In the past few months, I have witnessed many deaths, a brush with death myself and countless adventures that would make the average man buckle, crack and perish in their professional careers. I am not implying that I possess god like powers, but I can say that I know what Faith is- in it's dynamic form and what it can do to modern day problems and people who in general, are our problems. Modern day science always tells us about " opposites attract." However, this is true on may levels even in faiths all over the world. I have witnessed bad Carma, medicine, and bad vibes-all because I choose to have positive energy-people and lessons in my life. I guess i understand a little more about negative people-who tend to be evil in their thoughts and actions. It seems as if the world moves and takes care of these negative people. Well, i use to think that, but now, as i write, i am seeking my answer. Believe me, i would love to be negative and continue to live the lifestyle as "crab in the bucket." But, it is not my path and neither is negative behavior and mentality. Do I acknowledge the negative energies in my life-YES! If there is negative people-energies- and we cross paths, best believe I will acknowledge and fight you IF i have to.
Now, moving on to the positive regard and contentment in my life. My family, my children, grand-children-Yes- I said that. They are with me.
This PIC i am posting is a new friend of the family and to all First nations peoples. The PIC is of myself and Brian. Brian is from Massachusetts. He has been riding his bike for two weeks straight and is continuing his journey to Seattle than on to CALI FOR N-I-A!!!!!!!
In all actuality, I was running a small errand for Ni-nitaw wis Reggie Garbow. Reggis is both me and my wife's relative. But, me and my wife are not related- not yet!!!!JK, Native humor there. Anyhow, rather than just run to the Grand market, where all grocier items are outrageously priced( Have to feed that corporation of the Mille Lacs Band). I decided to head to the Mille LAcs marathon convenience store. I than could pick and price line the items that Reggie needed and I could pick up a white mans/black mans fishing fishing license. I say a black mans license because the white house is not ran by just white people anymore. Now it includes a black man. My Great Black father----------DARTH VADER----------------------------------
No, just kidding. As I entered the store, I could not help notice this peculiar looking dude. I could tell he was biking. He appeared not quite professional, but yet I noticed he had heart and showed that he was a truly free man. His Spirit was un-tainted by the restraints of modern day education and everything the education/Wiindigo Spirit touched. From the shoes that we ware, to the toothpaste that we shove in our mouths to the languages that we speak, modern day education has tainted and continues to dominate our lives. This dude that I was meeting for the first time, was just like me and was a white version of myself!!!!! Nerdy-homely and god-damn smelly!!!!! Just teasing. But, when i approached him, I was like "man where you from?" From Massachusetts- he replied. " Okay- where are you going?" " The pacific- Brian replied. So, now at this point in time, i was thinking-----PACIFIC- PACIFIC WHAT? ISLANDS- FIGI- GUAM-OCEAN---WHAT??????????
To BE CONTINUED............................................................................................
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