I have had the opportunity to receive a real old blanket. It was gifted to me by a good friend from the Chicago area. It is an old trade blanket. His mother paid 1,000 dollars for the blanket at an antique auction show.
I was thinking of having an edge at my Midewiwin ceremony, I mean imagine that, giving away a 100+ year old blanket. But, I don't need an edge, I have time on my side. Most people will not admit that they all like an advantage, over their enemy's. I however have produced many enemies the past few years. And most of these people who are my enemies, are all members of the Midewiwin. Damn, might as well be a Christan with some of my other Mide' relatives. Because if I make a mistake, or if I choose not to live to the principals of the Midewiwn knowledge, at least I will think that I have Jesus to save me. .............HMMMM
Anyhow, before I received this great gift, I started to wonder about it's authenticity, where it came from, what tribe was involved with it's agreements,etc,etc.
As, my friend started to hint around that he was going to gift me the blanket, I couldn't help but wonder about the original owners. However, you see, I am a Mide person with a conscious. Call me what ever you need to , but I think deeply, but before I think, I get the advice from the elders that are left. Geno Bearhart, Gearge Auginaush, Jerry Smith, Arnie Ogema, John Mitchell, Panji Gahbow, Tom Stillday, Reggie Garbow, Charlie roach, Bennie Rodgers, Mobin Merrill, Francis Songetay, ect, etc. Now if you personally phone anyone of these elders, which whom some are from the ST. CROIX RESERVATION, they will tell you how respectful I really am. They will tell you many things about me, and they will tell you how sincere I am to their spiritual legacy's and concerns. I have never used elders, for the personal gain of " looking like a good old guy." I have always kept elders close to me, to yell at me, to correct my thinking and yes, to GET TO KNOW. As I spoke to a few elders about the blanket, they told me to " sell it- to put it up on e-bay." Of course they were all joking, but they told me to follow my heart and do what I needed to do with the blanket.
So, I shared the blanket with what elders I could and I still couldn't help but wonder......about a presidential medallion.
My dad has a family member who has one of these coins. It is a Chief-Presidential medallion/coin. I have been wondering where that coin was at, it sure was not with the Chief of the St. croix band. This coin was kept under a secret-kinda oath. Some people decide that when the last hereditary chief passed away, that they needed to posses this coin. Maybe they think that the medallion posses some king of holy power that will be passed on to the next of kin, but we all know, that , spiritual knowledge does not work like this.
Presidential coins were actually given to certain bands and old Chiefs of many different tribes. In lack of time and space, let's just say for now, that these old Medallion/Coins were given to Chiefs for piece opportunity's and recognition.
Now, it seems like- if you are certain type of Midewiwin person and you do not have vast amounts of elders guiding you about your Midewiwin conscious- YOU CAN DO WHAT YOU DAMN WELL PLEASE-BECAUSE HEY-YOU DON'T NEED OTHER USELESS ELDERS TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. BESIDES, THIS IS THE 21ST CENTURY AND MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS.
Point is, I have been gifted something pretty cool. As Geno Bearhart once told me " the Spirits are bringing things to you way before hand-you just have to be patient and figure out why they are bringing you the sacred items."
I think I will go and see that blanket now and hope that their is no small pox within it's warmth.