I have wanted a post an article or two, however the lack of time and life's unnecessary crap just keep obstacalizing me.
Anyhow, I am currently following a few blogs. I was surfing other blogs and i found a few that might be interesting. However, one of the blogs owners, already has some beef. What can you do?
In the past few months, i blogged about the arsenic water in the community where i live. I talked about and put some hypothetical ideas out there. Most of the ideas, were with regards to the empowerment of first nation elders. Upon further questions and research digging( asked farmers, community members,etc.) i was amazed to find out that arsenic was a huge byproduct of the farming industry. It makes me wonder how much of the chemical trails have entered into our bloodstreams as humans, not to forget the animals and insect worlds.
When first found this pic. i started to remember a video I had watched. To the life of me I cannot remember the videos title. What i do recall is dialogue around the Black Mesa Verde. The video was a documentary type of video. It was a partial interview with a late medicine man. His name was Thomas Banyacka. I had a chance in my life to meet this fine man. I met him at the parliament of world religions, it was hosted in Chicago, Illinois. What I remember about this elderly man was the material wrapped around his head and how soft spoken he was.
In this documentary, I remember him talking of all the American corporations that stripped Black Mesa. It was no different with us Northern Natives, with our copper and iron ore mines. I recently have come across some materials with references in regards to corporations enacting international laws to eventually own all of the American great lakes. To be Continued........
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