Let's all face the hypocrisy that is plaguing the Native lands across Turtle Island.
First of all, if you speak the truth, and there is mass amounts of truth telling to be told and related in that matter, you will find out the hard way, that, you-will be put in your place.
I have, but I can not and will not be a puppet to anyone who does not hold true legitimate wisdom, knowledge and balance.
I am now free. Free from an environment that lies, lies, LIES to our young Native Aboriginal children. Native peoples across the continent have governments that basically do what they want to their citizens. There is not enough Natives out in the world that have the bravery and wisdom to keep battling the rest of the savages. What i mean, is that both, whites and Aboriginals will do what they need to, to keep the people who speak the truth, out of their way. And if you hold some type of Aboriginal knowledge that threatens the existence of the Machines( Governments-education-Health-Military) than, you will find that you are very alone. Most Aboriginal people have laid down and allow them selves to be oppressed. When they feel a conflict arise, they will talk the talk of what they feel is oppressing them and that will be it. Take my medicine for example:
I could have just shut my mouth at my last job and did what i was told. If i allowed my self to just be quiet and do my task the white system needed me to do, I would than find myself a good little soldier, killing some Iraqis. This would than make me a veteran. Time has yet to reveal the truths that are to come out in this fascist world that we live in. Now, let me think of my grand kids, the elders who have given me my train of thought and let me continue to have the strength to expose the systems people of this world. For now, i will lick my wounds and continue on forward. Kinda like my buddy who is riding across the United states. Now this is freedom. Unfortunately, he wants to get back in to the military. Good for him, that is what he chooses.
Getting back to the case. I have offended many people in many different areas of culture, language and been lead to expose the functioning of the systems society. I do not do this to make myself think that I am better or that my way is the right way of thinking. I do it because the system that we live in contaminates our children and their children. In my little world we have ceremonial drums, the Midewiwin, and our Native languages. But the hard truths about these things is that they have been so contaminated by greed, power and fascist thinking-that-many so called "Spiritual" people in these positions are really disrupting the natural balance of our turtle Island.
I am a traditional thinker, i cannot say that i am a 100% traditional person, because Aboriginal peoples live in a time that does not allow full functioning of traditional beliefs, attitudes and healthy lifestyles. There is WAY to much poison and "devils" out there, to get somewhere positive with all of these great, Spirit numbing entities.
We have many false prophets out there in the world. I am a person who has no choice to expose these peoples and their foolish ways. A principal, an administrator of any type of system, an alcoholic or pill head that attends a ceremony are all false prophets. The principal or admin. will balance the sheets or lie through their teeth to get the results that they have been geared to attain. This means myself, if I do not think like their system or if I allow my unconscious mind to bring up the hidden truths of their systems, than I am ridiculed and "set as an example." Fine. Fine. I have been down this path many times in my 35 years of existence on this earth. I have been labeled and called everything demeaning on this earth. I have caused people, who thought they were real people, even close friends, to turn on me. When I share the real hidden truths of what real Spiritual knowledge must attain from a person, than I am once again called "crazy and uneducated."I have always fought for, I guess, the people who have never had a voice and who are trained to not have a voice. I mean, come on.Let's face the real truth, there is no freedom of speech in the school systems, tribal or not.
What we need is a new start. We need a new way of doing business and handling the in formations systems that rule the tribal worlds. The ideas and principals that have governed this country from the beginning need to be thrown off Turtle Island. Look at President Obama, he cannot get his health care form passed into existence. Why? The President does not want to think as one, with the system that has been in place. So, he finds himself in a tug-o-war battle with the class system in place. I know his frustrations and his desire to lead America to a new frontier. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.