Thursday, December 2, 2010

Once upon a UFO

I just recently was abducted by a UFO. No, but I have talked to someone that was abducted by a UFO. It's kinda funny and scary at the same time. I guess you could say that it was really meant for me to meet this guy and hear his story. He is an elderly Caucasian man and his name will be omitted for his sake.

I will call him "Jim." I first met Jim through another Caucasian guy named Scott. I happened to meet Scott a few years ago at the Red lake powwow and fair. Can you imagine one lonely White man sitting at the Red lake powwow? When I approached Scott, I had asked him what he was doing here(Red Lake). He was trying to sell a Deer head mount to the casino. By the end of the powwow, I end up giving Scott 40 dollars to return home. Unfortunately, I did not see Scott for around almost two years. When I finally did run into him, he had returned the 40 dollars and introduced me to Jim. I got Jim's contact information and eventually contacted him. When I did contact Jim, I was trying to locate my friend Scott. Jim had warned me not to get into any business with Scott, and I let him know that there was no business going on with Scott and that I was just trying to find out how he was doing. Jim gave me some not so surprising new in regards to Scott. Besides that, me and Jim started to talk about many things going on in the country and some of the ideas and concerns we both had in regards to these things. Eventually, it was time for me to end the call(about three hours). Just before I was ready to hang up, Jim had asked me, "did I tell you about that time I think I was abducted by aliens?" I replied "no." I had than asked him to proceed to tell me.

What was really bizarre before this conversation ever came up was a few things. One of the things I discovered by talking with a few elders was that there was this new company called Meg-tronics. An Iron ore kind of conglomerate that could establish new, high grade iron ore from old tailing's left from the old iron ore companies. If you have ever visited old mining towns within the "Iron range" you can't help but notice the labyrinth of old hills that dot the scenery in some of these old mining towns. What I have discovered was that these "hills" are not natural at all, but all man made. THE HILLS ARE REMNANTS OF OLD IRON ORE. When I first discovered this information, I was of course bothered and amazed, all at the same time. Somewhere in Anishinabeg history there was suppose to be some compensation to Anishinabeg peoples from the mining companies for all of the Iron Ore that was excavated. The numbers were like one cent for every ton of Iron Ore that was excavated. But, just like the power dam on the Lac Courte Orielles Ojibwa reservation, there was no such compensation. In that particular case, NSP power company was suppose to give free or practically free electricity to the Lac Courte Orilles Ojibwa peoples for the construction of a power dam. This is how the Honor the Earth pow wow was established, because when the power damn was created, it flooded thousands of acres of wild rice beds on the reservation. So, in essence, Ojibwa people got the end of the raw deal. There was no proof that NSP would give free or cheap electricity. When hearing of the "discovery" of Meg-tronics, I happened to meet another elderly individual, who, actually met the inventor of the machine, which is the powerhouse behind Meg-tronics. This elderly man named "Gus" is one of the casino locals. He is a retired Mine worker. When I had mentioned this new technology and company, he excitingly admitted to me that he met the man who invented this machine. "He was sitting in this cafe and he was as dirty as a pig in the mud," he replied. "So, I asked him, where do you work, what kind of job do you have?" The man had replied, "I just invented a machine that can make new Iron Ore from old Iron Ore." "It took me almost twenty years, but I finally got someone to believe me."
And that was that. Little did I know what I was about to hear and how this new profound information would or could be related to alien technology or aliens for that matter.
Jim proceeded with his encounter. "I don't know exactly how or where I got to the spaceship, it was like, I was just lifted out of the roof of my house." What was really startling was the next piece of information he was going to say. "When I left my house, the Aliens or what not brought me to the shore of these lakes called twin Lakes." GULP. DOUBLE GULP. That was my first reaction. "You mean, Twin Lakes. like on the White Earth Reservation," I replied. "Yep."
Why I had to take two deep breaths and gulp was the fact that Twin Lakes is a place where my birth Mother wants to return to. That is where my Mother lived when she was a little girl.
To be continued.....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lost thinking and intuition

I just returned from the Northwest. Washington State, to be exact. While being there, I was very humbled by all of my experiences. But, wait, there I go using the "I" word.

First Nations people in the past have never put the "self" before the whole of the group. "I" guess you could say that, in today's fast world, the word "I" is as common as school and I-pods. As the strokes of these keys try to interpret the "voices" that exist without a physical, "I" will try to do my best to tell you what needs to be told.

Firstly, lets say that, it's easier to be a groupie, rather than by one's self. If "I" am eventually deemed a domestic terrorist for the words that "I" muttle, so let it be. "I" mean, what brainwashed fool, would ever want their ideas and name, closely related to the word "terrorist?" Let's just say that, true Spiritual knowledge is earned by Genes, never by a series of degrees or self appointed hierarchy. Some people who have had direct Spiritual Wisdom have become tired, weary and or have already left this world. The individuals that are left have become victims of the Western worlds reaches and poisons. Have "I" you might ask, been selfish? Physically, " Yes." Spiritually, "No". Western philosophy's are addictive and dangerous. Western(Euro-Anishinabeg) ideas promote the "I" and a selfishness, that permeates the every inch of man.

Have "I" been selfish and self centered? "Hell yes!" Was it because "I" thought of myself first? " No!" Was it because "I" witnessed imbalances of Anishinabeg culture? "Yes!" Some of the reasons "I" was selfish at times,was because everyone, at the time was too god-damn scared. Most people love to talk about something or someone, including me. "I," however like to talk about the process's someone or something has taken to become what a human self witnesses. So, if "I" have been talking about you, come on, don't take it literally!