It seems as if the tribal worlds of our Native peoples is in need of a huge fix and repair. First of all, how many Parents and Grand Parents continue to believe in the modern state of medicine. I have many friends and family members that continue to deny traditional healing and ceremonies. Most of our First Nations peoples want to unite with their traditional ceremonies and customs, but what i have encountered and witnessed is many attributes of decision making that never fully allow individuals to have or possess a "true" connection to the Spiritual world. Our lives that we are forced to live in the states is a sham and hoax. Many First Nations peoples are left behind when it comes to the true healing of our Spiritual side of life.
For example, Let's take the people coming out of the prison system. Things we should be asking our selves about our past incarcerated peoples is;
1.) Who are these individuals
2.) What are their experiences in life
3.) Do these individuals think of themselves as "Spiritual"
And, so on and so on......
The current state of laws that most First Nations Peoples have adopted from Euro-America needs to be addressed and acknowledged. Euro-America has dominated and trampled First Nations Peoples rights throughout the globe.
How about traditional societies that govern the Spiritual teachings of the peoples. These societies, if ever brought back , need to be composed of "true-Spiritual" peoples. Learning the sacred languages and customs of a traditional society does not make a true spiritual society. It only keeps a huge void in the common peoples daily lives and struggles. There needs to be individuals that can process the true Spiritual gifts of the Creator which in return will allow these gifts to be explained and foretold to the common people.This will in return,will unite and strengthen true sharing and Spirtual growth of both parties.Most common people are so inundated with stress, crappy food and huge imbalances that to "feel" where their Spiritual knowledge can be applied in Euro-America is to alien for them.. There needs to be apprenticeships that allow all individuals of First Nations to come together and truly share their gifts of the creator. Let's pool all of our resources and money together, oh wait, i must be foolish and absent minded to be thinking that way. See what i mean, there is always going to be selfish people who only want for themselves ant their families.
What about putting our feet down. I mean, like telling Obama administration that we want new and sustainable relationships with their Government. Let's have a traditonal war. Put the the armed forces down and let's battle hand to hand or dance to dance. Before we can do this, we need to put our feet down to all these poor individuals who are ruing our First Nations. Let's rent space from the Red Lake Nation, i mean, Jail space, and start traditionalizing so called "modern day traditionalists. Let's have our Childrens voices and ideas be made to be laws and guiding instruments. But than agoin, they are children and they do not have the capabilites to "lead" the people. See what i mean, we have listened to Euro-america values for so long, that there are individuals that actually believe that crap.
Later, maybe some day...............................................................................................Jason lee