other health professionals) are inundated with one or more of these sicknesses themselves, on top of having their eyes sewn shut. You get the drift?
Phase 2 is here. The state is mandating masks everywhere and where does that leave us Indians? Did you forget we are treaty people and that the state cannot tell us what to do? I know in the first episode of the sars-covid-2 the Governor included reservations in his emergency declaration. Like I have shared before the tribes followed suit in regards to the federal and state guidelines to the sars-covid-2 policies and crap.
The monies are being dispensed, the drug dealers, junkies, and pimps are all licking their chops. The smoke is already being dispersed in certain Ojibwe communities. The smoke is being translated into 1000 dollars and 500 dollars. Many Indians look at the other tribes and state what they are doing with the monies. I have not heard about an elder or traditional person, not wanting the monies. We don't need it and we don't need the problems the monies are going to cause. The problems that will be associate with the acceptance of the monies is unimaginable and many of our people cannot fathom the idea of "termination." What we should be telling our grandchildren is that the government has always lied and continues to lie. We also need to tell our grandchildren that tribal councils lie and they are going to be the reasons why Indians will or don't have anything. Tribal councils lie to themselves, their families, and the Creator. You see, the Whiteman continues to lie to US and the tribal councils continue to lie to our Grandchildren.
Chief Jay Wadena
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