Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Arsenic in the Water

Can anyone or does anyone want to believe that the Federal government cares about it's citizens, let alone the first nations people who inhabit it's state boundaries?
We or I have just found out recently that there are traces of arsenic in the small community of Inger's water supply.
I will digest that thought more later.

Now, I ask the people out there in the larger world and First Nations, how come our Elders are not as they once were? How come the modern day education system has run them over and laughed at our Elders, all in plain sight?
Why have we allowed our elders to be silenced? Why do we teach our children that school is more important than an Elder?
Why has not our Elders of Inger and the surrounding community's BANDED together and discussed, meditated and prayed on this important matter??........Arsenic?
How can we call our selves by Tribal affiliation, if we do not empower, utilize and help resurrect our Elders words of guidance and wisdom?

Who are the hypocrites out there?

I know I am not a hypocrite, are you?

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