Monday, July 26, 2010

Midewiwin coming to a whiteman near you

How many times do i have to say and spell out WHITEMAN.

Lets be real and straight to the point. White people have infiltrated the sacredness of our midewiwin society. It is one thing or more to be mixed with a European bloodline. But, there are many issues from a humanities level that need to be addressed and acknowledged. One of many issues that need to be discussed and addressed is the fact that, there is no real decision making going on in the ceremony. One person dictates and that is what is followed by the rest of the people. So, when someone like me comes around(who thinks of all people-whether they are poor or not) people tend to get nervous and shaky.

For example:
Two years ago I had borrowed my mother-in laws van for use to travel to the midewiwin ceremony. However, within a few days of arriving, my mother's van had lost the function of the alternator. For most of you people who are not mechanically driven, the alternator is what keeps your battery charged and your car on the road. Anyhow, at the same time, the bank I was banking with had messed up my account information and my finances were in flux. That is okay, money, wealth and prestige does not define my Spiritual being. But, if you come to the midewiwn ceremony, you will notice that the ones that make all the decisions at the ceremony are money and greed orientated. Back to my story. So, eventually what happened, is that late one night after the ceremony, the alternator in the van had expired. Guess what, do you think any of the "midewijig" had stopped on the road and assisted me. Hello-no! This included the so called "leader" of the lodge, his brother, the so called head helper( OShkabewis) and their clicks. Myself and my wife had already known the fact that most of the Mide people would not stop and assist, what was sad, was the fact that, our kids were with us and not one so called "mide" person had the decency or courage to ask us if we were all alright. Most people who are in the decision making of the Midewiwin ceremony are heartless-spineless individuals. They fear the government and real leaders. That is why, they do not press real issues facing the Aboriginal peoples. Who did come to our rescue was a "real" community member. Might I say, a non-midewiwin person.
From there another community member had asked to work on our car. His name was Richie Merrill, a now deceased individual. Upon working on our vehicle, he decided to make sure that our battery was good(that way it could hold a charge). What he did do that i did not know at the time, was that he "borrowed" another battery from a car that was parked in my fathers driveway. Okay, in all good faith, he had the greatest of intentions and needed a few bucks.
From this point, as you can read in one of the older posts-someone had commented on me stealing form an"elder." This "elder" was the person in which Richie had borrowed the battery. So, when i was confronted by this middle aged man(elder-not really) about taking his battery, i had said no. Than when i had found out that the battery in my vehicle was his, i had promptly returned it along with a Spiritual gift.
The sad thing about the whole thing is that most people at the midewin ceremony are fakes and false believers. Don't get me wrong, not all midewiwin people in my community are that way, just, some of the ones who have European blood and do not live on a "reservation.' Because that is beneath them and their lifestyles.
Being midewiwin is a gift. It is a hard way of life. To be Midewin is to treat ALL of creation and it's inhabitants as equal. I can attest that this is not the way most people who are "mide" act in my community. Most who are in charge of the ceremony are Sunday midewiwin people. That means, they are like most Christians out there in the world. They are only true to the lord on Sunday, the rest of the time they don't have to care for shit or the world. Because on Sunday, the Lord will show his mercy upon them. This is sad, but, travel to my community, and you will witness first hand the true-Spiritual people. The Spiritual people who would give you their last five dollars or hell, in my case one of their cars to use. But, be warned be weary of the individulas who smile in your face and drive silver cars. They are the ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Anonymous said...

I was perusing the internet and looking for where I might find Midwiwin ceremonies in August. I am actually just beginning my search and journey. Anyhooo, I was quiet fascinated by your post, as it was a clear reminder of how alike we all are when it comes to certain behaviours such as egos and self righteousness. I say this because I totally understand from where you are coming from. I will back up a mother is from the Bear Clan and my father across the ocean. My mother was adopted by a white family then sent to residential school, married an abuser, became an alcoholic and tried to raise me. I struggled and almost died and then was introduced to don't stop reading. I followed whole heartedly for 20 years...yes 20 years and met and married a man. However, during this time our grandfathers would come to me and show me dreams and yet I was conflicted about them. Yes, I was told that ceremonies and such were evil, as many others were. Despite, what was told me I remembered my great grandmother who spoke Ojibway to me when I was little - can't speak it but I'm learning and I am surprised that I can say words. Anyhow...I don't remember what she said but something inside me, because of her, tells me to keep listening to the dreams. As time went on I learned, as you did, people get concerned with their position, power, etc., even I did at one time. Thought I was better than others because I achieved this or that. But then hardship revealed, as it did you that, people go on doing selfish things and I can't change them but I can only do what is within me. So, I stopped being bitter and disillusioned about people who I thought were supposed to be "holy, humble, religious" whatever you want to call it. I then decided I will listen to the Great Spirit. So, the Great Spirit prepared me through dreams and sending a spirit now and then to tell me when I needed to get ready to move on from my husband and the Church I was part of. It took about a year then one day, my husband did something and became my ex-husband. I had and still have many dreams that I don't understand but I know the Great Spirit will guide me and put people in my life when I need them. I don't go to church anymore but I learned alot about people and that even Elders are human and they are no greater than I. I listen to their advise and guidance but what they say is not the end all be all. Creator has given me the knowledge and spirit to distinguish between truth and falsehood, as he gave to you also. The greatest lesson I've learned from the people you witnessed and those that I spent 20 years with was that each person has much to learn within themselves and at a different places on their path and some are still sleeping. That I need to continue to do what I know is right, even when I see others acting the opposite, because I was there too at one point. So, onward I go, being thankful that my mother is sober and went back to school and that I no longer go to church and that I have a future where I can continue to learn and discover about myself and others. I still have many dreams and I no longer think ceremonies are wrong or evil. I don't even know why I am posting this because I have never posted online before. I guess because I know and understand the feeling you felt - being in need and having no one help - especially from a group of people who you would expect to be the first to help. Again, reminder to me as I search the Midewiwin teachings, which I am interested in, I will no doubt be faced with the same challenges as those I faced earlier, just in a different light. People, all people are human and there is no colour or status on the inside, only balance.
Migwetch for sharing your heart.

Anonymous said...

I was perusing the internet and looking for where I might find Midwiwin ceremonies in August. I am actually just beginning my search and journey. Anyhooo, I was quiet fascinated by your post, as it was a clear reminder of how alike we all are when it comes to certain behaviours such as egos and self righteousness. I say this because I totally understand from where you are coming from. I will back up a mother is from the Bear Clan and my father across the ocean. My mother was adopted by a white family then sent to residential school, married an abuser, became an alcoholic and tried to raise me. I struggled and almost died and then was introduced to don't stop reading. I followed whole heartedly for 20 years...yes 20 years and met and married a man. However, during this time our grandfathers would come to me and show me dreams and yet I was conflicted about them. Yes, I was told that ceremonies and such were evil, as many others were. Despite, what was told me I remembered my great grandmother who spoke Ojibway to me when I was little - can't speak it but I'm learning and I am surprised that I can say words. Anyhow...I don't remember what she said but something inside me, because of her, tells me to keep listening to the dreams. As time went on I learned, as you did, people get concerned with their position, power, etc., even I did at one time. Thought I was better than others because I achieved this or that. But then hardship revealed, as it did you that, people go on doing selfish things and I can't change them but I can only do what is within me. So, I stopped being bitter and disillusioned about people who I thought were supposed to be "holy, humble, religious" whatever you want to call it. I then decided I will listen to the Great Spirit. So, the Great Spirit prepared me through dreams and sending a spirit now and then to tell me when I needed to get ready to move on from my husband and the Church I was part of.

Continued in next comment

Anonymous said...

second comment to above:

It took about a year then one day, my husband did something and became my ex-husband. I had and still have many dreams that I don't understand but I know the Great Spirit will guide me and put people in my life when I need them. I don't go to church anymore but I learned alot about people and that even Elders are human and they are no greater than I. I listen to their advise and guidance but what they say is not the end all be all. Creator has given me the knowledge and spirit to distinguish between truth and falsehood, as he gave to you also. The greatest lesson I've learned from the people you witnessed and those that I spent 20 years with was that each person has much to learn within themselves and at a different places on their path and some are still sleeping. That I need to continue to do what I know is right, even when I see others acting the opposite, because I was there too at one point. So, onward I go, being thankful that my mother is sober and went back to school and that I no longer go to church and that I have a future where I can continue to learn and discover about myself and others. I still have many dreams and I no longer think ceremonies are wrong or evil. I don't even know why I am posting this because I have never posted online before. I guess because I know and understand the feeling you felt - being in need and having no one help - especially from a group of people who you would expect to be the first to help. Again, reminder to me as I search the Midewiwin teachings, which I am interested in, I will no doubt be faced with the same challenges as those I faced earlier, just in a different light. People, all people are human and there is no colour or status on the inside, only balance.
Migwetch for sharing your heart.