It is been a great end of summer and beginning of the autumn. I continue to follow my path as a Anishinabeg and continue to see the onslaught of commercialism in everything and everybody.
I must admit, I really have trouble with Anishinabeg peoples and their true motives, when it comes to the language, the culture and how Anishinabeg peoples teach their children to always have the easy way out in life.
I once was drug and alcohol free, my mind was pure and undiluted. I will never be pure in the sense of chemical free but I am pure in my thoughts, mind and soul. Money has not motivated me to go and learn the Anishinabeg language and have a huge house. Money has not contaminated my soul and Spirit receiving being. Money is motivating the Anishinabeg language teachers-period.
What does school teach us to be? For the most part, we are to be docile-time orientated0well disciplined individuals. Doesn't this sound like the old BIA mentality. Civilize or die!
It really shames my soul. Do I work in a factory, in which you call a school? Unfortunately-yes! Am I a hypo crate, yes and no.
Now, TODAY AT THIS TIME I BRING YOU A NEW GEAR TO WRENCH ON..................................................................................................
SLAP. PUNCH. FLIP. The crowd cheers for Ahneen, the black Ivory coast warrior, who might just be related to Barack O bama. "OUCH" Your hurting me, the Michigan kid yelps. As white as a ghost, although the Michigan kid is not ill, his white skin is due to all of the Indian Blood being pounded out of him by the Ivory coast warrior. But than, just at the right moment the Michigan kid goes into a vision state-he starts to hear his heart beat, than his opponents heart beat- as he gains his consciousness he lastly starts to hear the the tune of Rocky Balboa " The eye of the tiger."
Part 1/10
SLAP. PUNCH. FLIP. The crowd cheers for Ahneen, the black Ivory coast warrior, who might just be related to Barack O bama. "OUCH" Your hurting me, the Michigan kid yelps. As white as a ghost, although the Michigan kid is not ill, his white skin is due to all of the Indian Blood being pounded out of him by the Ivory coast warrior. But than, just at the right moment the Michigan kid goes into a vision state-he starts to hear his heart beat, than his opponents heart beat- as he gains his consciousness he lastly starts to hear the the tune of Rocky Balboa " The eye of the tiger."
Part 1/10
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