Damn. What have I done? Did I tell some truth that everyone hates to admit? Shit. Well, as long as the attention is on me, why don't I sell some real propoganda.....Does the state of Georgia sound familiar?
Anyone who does not talk about the world and it's diverse economies might as well - go buy some Starbucks, listen to CNN and keep role playing midewiwin and continue to suck up to the " good old boys."
Well, if anyone does not think that the great USA, the country that has historically fed the American economy lie after lie, is not involved in the State of Georgias affairs and demise. You need to not read anymore, keep living in your little world.
I have met many different people in my life and oddly enough, I have met a man that (says) he use to be a military covert operative. I think he still is active. I act like I cannot read his Soul and actions. However, when I had asked him about what his military experience was, he would not respond and yet, he was serious, firm and told me is his own way " not to go there."
So, when I had asked him about Russia and it's so called attack on Georgia, he responded " its like you Indians and the government- your people use to stand up and fight for their sovereignty- now they coward at the first sight of confrontation." HMM does this sound familiar---CONFRONTATION???????
He went on to also relate first hand that it is never the way you hear it from the mainstream press. He said that Georgia is merely defending it self and it's sovereignty. He went on to say that Georgia was sick of getting pushed around (NO-----who would push their ideal beliefs on a group of sovereign people?) and had to defend themselves.
Anyone getting sick of war? Anyone with me, to defend our communities from forces that impose elite thoughts, beliefs and propoganda?
1 comment:
I have known for several years now that what happens and what you are told through the main stream media are not the same. We are fed exactly what the government wants us to hear and see. There have been several times that I personally have been involved with this, that, or the other and when it is seen on the news out right lies or at least only half truths are being told and the important half of the truth just isn’t reported.
There have been several times I have wished there was a community with renewable resources like solar and wind energy and geothermal heat and enough land to support its self, with no TV, and no radio but some of the modern amenities like running water, refrigeration, and lights. A place where a family could live together with others and rely only on each other. Just go back to the way things were 600 years ago but with the few modern amenities I mentioned. Kind of like an Amish community but for shinabs. How great would it be to be able to drop completely off the grid and only go to town if you want to or once a year for bulk supplies and only speak english when you are in town. But it would end up like everything else in this f*cked up world. Some white guy would see what we had and want it and if we didn’t give it to him, well he would just end up taking it.......again.
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