I am both an advocate and messenger for the youth and the elders. The elders who are presently walking with our youth, I would like to say are the last trail ends of true energies; wisdom, compassion, humility, love and devotion.All the energies that are needed to seek true Anishinabeg bimadiziwin.
The youth that we are blessed with upon the earth are constantly being assaulted with the most sophisticated form of communications westerners have conjured up. What do i mean? Take a look at our life's as Aboriginal people. Do you ever stop to imagine where you are in the mix of the Aboriginal and western-linear worlds? When an unknown elder stops to admire and observe your actions, what will this elder walk away with? When a youth of today walks past you on the street, at a powwow or in the classroom, what type of energy are you going to allow them to see? What energy is a Youth of today going to witness about you and throw back at you, when they do not feel as if you are being "straight" up with them?
As an Aboriginal man of this world, I see many things that our elders have been forced to live with and be "pacified" with. Do we blame our elders for witnessing our babies to leave our homes on a daily basis to go and become one with the educational monster? Do we continue to allow our babies to be poisoned by "immunizations" in which does more harm to them,rather than benefit them? As this child grows, do we shelter them from life's daily assault of lies, betrayals and deceits all which are geared to have them not think of their aboriginal cultures and values? Do we continue to only listen to elders who have found their voices? Do we walk past the elders who have never found their true voices and fail to see them as if they do not exist? I am sometimes guilty of this- not because I deliberately take this action, but because time and the natural laws of the earth-do not allow me to be on every part of Turtle Island.
I wish I had all the answers. I wish that all of our elders and youth of today had the same choices. What if we had our Anishinabeg languages intact and many cultural norms that go hand in hand with the language? Would we continue to allow the linear-western world to possess our beings with inanimate wants, desires and energies?Dangerous energies and wants on many precious levels-that never get the chance of being dealt with, because, oh, hey-wait a minute-I have a call coming on my cell phone or I can't deal with all this crap-I need a mood relaxer!
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