Man, It has been like forever, since i have written on this blog. I hope there is still some fellow readers out there. I am contemplating and throwing the ideas around, whether i should expand this page to face book and my space. But, for now, I am okay with this blog and whatever..
For now, i want to express the healing ability and elaborate on the return of a dear friend: FIRE ARROW OR ISHKODEBIKWAK.
Since my last post I have had the opportunities to reconnect with some old enemies, foes and friends. I had to "come clean" on many avenues. Most of the avenues, i really had to do some personal inventory, to allow me to grow, dominate and be the ultimate Spiritual Guru that i am. Just teasing.
But, I can say that I have really grown on many levels and that I am proud to say and admit that I am a human Anishinabeg and I have many flaws as a human Anishinabeg.
Over the past month and a half, i had to attend a Spiritual ceremony. There are many windows, avenues and responsibilities that lead you up to this ceremony and than there is the follow up to the ceremony as a human Anishinabeg. In the events that lead me up to this "religious" function, I can say that everything and everyone that i encountered and learned from were Spiritually following me into this ceremony. Whether it was alcoholics that chose to drink every day to animals that came to visit me, I did not forget one person or thing in my ceremony. I had to do a tremendous amount of praying for both, animate and inanimate objects and beings.
One of the people that came to my help and aid was FIRE ARROW, a close relative, friend and companion. Both, him and his family were great assets to the ceremony. Fire arrow is a man. He is man that has witnessed demise, conflict, misunderstanding and compassion many times in the past ten years. Has he given up on his faith? Not once! Has he made many mistakes and ill decisions? Yes!
Is he someone that i keep close to my heart and soul? Yes!
Ishkode Bikwak is a leader in many ways to Human Anishinabeg. He is a gifted healer and human Anishinabeg. He has cleared the way for people like me who are in their infancy, when it comes to healing the Human Anishinabeg in many avenues. But, now Ishkode Bikwak is a PIMP, he walks with a slight limp and fl yer than any big city simp............................
Can you imagine taking another persons sickness from them. Can you imagine yourself believing in your own faith, to the point, that if you take a personal vow to help people who are sick in many ways; spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally, that, you will personify a great leader, like John Wayne. JK. If you are like most American people, you probably opt out, when it comes to "really" helping your fellow man. When your fellow man is down on his knees, you probably either walk right by or you don't even notice when your fellow man is down on his faith. Is this your fault? Yes, you have not studied the American dynamics of education, federal and state laws to see exactly how it washes your own Spirit and physical being to the point that you are a conditioned rat, who is caged in by your own desires,wants and needs. You would have been a great military veteran, you should have been enrolled in one of the armed forces because you choose to follow the chain of command to a "T." Most people do not want to be labeled, this is human nature. But, when you are living amongst people who are "trained" to abide and further the agenda of the military frame of mind in the sense of desensitization, than you choose the path of walking away from your fellow Anishinabeg, while they are sitting, waiting for a hand or gesture of good will. This is where most Americans and First Nations peoples mind sets take refuge.
So, now you have to ask yourself; are you a people person or are you a selfish-ego orientated person?
When it comes to Ishkode Bikwak, he is motivated by the sickness in many individuals. Motivation, that wants to help destroy the principals that started an individuals ailment. We need more Human anishinabeg like Ishkode Bikwak. That is why I am expressing my concern for this matter, it touches on many base principals that we have been taught by our families and the greater masses.
I have personally witnessed and have been the man down on his faith. Not so much my own personal faith, but the faith of the human race. By witnessing Spiritually debunked human anishinabeg, I have been able to finally crack the code of real-authentic-genuine human beings. Imagine yourself in a 10' by 10' room. Now, image that same room filled with both people you know and do not know. Now, close your eyes and listen to the discussion around you. What do you choose to hear? What do you hear? Have you mastered your own faith to the point where you can "hear" the real people in this room? Maybe you do not know what i mean, do you hear the discussion of work, cell phones, Internet relations? Or do you tend to hear the people in the room who least likely brag, boast or talk about themselves? Do you you hear conditioned rats talking away like they are a computer program?Do you hear discussion of events that you cannot fathom, and you ask yourself why are those people talking so "uneventful?"
Kinda like this article.....................................................................this can be uneventful.........................................................................
PS the pic at the top was taken in July of 2009, it is of I Keith Secola.
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