It is so funny how politics come and bite you in the ass. Anishinabeg and white people co-exist as evil doers. Wait, let me rephrase that. Some Anishinabeg and some white people co-exist together in a professional relationship that manifest itself around certain federal monies and politics.
Now Obama is a black man. I am a Anishinabeg. You would think that some of the struggles that Native peoples have endured over the last 600 + years would be addressed, Nope! The system of government that Obama represents- thinks white, acts blank and is designed to destroy the good in ALL Native communities. Is this Obama's fault. Nope!
It is the fault of the ignorant, selfish, fascist Native peoples. We have let the system of white destroy are communities, children's minds, and some elders belief system. The elders, is a term thrown around in white/Native America when times call for false support of a fisaudulated cause. Than, the elders are paid off and told one point of the story. We have allowed are elders to be ran over by the white dictators, who have always had their own agenda, no matter how nice they were to our faces. Be it a school setting, a payroll department or what not, the white system does not allow people of color to do their job, because the white system does not allow competency to people of color.
Now take the Native people in the white system that retain some type of false power. Most Native people in these positions become the products of the system themselves. They might seem to start out positive and sincere, but than over time, they Lie, cheat, steal and hide behind their false front they call a "positive decision making council" or something to that manner. What begins to happened is the transition from a positive-good-doing person to a money-materialistic loving creature. In all retrospect, the Native people, sometimes with the guide of the white people-become the true-unique-dominating-spit-in-your-face-oppressors. The Native oppressors than-turn in towards the naturally positive charged people and elders. The oppressors cannot stab or slice at the white system , because they are the predecessors of their new- whitely-adopted control mechanisms. The Native oppressors do not want to be looked upon as a piece of the white system by the Native community so than, they become politicians within the system. This system that exists today in all of it's complex functions is one of many that are designed by the federal legislation of the Indian Reorganization Act.
I have fought for elders and the youth. I have witnessed many atrocities withinn the tribal-federal-state-county mechanism.
TO Be Continued........................................
Since time millennia, elders have always governed their communities. Elders were the police of their community. Many elders across the Americas have forgotten their traditional use of tribals Chiefs and boss women.This blog will relate past, present and continuing information of Aboriginal epistemology, thoughts, and concerns of North and South America.......eventually
Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009

A greeting of " what Indian is about"
I just recently heard a linguistic person say that " having an Indian car does not really define what Indian really means. There is nothing wrong with having nice and new things such as a car, house and personal items."
Excuse me?! So, I guess we are suppose to take this persons opinion as a word of bond. Does any one not realize that America and Native America have defined to the rest of the world what greed personifies. So, what this individual critic wants me to do is pay more for societal consumer products. First of all, American schools systems, along with Native American school systems are vital organs in the same monster, which teach children to be dependent-good-little--behaving-consumers. I attended the National Congress of American Indians a few years ago and I was freakin appalled. Not once did I hear an elder or a Native get up and address the principals of modern day education and how these guiding principals are destroying are children belief system. Nor, did I hear anyone express the real issues facing Native Americas; poverty that is a bi-product of mass schooling, ect. Has all Native people forgotten how to say no to the white system? True, we as Native Peolples have no choice but to live within the white system, but we don't have to be dependent on the system from the standpoint of what the greedy politicians and "higher" ranked Native peoples think that we want.In my own opinion, dominant-brainwashed-educated-Materialistic Native people need to blueprint a Utopian society to live in, where they have no dust, garbage or non-greedy foundations. That way, they can have their own made up interpretations of Native languages, procedures and customs.
So, getting back to this linguistics comment about having MORE NICE THINGS.. ...
I really think you need to sit and immerse yourself in nothingness.Nothingness in todays television frame of minds is worthless and non-important. That is why people like your kind think that i am nothing, because i do not share the same ideas and beliefs as your society. People like you, who have only one way of viewing materialistic wealth are really shallow people. If you ever want to get down, humble and Spiritual, I will be the first one to share with you, what your Jesus wants for you.
Until the next time, you stay in that Mcmansion on your horse ranch and sip your starbucks coffee. I am going to work on my car and attend to some nice physical activities that allows me to immerse with my own kids-without a nanny and take my kids to the REz-to see their people............
I just recently heard a linguistic person say that " having an Indian car does not really define what Indian really means. There is nothing wrong with having nice and new things such as a car, house and personal items."
Excuse me?! So, I guess we are suppose to take this persons opinion as a word of bond. Does any one not realize that America and Native America have defined to the rest of the world what greed personifies. So, what this individual critic wants me to do is pay more for societal consumer products. First of all, American schools systems, along with Native American school systems are vital organs in the same monster, which teach children to be dependent-good-little--behaving-consumers. I attended the National Congress of American Indians a few years ago and I was freakin appalled. Not once did I hear an elder or a Native get up and address the principals of modern day education and how these guiding principals are destroying are children belief system. Nor, did I hear anyone express the real issues facing Native Americas; poverty that is a bi-product of mass schooling, ect. Has all Native people forgotten how to say no to the white system? True, we as Native Peolples have no choice but to live within the white system, but we don't have to be dependent on the system from the standpoint of what the greedy politicians and "higher" ranked Native peoples think that we want.In my own opinion, dominant-brainwashed-educated-Materialistic Native people need to blueprint a Utopian society to live in, where they have no dust, garbage or non-greedy foundations. That way, they can have their own made up interpretations of Native languages, procedures and customs.
So, getting back to this linguistics comment about having MORE NICE THINGS.. ...
I really think you need to sit and immerse yourself in nothingness.Nothingness in todays television frame of minds is worthless and non-important. That is why people like your kind think that i am nothing, because i do not share the same ideas and beliefs as your society. People like you, who have only one way of viewing materialistic wealth are really shallow people. If you ever want to get down, humble and Spiritual, I will be the first one to share with you, what your Jesus wants for you.
Until the next time, you stay in that Mcmansion on your horse ranch and sip your starbucks coffee. I am going to work on my car and attend to some nice physical activities that allows me to immerse with my own kids-without a nanny and take my kids to the REz-to see their people............
Thursday, October 1, 2009
All types of business

It is been a great end of summer and beginning of the autumn. I continue to follow my path as a Anishinabeg and continue to see the onslaught of commercialism in everything and everybody.
I must admit, I really have trouble with Anishinabeg peoples and their true motives, when it comes to the language, the culture and how Anishinabeg peoples teach their children to always have the easy way out in life.
I once was drug and alcohol free, my mind was pure and undiluted. I will never be pure in the sense of chemical free but I am pure in my thoughts, mind and soul. Money has not motivated me to go and learn the Anishinabeg language and have a huge house. Money has not contaminated my soul and Spirit receiving being. Money is motivating the Anishinabeg language teachers-period.
What does school teach us to be? For the most part, we are to be docile-time orientated0well disciplined individuals. Doesn't this sound like the old BIA mentality. Civilize or die!
It really shames my soul. Do I work in a factory, in which you call a school? Unfortunately-yes! Am I a hypo crate, yes and no.
Now, TODAY AT THIS TIME I BRING YOU A NEW GEAR TO WRENCH ON..................................................................................................
SLAP. PUNCH. FLIP. The crowd cheers for Ahneen, the black Ivory coast warrior, who might just be related to Barack O bama. "OUCH" Your hurting me, the Michigan kid yelps. As white as a ghost, although the Michigan kid is not ill, his white skin is due to all of the Indian Blood being pounded out of him by the Ivory coast warrior. But than, just at the right moment the Michigan kid goes into a vision state-he starts to hear his heart beat, than his opponents heart beat- as he gains his consciousness he lastly starts to hear the the tune of Rocky Balboa " The eye of the tiger."
Part 1/10
SLAP. PUNCH. FLIP. The crowd cheers for Ahneen, the black Ivory coast warrior, who might just be related to Barack O bama. "OUCH" Your hurting me, the Michigan kid yelps. As white as a ghost, although the Michigan kid is not ill, his white skin is due to all of the Indian Blood being pounded out of him by the Ivory coast warrior. But than, just at the right moment the Michigan kid goes into a vision state-he starts to hear his heart beat, than his opponents heart beat- as he gains his consciousness he lastly starts to hear the the tune of Rocky Balboa " The eye of the tiger."
Part 1/10
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