Thursday, March 20, 2008

Compartmentilization of Aboriginal Ceremonies...Part 1

Today I am working in a new place of excitement, location and expectations in regards to professional services and services to clientele.
Upon talking with some individuals, I can't help but think of some so called professionals that I work with in a Spiritual environment and how some of these people are wolves in sheep's clothing. These individuals are out to make a buck, put lesser class people in their place and come off to communities that- they love, respect and have deep, true, authentic compassion for all classes of Aboriginal populations.
I hate to be the first person to not only look past these so called professionals and say that, they(professionals) are formatted from deep within the (monster)education system to bring self contained communities,thoughts, ideas and agendas which come in the many forms of denial, deceit and lies. Mind you that this is done right in the open. These professionals have to be more than just convincing to the main community, they have to be mind magicians and make thoughts and ideas appear that, the whole community loves and respects them(because,hey they are professionals). How, you might ask can this happen? Why would commuties allow this to happen? Don't these communities care?
To be honest, communities want to care and at the same time they don't have the tools to fight for the principals of caring. Which these professionals use to their advantage and discretion.So, when a person like me arrives on to their stomping ground, they know how to manipulate the micro-community to make sure that someone of my caliber does not stand a chance against their mind control and tactics. If you know anything about the Roman principal of divide and conquer, you will than know how in micro communities these professionals make their living and killing.
I stand out amongst these professionals in numerous ways. I do not dress like them, I do not think like them, I do not pray like these professionals. I do not allow my professional thinking and frame of mind rule my being and frame of mind. I am a people person. I allow everyone in my immediate circle to feel very important, content and whole-no matter who it is I encounter. Unlike some of the professionals I have to deal with, they have a tendency to "have" to know everything about everything and let people know that they are the experts in everything, just because they attended some elite post secondary academic INSTITUTE.
Yes, academics can be good, but only for the little school children that were reared into following the teacher everywhere, asking all the "right" questions and staying after to study with the teacher. To make it worse, these individuals probably learned at a very young age to put " people in their place"-who did not think or act like them.Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the educational field, because I am currently in a post-secondary school, but I was advised by a few authentic elders never to let modern day school ruin my frame of mind and never let it become my way of thinking. This was told to me when I was very young, I never knew how powerful those words would be one day and how that information was formatting my soul, life and self-respect for the larger, more whole some things in life.
Education has compartmentalized everything in our daily lives. It has even entered our ceremonies and grown to be a nuisance and a threat in which few people know know how to fully understand and deal with.HMM. Jay

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Old White Bird Part 1

I am currently working to acquire my Minnesota state alcohol and drug license. I am in my first half of practicum hours. I have to acquire a total of 880 hours of infield service and professional training. At the same time I am taking a couple of college classes in regards to my professional training(JOKES).
Upon one of my professional observations and experiences, i witnessed ignorance, compliance and brain-washing. And this came in the form of an elderly person I will call " The bird ".
Upon being a visitor in a rural Aboriginal community, i was treated very well and fed a nice hot meal. One of the most important attributes and factors was being in the presence of elderly Aboriginal men and women.
This experience brought back many memories of a better time in my life. It was the memories of my community; Round Lake, WI. As i was sitting and eating my chicken a la king lunch, I could not help but remember sitting back home in my little village at the elderly nutrition center(professional name). What i was remembering were the sewing machines, the blocks of patterns, the commotion of laughter and visiting, the genuine flavor of the last bits of community excitement and realism.
Now, my community is compromised version of a small rural city. Most of the youth have no sense of identity and Spiritual knowledge, but if you ask them what the latest techno. gadget is, they will be gladly to show and tell. Most of the young adults are too busy raising families, trying to keep up with society's demands. So, to ask them to take time out of their weekend to participate in a Drum ceremony or something of equal importance, is too sacrificial and "boring". The middle age adults are like grown teen age rs, trying to continue to fit in and just exist from day to day. The elders that are left in my community are rare. My elders are not valued as they once were. Now, the elders are used and abused by modern day educational guru's. The elders that are left, come out of a time that did not give a damn about Aboriginal rights and a time where being Indian or any other ethnic group was embarrassing and less human. Those elders that prevailed unscathed through the hard times are few. The elders that were not so lucky are trying to make sense of their wisdom they possess. Their wisdom does not make sense in the White world, the world they mostly choose to live in.

Monday, March 17, 2008

C.S.I.- Concerned Saros Investigation

How many of us out there have individual clues to our own personal investigations? If you have ever been likened by a show such as C.S.I or any other type of investigative entertainment, than you should know by now, that it takes much time, lots of patience and an attitude that must always stay positive, even if that means the script calls for your best friend to be hospitalized. You have to stay focused, on what is right and what clues you need to sift through in order to get the results that you need.
As we all do our own personal imploring about life and what it means, most of our populations want to hire someone to attend to all the investigative work in regards to our life. When the investigation is complete, we want to " hear " the answers but only the answers that pertain to our life styles and our frame of mind. If we hear info. that does not pertain to our present form of identity, than we make excuses for ourselves and loved ones, just to justify what we already know,think and act.
As to the cases of " drugged up drinking water" or the " merger of Chase and Bear Stearns CO." What questions come to mind in regards to " what is really behind the info they are feeding me?"
Like the scene from the wizard of oz, you shouldn't fear the monster because it looks really big, bad and ugly. You should set your fear to the side and have the tenacity, courage and wits to motivate yourself, along with some help to uncover the true identity of the dis-information that is being shoved in front of your face.
Grant it that we all have the capability to shut the television off or encourage our children to shut the WII off, why than, we would have to deal with the fact that there is "nothing to do." Otherwise, we will have to fully engage with our children and think of ways to have fun and stay focused on all of life's problems. Na, that is way too much work with not enough incentives.
Now, when it comes to the time where you have to either draw your weapon or face the certainty of being physically hurt, which one are you going to choose?
If you are not trained in a positive sense, you could lose your whole case and start shooting in no particular direction and lose all hope. However, if you have been nurtured,guided and reared by authentic-real people, than you will wait, be patient and use either tool you need to, at the right time. This will decide your fate for the day; internally suffer or decide that we don't need to suffer.