Dang. Look at this pic. I know we all have had days like this. But what is funny and really detrimental is the state of mind most people tend to inherit, for the most part of thier labor working lives.
What I am trying to express and bring to light is that, there are many factual problems and that these problems are all man made social engineering schemes meant to keep people divided and fighting. Every problem we face and encounter seriously needs much debate and discussion, as to what is law and what is not law. The modern day state of being needs a makeover, but what a modern day being does not know and tends to not care to know, will just keep him in a "death" orientated state of mind. The fictiousus state of the human mind and Spirit is nothing far from serious.
Some might ask, Fictiousus??? Yeah, come on lets be real, can you really handle and interpret the word institution and admit to yourself what that word really means . Most people do not like to admit to the Pharma-Military concept of divide and conquer and most of these same individuals can't admit that military agendas keep our society unruly by a process called; COMPARTMENTALIZATION.
That is what Aboriginal Governments and people live their professional and personal lives by, well ,at least, most Aboriginals. What I should share and say is that most people love social order and most people demand that their be social order. Some of these same individuals will never truly remember the 60's and how many people and organizations were "infiltrated" by some sort of government affair which allowed most civil rights movements to be dissolved. Written documentation has proved that every civil group that was established(Panthers, Puerto Rico groups, A.I.M, ect.) during the 60's and afterwards was eventually staffed and discussed by white house officials.
The main pervert of compartmentalization is the military and the modern day school system. I, have had to sit in a classroom for hours upon hours and for what. To be a professional student of the US government? I don't think this individual sees and feels freedom and it's associate counterparts is truly a positive statement. We all have to pay a fee for something, even if that means if we want to live free.
Most people that have read my posts think that i am a dissident and angry person. This is untrue. What is true is the fact, that, i have had the ability to see the real truths about real productivity within our so called modern day laws and governments.People that tend to get angry at my words are full of fear. For example, lets look at the wealth of the United States and who really shares the bundle of "lies, imbalances and atrocities." What this means is that, someone who is driving a 20,000 dollar vehicle or has a house that is worth more than 70,000 dollars has lied, cheated and contributed to the imbalances of rich and poor.Am i saying that i am am jealous or that i want those things; NO. Do I need them things, not necessarily, but I am truly dissecting and connecting the dots of what is real wealth and what it really means to be wealthy. So, in case i ever have a chance to own a 20,000 dollar car or if i decide to buy a home that is valued at 70,000 or more, i than, will have no strings attached to me or my family. But for now, I am still trying to do my homework in regards to " compartmentalization "and how it is reflected in every aspect of Anishinabeg life and ceremonies.
Why in the world if you have been institutionalized all of your young life, choose a profession that keeps you institutionalized? Wouldn't you eventually try to think for yourself and family? Pupillage is a disease and is very detrimental in our modern day lives on many different professional levels. Pupillage spreads lies, misinformation and deceit in every corner of life it touches. Many Aboriginal people blame the "white man" for their problems. Now that we have a black brother in office, i ask aboriginal people " now what do you think?" Meaning, that the "white man" has been and will continue to be a compartment that controls every aspect of our world, whether we want to admit it or not. Having a black brother in office is not going to change the social compartment, because the social compartment is written to stay, not be amended.
To be continued.............
1 comment:
this is a helpful video :)
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