Thursday, August 6, 2015

A chiefs view of the colonizied Red America

As the winter of 2014 is behind me and my families lives, I cant help to think of the future of Red America and the colonized society
that we have to live in. We as Aboriginal people have been so divided by socio/economic classes, that it is going to take eye opening struggles to gain some sense of balance back to our communities.
Take for example fossil fuels and every aspect of our lives that they affect; from our breakfast to our cosmetics, laundry detergent, bath tissues, toothpastes and tooth brushes, shampoo and towels, our fried bread recipes to the food that we stick in our mouths and lastly the way we travel around our Red America, mostly by the modern day automobile.
Fossil fuels affect our lives more than we actually stop and think about. What are we teaching our children about these fossil fuels and how they are manufactured no differently than a drug.......For us to consume and be addicted. We all are addicted to the fossil fuel poison. Our Native Nations need to put their tribal differences to the side and figure out who are powwow warriors, brave warriors, elder warriors and real warriors. I think most of us know that our Tribal council warriors are not meeting our true needs for our economic independence. They are self serving and serve the Federal government and say something to the effect "Look we are good ole Indians and we will behave."
Well I say Fuck that and lets start having real powwows to acknowledge and start planning new ways of becoming independent from the white banking system and dollar. Because most of our powwow junkies do not have a clue as to what the hell is really going on in Red America. They are like the dead fish in our lakes, streams and our oceans........they go with the flow.
Just recently i was at the Mashkawisen powwow and passed some tobacco to the Spiritual advisor. I shared with him that I too was a Spiritual advisor for the past twenty+ years and that I wanted to bring an issue to his attention. I than began to tell him about a Headdress that was brought to me to honer, protect and live by (a Hereditary Chief). I than, began to share my experience with the Minnesota Department of Human Services as a Native American counselor. I shared that I was a past employee of  Meridian Behavioral Health in East Grand forks, Minnesota.
 "I put in my two week notification of leave and within the first week, I had to file a mandated report. The report was in regards to my boss the executive director messing and taking advantage of one of our Native women. After my two week notice was finished I got a letter in the mail from the Department of Human Services stating that they were proceeding with an investigation and that I could participate if I chose to. I than called the investigator at the state building in St. Paul, Mn. After it was all said and finished, I than  received a letter in the mail about a month later which stated that I was at fault and that I could not continue to be a counselor or a PCA for the state of Minnesota. I would like to share my story at this powwow and let future counselors and our Native Peoples know that they will sometimes experience big issues as this and that they are not alone in their battle for sobriety and counseling."
So, the so called Spiritual advisor told me that this was a powwow and that their is a time and place for what I wanted to share, but that the powwow circle was not the right place. So, I kicked his ass and sent him home and took his bustle!!!!!!
Jk. But I listened to what he continued to share, and this is one of many problems that we have to face with some of our "Spiritual people." Who his teachers were, I dont know. But I think this guy has drank too much fluoride ridden water, tooth paste and aluminum. When we ingest Fluoride, a by-product of the aluminum industry-we become very docile, passive people and don't know how to fight. Something else I could have shared with new sobrietees and young people. But, when it comes to fighting, i'll probably have to use him for a shield when it comes down to it, cuz every mother fucker is going to try and kill me .........................................To be continued

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