I just returned from the Northwest. Washington State, to be exact. While being there, I was very humbled by all of my experiences. But, wait, there I go using the "I" word.
First Nations people in the past have never put the "self" before the whole of the group. "I" guess you could say that, in today's fast world, the word "I" is as common as school and I-pods. As the strokes of these keys try to interpret the "voices" that exist without a physical, "I" will try to do my best to tell you what needs to be told.
Firstly, lets say that, it's easier to be a groupie, rather than by one's self. If "I" am eventually deemed a domestic terrorist for the words that "I" muttle, so let it be. "I" mean, what brainwashed fool, would ever want their ideas and name, closely related to the word "terrorist?" Let's just say that, true Spiritual knowledge is earned by Genes, never by a series of degrees or self appointed hierarchy. Some people who have had direct Spiritual Wisdom have become tired, weary and or have already left this world. The individuals that are left have become victims of the Western worlds reaches and poisons. Have "I" you might ask, been selfish? Physically, " Yes." Spiritually, "No". Western philosophy's are addictive and dangerous. Western(Euro-Anishinabeg) ideas promote the "I" and a selfishness, that permeates the every inch of man.
Have "I" been selfish and self centered? "Hell yes!" Was it because "I" thought of myself first? " No!" Was it because "I" witnessed imbalances of Anishinabeg culture? "Yes!" Some of the reasons "I" was selfish at times,was because everyone, at the time was too god-damn scared. Most people love to talk about something or someone, including me. "I," however like to talk about the process's someone or something has taken to become what a human self witnesses. So, if "I" have been talking about you, come on, don't take it literally!
1 comment:
This can help you better understand ...worth the watch and reflection.
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