I finally have some good discussion with one of my close relatives. Mad did they ever fill my soul with some important information.
I have stayed away from my community for a lot of legitimate reasons. My community has been ransacked, pillaged and desecrated by people who call themselves Midewijig or of the faith of Midewiwin.
I strive for harmony and balance. People who think they know all about Midewiwin or who display this attitude, should not be trusted. When you have a European attitude( do as i say-not as i do-) and you have European blood and you have Indigenous blood, there is already conflict on many levels. Do you satisfy your European blood line and not give a hoot about anyone or do you follow your Anishinabe blood line and love everything and everybody?
People will always criticize me and what unique styles i bring to the ever sophisticated changing Colosseum. A Colosseum in which many battles will be fought, by me for the poor against the people who have had everything their whole lives. I represent the poor because they are always the majority. Besides who wants to be poor, not one of a European bloodline, Christ, they conquered and manipulated the Aboriginals of the worlds, so they could acquire their taste for brand new BMW'S-Houses, Lexus es, land Acquisition and use their education to snub out the opinions of the poor and "uneducated.""
I see a tremendous amount of opposition to my Anishinabeg people, who call themselves Midewijig.
Midewiwin was not for everyone who brought thier tobacco to the old people. There was a lot of policing involved with people in regards to thier mind frame and how this frame of mind was delicate to the " true nature of Midewiwin."
Now, we have white people-100% European people being put through our Midewiwn, this is something i cannot allow to happen. I cannot allow myself to be a part of a prophecy no one gives a damn about. When you are white, and you have pitty for your white blood line, than " hey come into our ceremony--besides no one will oppose us ,We know everything about Midewiwin."
This is where the masses start to turn on me, because I speak my mind, if there is opposition and this opposition and Elite form of mentality need to be addressed, than i will cfonfron anyone and everyone connected to hte BEAST.
Now, if you are going to write a book and you want your book to flourish in all the wordly markets, you better go through the Midewiwin. If you are going to be a professor of some sort and you need to get that extra edge, you better go through Midewiwin.
If you are a White man and or woman, with out health insurance, you need MideWiwin. Because when it is all said and done, everyone is going to talk shit behind your back. Most Midewijig will not be there for you when you confront the beast and it's second, third and fourth heads. They will do what they are geared to do, LOOK THE OTHER WAY AND ACT LIKE THEY DON'T SEE A DAMN THING WRONG.
Everyone wants to be part of the winners club, nobody wants to be labeled a LOSER, FULL OF SHIT, A THIEF, JEALOUS, CRAZY.
If you want to say things to me, come to my community and talk to me face to face. Those who are out there and don't like me, well, we all know who you are.
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