It seems pretty ironic that a path is being created to the likes of Gary Webb...and I see myself walking on this path of ; ambush, disarray, dishonesty and disloyalty, all of them at it's finest, yet most concealable form of " being with the terrorists or against us."
I will write more on that topic later, Check out the website
If there is information about people that needs to be addressed, so let it be. Elders who are respected, wise and capable of still seeing the real "truths" will be heard.
Since time millennia, elders have always governed their communities. Elders were the police of their community. Many elders across the Americas have forgotten their traditional use of tribals Chiefs and boss women.This blog will relate past, present and continuing information of Aboriginal epistemology, thoughts, and concerns of North and South America.......eventually
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Well, long story short, Nile was politically and from a career standpoint, assassinated - point blank range.
I have not ever heard from him ever again.
Well, It's like this; Nile, had a past. I never knew about his past and well, one day some young person comes out of the woodwork and says he has " dirt" on Nile.
Some people caught wind of this information and played with good ole Nile. Nile did not see what was coming at him, he was blackmailed, used until he could not offer anymore and finally was confronted about his past.
Good ole Nile fell like a domino. Nile, unlike most people did not recover his stance and disappeared from the mainstream, he was mamed.
I tried to warn Nile, but he was to busy with his work and life. I understand now.
The past is the past and yet we can learn from it and we can choose to ignore it. People have chosen to bring up my past, this I can not avoid. However, unlike Nile, I will not go down like a domino, I will choose to prevail and get stronger each new day. I might be full of human defication, but I do not sway from confrontation. When our elders are disrespected, people need to know and rise up against forces that be. I could sit around and think that know one likes me, get all depressed and lie down like Nile. Well, people know me better than that. If there are truths that need to be told, I will be one of many Anishinabeg that will tell these stories. Now in our age of so called technology, we as Anishinabeg can write our experiences, express our ideas, thoughts and self wisdom into a cyber that meshes into one super computer.......A QUANTUM COMPUTER.........................................................................................................
Many people have dirt on me. Good for them. Unfortunatly, Nile had some real black dirt. There is much more to the story- does anyone have time?

Damn. What have I done? Did I tell some truth that everyone hates to admit? Shit. Well, as long as the attention is on me, why don't I sell some real propoganda.....Does the state of Georgia sound familiar?
Anyone who does not talk about the world and it's diverse economies might as well - go buy some Starbucks, listen to CNN and keep role playing midewiwin and continue to suck up to the " good old boys."
Well, if anyone does not think that the great USA, the country that has historically fed the American economy lie after lie, is not involved in the State of Georgias affairs and demise. You need to not read anymore, keep living in your little world.
I have met many different people in my life and oddly enough, I have met a man that (says) he use to be a military covert operative. I think he still is active. I act like I cannot read his Soul and actions. However, when I had asked him about what his military experience was, he would not respond and yet, he was serious, firm and told me is his own way " not to go there."
So, when I had asked him about Russia and it's so called attack on Georgia, he responded " its like you Indians and the government- your people use to stand up and fight for their sovereignty- now they coward at the first sight of confrontation." HMM does this sound familiar---CONFRONTATION???????
He went on to also relate first hand that it is never the way you hear it from the mainstream press. He said that Georgia is merely defending it self and it's sovereignty. He went on to say that Georgia was sick of getting pushed around (NO-----who would push their ideal beliefs on a group of sovereign people?) and had to defend themselves.
Anyone getting sick of war? Anyone with me, to defend our communities from forces that impose elite thoughts, beliefs and propoganda?

Some time ago, my mother asked me to take my given birth name, before my original father had changed it. " Jason lee wadena." Yeah, it sounds good to me and always has. There are many wadena families- from Millelacs to WhiteEarth to Buffalo Bay. On the resevation of Mille Lacs, there was a time when there were 13 brothers and one sister who lived in the Mille Lacs area. For some of you who might not know, a Wadena in Anishinabe language means " captured sioux or Lakota."
Eventually, 7 out of the 13 brothers left the Mille Lacs area and left for White Earth. The Wadena's who had inhabited the Buffalo bay area, were about 5 families. I do not know how many members there are left in the Buffalo Bay area. One thing "cool" about the original Wadena, was that he could speak both Anishinabe and Lakota. Imagine having this gift in the time of war? How did he feel towards having Lakota blood and yet, having Anishinabeg family, friends and children. How strong did original Wadena have to be against himself. Wadena could easily sneak to enemy Lakota-Dakota war parties, be spotted and play it off as a captured relative or friend. He than could witness what Anishinabeg Villages and bands were going to be attacked and who would be counted as " coup."
Later on the Great Anishinabeg Chief Wadena, always had his Anishinabeg people in mind. He always wanted the best for his bands and people. Many Anishinabeg, never understood his ideas and concerns for his people. Yet, it never distracted his decisions and personal feelings when it came to making wise decisions and yes, mistakes as well.
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